p 4 weekender september 30 1995 stux mpp portrayed as scrooge by media are there no prisons are there no workhouses ebenezer scrooge a christmas carol community and social ser vices minister dave tsubouchi is being made to sound a good deal like scrooge by the toron to stars account of his recent comments his suggestion that those on social assistance had better get a parttime job by sunday may have contributed to the melee in front of queens park prior to his governments speech from the throne wednesday and this is not the first time the markham mpp has been in hot water for comments hes said to have made last month he had to clarify state ments he made about the sort w9mf viewpoint andrew mair of people who collect welfare he added quickly that he had a newfound sympathy for many of those who find themselves in that unfortunate situation however before we storm the bastille we should put his comments into perspective something the star article failed to do the star wrote that tsub ouchi said if welfare recipients couldnt feed their children childrens aid would inter vene from the transcript of the interview this comment was nbviously twisted he made the cas remark in the context of irresponsible parents putting children in physical danger those on social assistance could lose between 100 and 150 a month to the cuts pro posed thats about 30 a week if people cannot manage to drum up an extra 30 1 hesitate to comment on their parental capacity in reality people on welfare should be looking for a job any kind of job all the time the goal of welfare shouldbe to get 1 off it and until we make it less attractive many will continue to abuse it the system is completely a subtle acceptance by lap dance stance dear editor in response to viewpoint by andrew mair on sept 16 it seems that there is subtle shifting of morals in our society today many of which are related to sexu al desires and tendencies your column reflects that shift once again withthe idea that we should let lap dancing continue because- hardly anyone goes unfortunately enough people do go that these people can stay in business i wonder about a society that says lets face it this is an issue that affects very few people as an excuse for leaving it alone what do we communicate to our kids if we say that what does it say to a person in relationship with another when that other visits these places thisaffects far more people than just the ones who go the these places if we should leave it alone because not many are involved then what about prostitution drugs alco hoi abuse sexual abuse child abuse sex with chil- dren the list goes on i know of no one who can say that lap dancing is something they would take their kids to see when nease they get older at least hone that i know my answer to your opening question do we really want to spend our time debating whether or not we should permit lap danc ing in our society is no it can seem that we go too far sometimes but most often bur society is guilty in riot going far enough in prohibiting things that go on in our community now coihmuni- ties are fighting back so that once again they are safe places in which to live and not many people who decide to be tolerant about lap dancing would want an establishment too close to home or anywhere near it in addition if our own government does not seek to enforce a moral code on us through legislation then who will who can people all too often do exactly that which is bad for them in the face of all that isgood that is why we have a justice system churches clearly provide moral direction to the people but all too many people also choose not to go and listen because they dont want to hear about that vthere are too many gray areas for people to escape to we dont seem to understand that there are some things that are just not right i submit to you that this is something that is just wrong ron hurlburt pastor at markham baptist church pro life refused dear editor for some years now york south right to life has rented a booth at the markham fair to allow it to offer prolife information including directing those in need to groups who can help v this year the directors have decided not to allow us to rent a booth shame on them for controlling access to information which many fairgoers have assured us has been most helpful patrick redmond markham 1 screwed up when a person on welfare can earn more money riot have to pay for prescript tion drugs and reap a host of other benefits when there are hardworking people who have tbtoil long hours for very little pay arid no benefits tsubouchi to my mind was simply telling those who refuse to contribute by finding workany work that it is trine to start paying their way that there is no more free lunch hats off to the minister for having the fortitude to speak his mind everi if his statements are malleable the government will not desert people in genuine needf but the days of earning a living riding the back of social assis tance are over and thats no humbug the tribune weekender edition a mctr c newspaper patricia pappas publisher joann stevenson editorinchief andrew hair general man gareditor debraweller director of advert ising barry goodyear director of distribution vivian ottell business manager pamela nichols operations manager sequeeqlle all enquiries s05 64o2i00 905640477 6244 main st stoubvuie ont uxbr1dge all enquiries 9058584741 fax 9058524355 88 brock st w uxbridge ont the tribune published every wednesday and saturday is one of the metroiand printing pub lishing and distributing group of suburban newspapers which includes markham econo mist and sun ajax pickering news advertiser auroranewmarket era banner barrie advance brampton guardian burlington post cityparcnt collingwood connection etobicokc guardian georgetown indepcndehtacton free press kingston this week lindsay this week milton canadian champion misissauga news northumberland news north york mirror oakyille beaver orillia today oshawa-whitby- clarihgton this week peterborough this week richmond hiltthomhillvaughan liber al scarborough mirror todays seniors con tents not to be reproduced without written per mission from the publisher permit f 1247 peregrines fly manhattan time for a little environmental quiz folks where in the world doyou think you would find the worlds highest concentration of peregrine falcons now remember the peregrine is a very rara avis indeed they need high mountains arid miles of pristine wilderness wealthy arab sheiks covet the elusive creatures often paying tens of thousands of dollars for black market nestlings in the years after world war two their ranks were decimat ed by ddt which weakened their egg shells many environ- mentalists predicted the pere grine was on its way out so where would you go go find the healthiest remaining stock of peregrines the high arctic perhaps somewhere in the trackless wastes of deepest south america nope you would go to gotham deepest darkest down town manhattan the new york city area is awash with pere grines they streak through the con crete canyons of wall street they perch on the window ledges of the empire state building they knock down pigeons in the skyways around the metlife building and the marine park way the peregrine comeback was- nt entirely an act of god humans helped biologists hand- reared peregrine chicks and eventually released them to the wild the transition to urban life was made easier by nesting boxes strategically placed on nooks and crannies of skyscrap ers and bridges around new yorkju here in canada wildlife offi cials with environment canada were pleasantly shocked to dis cover a peregrine falcon nest on arthur black the top of an office tower deep in the bowels of hogtown less than a stones throw from the intersection of king and yonge streets this is the first time in over 50 years that peregrines have nested in southern ontario one official said we shouldnt really be all that surprised if theres one lesson we pink twolegged mostly hairless creatures should have learned by now its the riear- endless ability of our fellow earthly inhabitants to adapt to the depredations we visit on this planet take raccoons take coyotes take the canada goose years ago all these creatures were associated with wilderness or at the very least rural living nowadays you can see raccoons duiripster diving in the down towns of most of our cities coy otes are moving into the sub urbs and casting covetous eyes at fidos dog dish were getting new species too who ever heard of zebra mus sels a generation ago today by the billions they besmirch boat hulls and foul intake pipes from cornwall to kaministiquia we should never forget the cardinal rule of life nature bats last im reminded of something timothy leary once said at a press conference in england leary peered into his crystal ball and predicated deer shall graze on charing cross road he didnt say any- j thing about people being there