p 2 weekender october 14 1995 mst community invited to partake in haitian event tuesday the community is invited to a haitian event a local couple who spent the past three years on a mission assignment in haiti will be the special guests at the annual care and share shoppe meeting and speaking event the evening of oct 17 at the parkview village auditorium at 730 pm haitian refreshments will be served jay and miriam reesor returned to heir ninth lane farm in late august after being part of a mennonite central committee mcc project in the rural haitian village of bwadlorens an eight hour drive from the capital city of portauprince the pro ject centered around agriculture health care and community development jay reesor was the projects agriculturalist while his wife served as a community development worker the reesors two daughters jessica 9 and leah 7 accompanied their parents who homeschooled their children during the three year span the reesors chose to stay with the mcc operation in the summer of 1994 when an embargo brought on by the presence of the dictator cedras resulted in the stoppage of mail delivery and flights in and but of the caribbean country they had been advised by the canadian embassy in haiti to leave the country miriam reesor said the assignment was rewarding despite the political uncertain ties it was a very enriching experience she said what encouraged us most was the people development the project gave the haitians a chance to be involved in leadership roles in the community she said it was particularly gratifying to see so many people in a poor peasant soci ety who were willing to give of their time on a volunteer basis to help their neigh bors ultimately the strength of any society lies in what people are willing to put into their community the feedback ve got is that the program led to a lot of people get- ting the training needed to take on leadership roles in the community they now have a good internal structure to help them work togeth- er reesor said her family was able to avoid the dangers brought on by haitis political instability before the departure of cedras because of ttheir location in a remote rural vil lage the reesors whose farm was operated by jays sister and her husband during their absence have no plans to return to the missions field in the immediate future but isnt ruling out another project some years down the road i wouldnt be surprised if we did something again the allvolunteer care and share shoppe raises more than 100000 a year which supports mission work such as this an offering will be taken to cover expenses of the evening and extra funds will go to mcc haiti anyone interested in mcc speak- ers could contact geralde reesor groaters at 6401410 janet g miliaris barrister and solicitor 2300 lawrence ave east suite 1 1 lawrence aye at kennedy road scarborough ontario tcl 416 2880887 family law civil and criminal litigation employment law wills and estates iii llll ii nptftait imnm munqij nuqu hf wkiutwmat jbnkm rsaiwjrt plmncdt 905 294 6960 advertising correction eatons october home book appearing in this newspaper wednesday october 11 1995 please note the mowing page 14oassic accents stemware ice tea size only avail able october 31 page ibbrass hurricane lamps 6999 wfll be available october 20 page 22gartfc pressslicer 1999 is incorrectly described should read garlic sscen stores899 inadvertently the error listed appeared in our advertising we sincerely regret any inconvenience or confusion to our customers eatons jmruptcy why face if cslone viv call murray kideckel trustee h bankruptcy 7 richmond hill 1905 0022436 30 wrfhalm crt free initial consultation