p 16 weekender november 11 1995 alarms are your 24hradm monitoring service insurance certified add 10 mo to install basic system which includes 6 zone control all exterior doors 2 motion detectors call custom signal 905 8864718 416 3295190 sai spending morning with djs takes toll from page 9 ative juices never stopped flowing as mike and the boys spawned ideas for his regularly interspersed spots but while they turned their off air breaks into a comic cir cus bordering on the irrelevant their professionalism quickly became evident once the microphone was turned on mike would go into his routines then cue the producer on the other side of the glass window with a wave to activate laidlaw driver j education i centre i let us help to reduce your stress plan to attend the laidlaw driver education centre copilot program free seminar this program was specially designed to help you the parents and friends of the new driver deal with the difficult task of helping someone learn to drive the six main points covered are tamng control in an emergency common probfems with new drivers aotaileexplanationofgradualedlicensmg defensivedriving aprevlewofthelaldtawprograrn proper leaching techniques be our guests for an enjoyable and enlightening evening with absolutely no obligation date tuesday november 14 1995 30 heritage rd directly across from markville mall on the east side time 630pm 800pm seats are limited call now to reserve your space 1 8004745332 seasonal comfort the gas fireplace specialists dont let 7725b winter catch ip you cold 5138707 the prearranged sound effect with precision timing and even though mike is the one hired to be funny his ego doesnt dictate that he be the one dishing out all the laughs on or off the air at one point we looked into the studio where he and derringer were waiting out a com mercial break mike was suddenly nowhere in sight it turned out derringer had slaved him with a little perfor mance from his own personal comic arsenal with mike falling to the floor in gales of uncontrollable laughter when the show ended i left sides still sore from laugh ter i got into my car and noted that it was just after 9 am it was time to go to work beachcomber moolc vvs srff mm cedar sk hardcover floor model clearance sale starts nov 41 jt seaway pools sp billards 25 heritage rd markham 2948030 hours monwed 900 to 600 pm thursfri 900 to 800 pm sat 900 to 500 prri win free tickets to the country decorating and collectibles show at markham fairgrounds next weekend just by bringing in two items for the local foodbank you could win big at the upcoming annual show all tribune readers who submit food bank donations will have their names put into a draw for a 75 shopping spree at the show the draw will take place at 5 pm monday sponsored by the tribune