tr- economist sun 7 stouffville tribune thursday jan 21 1999 3 t development fortyfoot lots approved for hoover park drive and jacob way reading buddies tr byjoanransberry staffwrtter sfi e wiu40fobt lotebecome a building standard for development msfdutfyille its a controversy the town has been faced with for years and one which resurfaced at council again tuesday 1- local developer joe lebovic of west hill redevelopment company was successful in his longtime bid to build a subdivi sion in the south east end of town with 40foot frontages but critics say approving the smaller lots sizes will open the flood gates and set a precedent for future developments sixty feet has been the smallest frontage permitted in stouffville for yearsr tkis is almost like a dress rehearsal this 40rfoot lot issue is coming down the road with the big pipe resident steven kerley said lebovic will build 41 single homes including some on 40foot lots with others on larger lots the plan isto extend hoover park drive arid jacob joe lebovic will build 41 singledetached homes way to accommodate the homes- to be built on a six- acre parcel t bungalows are the design of choice because peo ple especially seniprsaredemaiiding them lebovic saidi make less profit ona bungalow jbut people want them jzzgil vv ward 2 councillor ma lots will beconie a habit whichwill eventually erode the standards forvyidep lots across the town as well carroll suggesteddawhouses are being built too close together s but ward 4 councillor cliff dunkeld- disagrees dunkeld said young people who have grown up in stouffville need the starter homes to enable them to live in the community as adults ward 6 councillor sue sherbah requested lebovic to add two trees instead of one to each building lot while lebovic rejected ker suggestion he did agree to puttwotrees council recently allocated 41 units of sewage capacity for themeyelopment which has been on a waiting list for years as well- the application was reviewed by a number of agencies including the toronto arid region conservation authority york region and both local school boards no objections were registered but some area resi- dents wrote letters regarding the lot sizes services from page 1 clublinkhas just submitted an application for amendments to the official plan and to the york regional plan to facilitate the development as well a full secondaryplari for gormley is rec- ommended by town staff the new community hinges on full municipal services including an extension of the yorkdurham septic servicing system to sthe l gormleyareav- t the proposed tennis cfacility ongoing air canada centre includes a main stadium court moffattsaid seating 12500 people jv two the new community will comj other courts will seat about 5000 plirhenttwo existing18hole rgolfr if all goes as planned tennis coursesrolling hills andgomiley canada will host majoricompeti- v jwayne emmerson j crime tions including the canadian said yv 7 7 vj open whichis one of superb- lasweuthetennisciiculd events of the apt tour i mean the tovyn j 1 super 9 tennis competitions are cpmmunityjvfori the isummer v ribwheld in paris or monacbotmfdlympicsriiwelconie teamyii england at wimbeldbn lvfoffattsea pointed out that the canadian well kn6wbymisfauifweie to fiejiv open is a 10day event its not anv jpartof the olympics he said r j v7ic iyr staff photosjoerd witteveen summitview public school grade 7 student lindsay anderson 12 reads with brett neil 7 grade 2 in a readathon held at the school vlastfriday gnm y r from page 1 orswantto h b h a y yffifvr f-yy- fruridowriby a van whose driver committee in favor of the gtsb jnfaybvin retros was trying to avoid capture was the monthly gettogethers willv rhouldjustapppint a chairperson vback on ihe job the next day tijuu getmejoddbneandrhbto a r second constable remains tions a year from now he said off duty due to injuries after the leach- who didnt attend the adding he still believes the board cruiser he was driving was v c 7v- meetiriglater saidhell give may- should select its own leader rammedby the van just before he the chairperson occupants vvere arrested fol- thvdugkattme latrrimuter salarvbeanavefaee6fgmmavri s j goinginfothis wima iotlof but hejsuggested the uhknowhs x j t outrages just aploy to by christopher douris he landed on hisback got up y vstaffwrtter r away andtook off after ayork regional police officer them inspgprdmarshall said according- to sgt john sheldona citizen alerted police 1 rrieetirig me sheraton parkway mayors said i suspend friday 4 a month y around 1130 pm about a possible breakintacastieridgeverive home inthefiayyiew avenue and hvekplainclothes pfficers in the earespondedto i the call and spottedaivan where s the breakin occurred v eagari was forie of those ponding to a call for jbackup7 he hadtnevan boxed in as if was for a fed lightaf bayview biriggs avenues j u uniformed officer taylor of v 7 tal tbbvatedfforirijuries i approached the van driver accel- black 6f king township arid jim east gjvillimburyj for while rob grossi saidhes leaning v mian- i s i officers whb saweagan hitby- offboth occupants of the yan the van vaidthofficery- rt a v between 10 and 15 feetiri p