pweewwpebserrembeb23i88 srux itstrielalkof ihelbwrt drcriiiniutc restaurants fast lunch promise tell us your in a hurry and if we dont serve you in 15 mins your next lunch is free equal or lesser value september rib meal deal every night after 430 take advantage 6 qq of our fabulous rj rib dinner with soup or salad only p 5308 hwy7 e east of mccowan 2948522 chiropractic profession honored a stamp booklet intro duced by canada post last week would surely have brought a smile to the bearded countenance of one of port perrys most famous sons on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of his birth the new issue com memorates a series of three milestone dates each separated by a span of 50 years pertaining to the profession of chiro practic anyone who has strolled through palmer memorial park in port perry will most likely have gazed upon the bust and plaque dedicat ed to the memory of daniel david palmer who officially founded the chiropractic profes sion in 1845 after moving to davenport iowa while evidence of man ual manipulation of the human spine for thera peutic purposes goes back to the beginnings of recorded history it was only after palmer used the process to reposition a vertebrae of a deaf jan itor effectively restoring the mans hearing that turkeys are us- there are three reasons why we have placed this section of any supermarket advertisement the first reason is to introduce al turkey al for short and his accomplice mike al and mike look after all the turkeys at the grocer the second reason is to explain just how good their oldfashioned birds are though all turkeys are created equal most take a turn for the worse to be factory raised and processed into the frozen birds some with artificial basting that youll find in the frozen food our turkeys are free range naturally fed and are aged after slaughter just how they used to be the natural flavour and moistness of al and mikes turkeys will come as quite a pleasant surprise to you unless of course youve had the good fortune to dine on one of their oldfashioned birds before the third reason is the price 249lb cleaned ready to roast it is very important to order early well do the best we can to fill your order exactly as you wish but be flexible turkey growing is not an exact science and sizes can vary somewhat r 7 days minkthus 97 fri94su 96 suit5 village grocer ouallty foods 548 carlton rd at kennedy rd in uniohville 9400655 from where i live bruce stapfey the healing method emerged as a separate profession the third date celebrated by the limited edition stamp booklet is sept 18 1945 when the canadi an memorial chiropractic college opened in toronto as a tribute to palmer as with every other victory of official acceptance achieved by chiropractic throughout the years the stamp didnt come without its struggles but canadian chiro practic association officials perse vered and eventually came to terms with the requirements of canada post so that the mini- information package could be made available the dubious atti tude of many in the medical pro fession government health ofii- cials and some members of the public has made it necessary for the chiropractic profession to engage in an ongoing marketing campaign in order to achieve legit- imacyin the broad medical arena practitioners point with glee to any independent research provid ing evidence upholding chiroprac tic as a viable means of treating backrelated ailments such a triumph came in 1993 when the ontario ministry of health commissioned a study by health economists at the universi ty of ottawa concluding that chi ropractic is more effective in terms of results and cost than other forms of lower back pain management with wellness becoming the buzz word of the 1990s in relation to health and fitness the public has become more willing to look into a profession promoting itself as the worlds largest drugless health system practitioners vary with regard to the extent of services offered and claims made as to the extent of healing possible through chiro practic methods allen turner who has been prac ticing in stouffville since 1983 has ventured into territory far beyond the scope of most in the profession in an ongoing effort to revolutionize health care turner is always on the lookout for new treatments for diseases long considered the domain of the traditional medical profession he is one of only six chiropractors in canada currently authorized to administer what he calls the most exciting medical development he has seen called body integration the technique involves a system using computerized chiropractic testing and assessment to restore the function of muscles and nerves damaged by injury disease or surgery while its a long way from repo sitioning vertebrae by hand to hooking patients up to computer ized machines daniel david palmer would no doubt approve of the progress made by the profes sion he conceived back in 1895