ff 1tffluftfe tribune stouffville 6402874 mx 8524355 uxbridge 821 fax 8524355 k for your convenience uxbridge skating club preschool sessions last call dont let your little one miss out on this great opportunity to have fun on the ice sessions begin october 2 monday 930 1020 am thursday 9 950 am wednesday 230 320 pm full year and 6 week mini sessions still available adult morning sessions still open leamtoskate 5 yr old as of oct 1 sunday 850 am 935 am registration and further information on all programs at the arena monday wednesday 78 pm ask for alexis reinhardt or call 7053571300 york learmng cbutre i esl courses starting oct 3195 grammar writing 123 business english oral written busy admin communication english conversation 123 proriounciatioh ptime 10 week classes register by oct 20 1995 markham campus for more information please call jacquielewin 9059402700 social announcements 640 anniversanes happy 25th anniversary bill rita october 17ui 1995 ptfff 690 birthdays card of thanks 1 b webster and sandy evans cochairpersons of the blood donor clinic would like to thank all those who helped make the recent clinic fssuccess thclionspubforthc refreshments the telephone volunteers those helping with directing donors the juke ladies and especially the 208 donors that attended the clinic 645 gordon barbara ann in her 57th year after a long battle with cancer on oc tober r 4 1995 be loved wife of jack loving mother of ke vin brenda and her husband howard harper jacalyn and her husband edward mcnabb loving and devoted grandmother of stephanie chris tine and alexander gordon amanda and nicole harper jarrod and jessica mcnabb funeral service and committal was held at low low funeral home uxbridge on friday october 6 1995 cremation final resting place ux bridge cemetery memorial donations may be made to the cancer society of the uxbridge scugog hospice in loving memory of james howard stephenson re tired captain of the scarborough fire de partment a loving husband and father who passed away af ter a long battle with cancer on october 121995 at the scar borough general hos pital he will be fondly remembered by his wife florence sons i jeff and cliff broth ers don and bob and family sister dorothy and family and all his many friends the family would like to thank all the medical staff at scarborough general hospital es pecially in qncology for all their care and concern the family requests that in lieu of flowers donations be made to the cana dian cancer society aaa card oou of thanks thanks to all ive had my break grace wing 675 announcements dr john white dr alison vandenberg dr michael nowak dr janet vickers are pleased to welcome dr simon tarn family physician special interests emergency medicine sports medicine chronic pain acupuncture new patients welcome markham medical centre ashgrove building 6833 highway 7 east markham ontario 9052942290 spiritual metaphysical counselling life path reading heather hill gibson friday special 1 hr reading for 12 price workshops groups intuition tarot dynamic goal settings spiritual support group healing circle meditation class native teachings all workshops groups starting oct 25 9052949136 655 in memonams coming events f fr 4 bethesda womens institute 60th anniversary we welcome our friends and former members and their families to join with us to celebrate this occasion at a pot luck supper lemonville community centre friday november 3 1995 6 pm i kiimmm exxxx parsdgg c clioff i antonin kubalek pianist ivan zenaty violinist benefit concert saturday october 21 1995 at 800 pm trinity united church uxbridge tickets adults 15 seniors students 10 tickets available al radio shack blue heron books presents presents presents or call 90s 6491544 soccer club annual general meeting oct 18th 730 pm 1030 pm crosby arena upstairs main carlton tlisis the time to elect your executive comeoata show your support annual craft show at pat montgomerys 58 asbury park court stouffville thurs fri oct 26 4 27 9 am 9pm some proceeds to envnanuel international please check your ads note of emx iri your acverfcemert must be given blowing jiefrstdayftead appears the econcmiasun tribune and weeke assumes no financial fabby tor typognprical enors or copy omissions offer can tie cost ot space occupied by fa error cal 2944331 or 2942200 a whole year has passed since you left us jake we low and miss you very much you are always in our minds and forever in our hearts yourfamiy 680 coming events uxbridge community care harvest bazaar craft sale sat oct 28 10 am uxbridge seniors centre 75 mariettas- come early or home baking crafts knitting recycled treasures penny draw- christmas shopping lunch room and more dont miss it 685 personals mcneil oan in memory of my brother who was taken sol suddenly three years ago oct 18 1992 although there is jsome comfort in knowing that yoirare always with me there is no cure for the pain that remains in my heart i miss you more than ever keep your spirit shin- ing brightly love cindy mcneil dan nov 2 1972 oct18 1992 a loving tribute a woriderful caring young man who was taken from us so sud denly and much too soon dan you were a friend td so many you gave and received a lot in your short life and you left behind so much rforus to help keep us strong your nana has always believed the saying gods garden must be beautiful- be cause he only picks the best how true that is we still feel you ajlcjari ourid us in the sunshine the fall leaves the snow- flakes the rainbows thatfeome to us con- stantty and always al ways that shining star guiding our way because of all these wonderful and beauti- ful things you will nev- jerybefar from us we love you and miss you dan we were and still are so proud of you our son mum dad xoxo spence maitland in j memory of a dear husband father grandfather who passed away oct 19 1993 nevermore than a though away quietly remembered everyday no need for words except to say istffl loved still missed in ever way sadly missed by wife may daughters shirley linda lenore families fascinating tarot h card reading 8afcattf itttomvi ba call for appointment 9052945817 may the sacred heart of jesus be adored glorified loved and per severe throughout the world today and- forever sacred heart of jesus pray for us st jude helper of the helpless pray for us st jude worker of miracles pray for us say this prayer nine times per day for nine days and your request will be fulfilled this has never been known to fail publishing required rz hi coming 4 c events larms wr saie rent wanted wanted farm land to- rent call 905473- 9867 cynthia cupples pottery art craft and food show sale aac sat sun november il call 905473r wanted farm land 4 5 105 3rd con cession uxbridge just north of davis dr 8525615 epsomutica beef dinner at utica hall friday october 27 5- 7 pm adults s10 s12 at door children s5 6 at door pre schoolers free call 9859701 8529339 9858094 s5 p alcohoucs anony mous masonic hall tuesday at 800 pm 85266188529127 happiness love wealth call the north american psychic al liance now live 24hrs 18 399 minute 1-900-870- 2770 ext 726 psychic answers rated 1 in canada answers to love money career s299 per minute 18 tier ra 19004514055 lost found found young cat beautiful longhaired white dark tabby completely declawed need a gentle loving home 905- 6492763 gold chain with pendantfehoker oct 13 at longos re ward 906477481 8 lost 1 year old male looghajrad flroy- biacfc tabby cat east wood t grove ana famfly potreward 9054714444 9867 stores for sale rent wanted store for rent 800 sq ft 9052947880 weekdays or 705-432- 2759 evenings os- bourne plaza beaver- ton business opportunities extra income stuff ing envelopes free supplies rush self addressed stamped envelope to smd prestige ent po box 64582 4721 hwy7 unionvillo l3r0m9 professional- home inspection join pillar to posts win ning franchise team trainingsuppontsuc- cess gordon wil liams 8002945591 unemployed laid off i am looking for two or three good people call don 416- 4986532 earn 1500 monthly stuffing envelopes at home start immediate ly send stamped ad dressed envelope to newfield enterprises 800 steeies ave west suite 810 114 thorn- rontl4j7l2 apts flats or rtn bright bachelor in uxbridge his ground floor wafcout to patio unique apartment nov 1 906649647o 1yr apts fiats u for rent vay748 large bright 1 bedroom basement se en trance suit mature single nonsmoker no pets1st lastlaun- dry and cable includ ed very quiet avail able immediately ref erences 9054716370 mccowan denison twobedroom base ment separate en trance four applianc es new kitchen 850 month available nov 15call nader 416- 2228600 mccowan denison huge 2bedroom basement apartment separate entrance 4 appliances s850 jn- elusive nov 1st 905- 4726325 goodwood beau tiful 2 bedroom din ing room large living room solarium sky lights 10 fireplace large entrance coun try space quiet home 950 hydro avail able nov 195 phone 9056407406 evgs 7057445898 uxbridge bright 2 bedroom 2nd floor of new house 24 piece baths kitchen family room laundry 2 car parking cable 875 12 utilities available immediately 905-852- 1974 uxbridge bachelor apartment above store self contained free parking 450 month available nov 1 call scott 852- 7846 furnished bachelor in old mark ham references re quired non smoker 425 month- 1st 4 last call jeri 475- 1545 one bedroom down town uxbridge lots character 700 month hydro extra 9058529738 main st markham 2 nd floor renovated 2 bedroom 820 inclu sive avail anytime 4752686 after 6 pm houses for rent markham 3 bed room apt on 2nd floor quiet area call 4162488049 charming older farmhouse near ux bridge 4 bedrooms 2 acres private updat ed plumbing wiring 416 5972292 leave message townhouses for rent markham 3 bed room townhouse available 15 dec si 050 plus utilities calf 9054729733 af ter 6pm rooms for rent wanted available novem ber 1st nonsmoker preferably female no pets marfcvffle area dose- to amenities call 9054708856 one two rooms for 1 person on arm in leaskdate octmar possible board 905- 8628829 8 am 1130 pm