j m amessag- to our stoiiffyillehospitaljcricellecl nourgehtvand nonemergent elective surgeries outpatient clinics and procedures witii a fewexceptions ion januaryri51999 v v thkcahllatibfliswerersait ovjthe hospitals f plan to ensure sufficient staff werl available to f provide services to ernergency patients aiid i 4- s e0y effort yvixx flkma to reschedule appomvments s quickly a posble greatly appreciate the supptort of the iticmtsafea1thedrii6ellations vroaysweredeemedfsafe for school buses serv- was concerned abouttheir safety onthe snowy irigbdth boards fridayeven thoughtheywere streets are we crazy uphere crossan asked i cancelled thursdayxold temperatures thvusday dont think its safe arid were putting the children meant many buses wouldnt start at risk v v i wnen ofthefleet wouldnt start richmond hids esthermarks who picks her thatrapotentiardelaymgettirig to 6d00 grandchildren up from silver pines public school studentfarid skin was flasli freezing in two min- agreed york region is behind the times they utes that day- said brian jarriieson public rela- have ah antiquated policy- v tidns office for the public board but jafniesori said york region roads were j butbusesran friday even though all of the deemed passable for school buses despite the father- boards irithegreater toronto area closed conditions leftby thursdays storm we check ofieif scfioolsrthavdecisioh angered manypaf weather conditions and jdid our own inspection oeritariteacfiexs whtfeltltheroads were riof in f the roads and toronto was really hit harder jt shape for school bus travel may be sloppy and there may be delays but there theboarsiwaitecuhtlfridaymdrriihg to- was really ho reason to cancel rtesaid decide whether buses would run while other the criteria for cancelling busesrequires that boardsahnouncedcahcellatibns early thursday- r must be25cm deeproags icy andor per- night i t vt k distent 25 degree celsius windchill conditions i cant velieve meyliid this- said unidnvilie- with fll from apnshackleton james r maclean s vlnterini president ceo k jrw ye mathematics mtgxgp scicncef k cp sssitesa wl t tutorial enficbmiiit jrogwnis academy for mathematics science markville shopping- centre c 470 i 1 ikk r v v i a a i- fit itt 10 iv5 s r i personal computers mkmkkmmme0 t a x jfr 15oo44o447z i t tt 9054726633 fax wwapctca web v v 11 w i- add coiiiponciils with sttm purchase only jggij pfflvkorl 1 1 iw 1j v n lojj pep ncnth 4 vvj intelpentium llmffcf v processor 6rffllilw lndudes17j monitor is is iooo qr j ii pti ncrch intel pentium ii l- processor w includes 171 mon 64mb sdram ir32x 64 gb h 64mb sdram 17 32x 64 gbjh 64mb pc100sdram1732xw6b e -tvs- 4ii 1 irime rates i term life za3cxwsiwfarm9 ipcsiimx y64mb sdram skfmt ywgbhanj dnvea jr 4 rer32xrfb5ccdrom l jatixpertagvideovw tr- zoltrlxy90 56k tjci modem 7 creative pci sound x ilii- w microsoft mousef7k 2 usb 1 ir pofts r irmonlrir4vj v v2kready f v ft i 1 1qq hours free inlemftt v a b si r 8 j i fcill 1 r ft j v t4 1 tffclpqiirecradvaritagp canadian built quality jsj- tthc ipc direct satisfaction guarantee i if yonrentf completely mtoficdwfttter j yry i m r poiomaipwerywpufdimclfttsi ipc j jtoll fros nauonwide tech support directninpvrminn it within 30 i3 ycswfiyjji j4vii a tnnth ltvftflr onsite service jikj st- v k i theiatrnod9 hoitbvtotoomqssm ksjssogpl a out ipc ona mim np am m your wxvlo ts f npwtholpkui lyocrn dtftoo sy4rnlhlbmkftuluyoarprmnatyand fegallltclay lawyer peter j lewarne matprnonial personal injury commercial litigation small business law a bankruptcy real estate wills v over 20 years experience v lowratesquality senice 4701highwayno7 atkennecty rd v unionyille bntario l3r 1m7 1 teh 4774381 fax4777601 w 24 jjour availability vs why ff nee jt iibpef vftk call x r murray kideckel trusfeein bankruptcy k personal business bankruplcies personal proposals richmond hiu l90si822436 7 o ilm3 downtown 416j9716396 27ciionsi scarborough 4164914904 v oshawa i 9055761926 4 brampton 9054536881 abarr 705722j6398 1 5 mil initial consultation isl