li wt w ia viai ssfej jiesmj f t7t11 4 economist sun7 stoufiville tribune thursday jan 211999 c courts cfownattdniey may be forced off police shooting case ovehpublicatidri ban request febywckvanderunde t vv staff writer s milligan said the allegation impugns his personal yv- integrity and may force him to be taken off the case as the ffv 0jsrt ivrcrbwnof record t anewfnarketcrown attornejr may beorced off acise v blobmenfelds application also questions why york irnhriftcra rwliro cvirrtincrrnnsr cillonrotirvric wotiioetovtipairirfal pnlir phipf tllliflyl funtinn mpt with milllopri actions h j was sought for the manifest and robert mackinnon he may havejo remove himself from a v i r j i i- bail hearing for ero rorhagnuolpfwhosfamerw political purpose 01 reducing public and killed during ah altercation myordbhamt r scrutiny bf the police on the evehiflg ih question regional police officers on dec 28- r ih an application to uft a bah oh pubkshirigdetailsbf a romagriuolos dec 31 baff hearing defericelawyer jdseph r w document states fantinos presence at the meeting bloomenfeld said milligan didhtseek the bantoerisure questions related to the separation between the romagnuolo received a fairtriai v j c-x- iretigaive and prosecutorial branches of government rathpr iciirililjvlijiiiisrj a- v anhivhpthprkvcnrpkfinrpwasiri fiirrtipr nf nnvlpcritimat dient police on the evening in questioiittfe states faritino told themarkham economiststouffville tribune yesterday he did not ask milligan to request the publication mnpgrwinriing toftcoloun glossyjrajnp gnqullshedjgn once avear vvlvjv jfhelonlytojwnof mafkham official residents guide to p i v lflte delifaeuto every home inmarkharrc unionviltemihikertandm r ltho nhilbj i j 4 wt epresentative to book economist io- t 6402100 j 640r54f5t i- 2942200t 2941538 julian kant1n0 private meeting not in public interest ban it was not unusual for me to meet with a crown attorney at all he said im very disappointed that it would be seen as something sinister fahtino would not say what was discussed at the meeting because it would not be in the public interest i do a lot of things within the func tion of my duties he said but i dont have to explain each and every move i make he declined further comment say- ing the entire issue was a red her ring bloomenfeld appeared in newmarket court yesterday in a bid to ease his clients bail conditions which restrict him to virtual house arrest in his familys sunderland home romagnuolo 20was charged with assaulting a york offi cer during an incident that ended with his 44yearold father tony being shot and killed and his 17yearbld broth er rocco being shot and critically wounded 1 dont have to explain each and every move i make york officers went to the house to arrest romagnuolo after one of the officers was allegedly threatened eight days earlier mackinnon adjourned the bail review hearing after milligan said he wasnt prepared to proceed a new court date is expected to be set today milligan told the court his office will decide whether he will continue to act as crownattorney at the hearing the court must also decide whether that bail hearing will be subject to a publication ban lawyers for the toronto star the toronto sun and cty 7vare applying to have the ban lifted star lawyer paul schabas said thepublication bah on the original bail hearing will be automatically abolished if there is no ban on the bailreview hearing- the entire 180page bail hearing transcript which details events on the night of the shooting would become a public document m h fish market super special many more instore specials fresh salmon trout fillets 599 lb alaskan king crab legs 1499 lb 10 lb si 35011 helen sosi highway 7 store 9 markham fresh halibut steaks 799 lb markville mall hwy7 n s prime mates on term life age 250000 500000 1000000 r- t i9992001b reslients guide i- i y in mct financial estate planning call 800 2621053 huv term inct imesl the rest i tit itf ygji 5h j j i 1 1 j a v