wffibsct3yyyffiflgyjctv render ifled markham ctouffville uxbridge we accept 2944331 fax 2941538 6462874 fax 8624355 vjsajjh 8529741 fax 8524355 toryournveniencei registration rainbow connection childcare nonprofrt non denominational quality childcare introduction to french upgraded playground qualified staff 10 years in operation age 12 12 years located in sl vincent de paul catholic school between mccowan and markham roads south of denison to register 9054723712 piano lessons jj professional instruetipn in my 1 lome beginner to grade 4 contempory k classical theory kxatn irep limited enrollment call debbie hiltz 905 4717607 discover v00a stretch relax energize morning evening classes tuesday thursday starting nov 7th 2 locations in unionville register today 4753742 dog obedience classes cedar grove comm centre 14th ave jt oth line beginning november 1st pet dog control beginner class 6 wks 90 limited to 10 dogs per class experienced instructors preregistration a must to reserve call liz or bruce 28451 1 2 social announcements 615 fifth addition smithgrandparents lorna and ralph aselin are pleased to welcome to their familya beautiful little girl victoria lynn 6 lbs 15 12 bz bom to cindy and david sep tember 28 1995 in peterborough second time grandparents jane and bob smith also of peterbor- oughfqh frank and mardelle baron are thrilled to announce the birth of their little prince spencer alexander joseph born october 7 1995 at 313 pm weighing 8 lbs 3 oz a little brother for courtney and clarissa special thanks to dr gail and the nurses at markham stouffville hospital 675 announceisnts 645 deaths696 145 induslnal 615 mcrobbie kelson james bom october 21 1995 weighing 6 lbs 2 oz at 731 am at markham stouffville hospital delighted parents are glen and mary anne proud grandparents are ed and claudette mcrobbie of huntsville and claire and george kehoe of cape bre ton special thanks to friends family phy siciansnursing staff and god who have contributed to his life in so many ways riddell mike and susan are thrilled to an nounce the birth of their second child julia dawn born sept 18 1995 535 pm weighing 8 lbs 10 oz at markham stouffville hospi tal delighted big sister is lauren and proud grandparents are don dianne zecchino of unionville and heather riddell of newmar ket our special thanks to dr newton and the nursing staff 635 pendrith- elias paul linda pendrith and jerry janet elias are pleased to announce the marriage of their children kimbefley pendrith to steven elias marriage took place on october 21 1995 at twelvemile lake united church the couple will be living in guelph ontario 690 birthdays 1 happy 35th birthday scott alfie love sharon happy 30 birthday andy my special bayee love your wife tamara pamela beach cprf cert reflexologist 6050 con 2 rrf 3 stouffville ontario l4a 7x4 9058526440 9056403898 empowering clients through education body awareness promotion of selfcare i certified refiekolocv therrpeutic touch practitioner therapeutic touch instructor imagery and bodywork chronic prin rno relrhrtioniherrpv lifestyle counselling st thomas the apostle parish markham thanks all organizers workers and patrons who made the bazaar and raffle a great success on saturday october 211995 raffle winners first prize 500 mary liu 8806 second prize 300 barry martin 14918 third prize 200 frank chan 6996 j 680 coming events christmas nov 4 5 10 am 4pm unique gift ideas victorian santas angels decorations woodworkings free draw come broivse 221 regional rd 8 uxbridgc between the 2nd 3rd cone 9058524491 versacare centre bazaar saturday november 4 130 pm4 pm 6824 highway 7 at 9th line handmade crafts folk art baked goods preserves tea room white elphant table raffle proceeds to residents council auxiliary 645 p stafford monuments 318 dundas st e whitby toll free 18004614848 cemetery monuments bronze granite markers cemetery lettering and repairs home appointments available we install at ad cemeteries in the markhamstouffvflteuxbridge areas call for free winter wreath after hoars 9056684460 or 9057219882 24 hour hot line 9055791116 try our prices before you decide gordon roy allan at markham stouff ville hospital on wed nesday october 25 1995 in 56th year roy beloved husband of ann loving father of jennifer shelagh and teresa dear son of hugh and louisa gor don of scarborough funeral service at lo cus hill united church on saturday october 28th at 200 pm cre mation in lieu of flowers a donation in memory of mr gor don to the canadian cancer society or- markham stouffville hospital would be ap preciated 655 in memonams bruce goode oct 28 1994 in loving memory of a dear husband and fa ther we who love you sadly miss you as it dawns another year in our lonely hours of thinking thoughts of you are ever near wife marjorie family williams doug in memory of our dear friend worm taken away oct 30 1993 wed give the stars to see your smile wed give the moon to talk awhile to laugh and joke with you again we often say remember when sadly missed by wizard and his friends at the farm xoxo oss p happiness love wealth call the north american psychic al liance now live 24hrs 18 8399 minute 1-900-870- 2770 ext 726 movie people tor ontos fastest grow ing agency seeks ex tras for film and tv work alltypes no exp req earn s7s15 hr work guaranteed we place people on movie sets every day call susan 416-961- 2226 psychic answers rated 1 in canada anrwers to love money career s299 per minute 18 er pa 19004514055 tarot numerology auras clairvoyance live physics look into your future 18 s399minute 13min min 19008702770 exts726 business personals answering serv ice live or voice mail box from s5month includes private number 416 287- 5295 cqc lost usd found eyeglasses left at stouffville tribune office can 6402100 to claim found brooch hair pin jewelry in east beaver creek park way cinema parking lot approx 2 weeks ago 9052948911 lost large grey male cat with black strips white paws in the sciberras rd7 hwy 7 white rose nursery area 905- 4792950 lost october 16 female golden re triever bloomington york region 30 fami ly pet large re ward for safe return 4166161414 905- 6405023 reward 50 lost dog copper tan white beaglewalker hound name is co coa 2024 inches tall white tip tail and white paws wood- bine highway 7 area family pet missing since may 6 95 call alex 905 470- 9637 evenings or 416 2549989 days stouffviue store front unit 750 sq ft facing ringwood dr open concept fin ished has washroom kitchen area 499 gross plus utilities trans canada realty 9055131236 business opportunities houses for sale woodbine 16th bright 3 bedroom townhouse many up grades parkland 65 rachel cres 179900 brokers i protected 905-887- 9921 open house 25 daily farms for sale rent wanted wanted farm land to rent call 905-473- 9867 wanted two bedroom unfur- l hished housetown- house needed mid november within 30 minutes driving of richmond hill hwy7 leslie 1 year for middle aged couple max 1400 or will house sit furnished home for people away for winter call dick campbell 905-882- 1102 days 905277 5530 nights and wee kends daily cash flow created in your own mlm home based bu- sines full training support info line 1- 8003522850 earn extra money for christmas as a party plan sales rep resentative in your area no experience required for more in formation call jennif er kathleen fashion jewellery 905 858- 5005 extra income stuff ing envelopes free supplies rush self addressed stamped envelope to smd prestige ent po box 64582 4721 hwy7 unionville t3r 0m9 insiders guide gives keys to financial power a book thats going to make lots of people lots of mon ey 9056428010 earn 1500 monthly stuffing envelopes at home start immediate ly send stamped ad dressed envelope to newfleld enterprises 800 steeles ave west suite b10 114 thorn- hill ontl4j7l2 wedding invitations imported from italy silk parchment paper 125 per set call joe at 4163784521 905- 4722555 150 business space wrianiiwijmjfc ft w tim i n i hih i ii ii i hifwuwi office space approximately 600 sqft ground floor space available at shell self- serve and car wash kennedy rd s of hwy7 sitecurrently has very active retail customer base which should be a traffic builder to any interested parties will consider complementary retail or office use inquires please call wayne burns 9052947082 or grant cryderman 4164437379 260 hobbies crafts 3rd annual country craft sale sat nov 4 1995 900 to 3pm 28 quaker village drive uxbridge