p20 weekender june 10 1995 he i i i beautify your home with aristrocrat awnings affordable free estimate retractable awning experts visit our showroom and see our full line of canadian made awnings in hundreds of colours installation this weekend aristocrat shade products ltd 110 denison st unitl markham 905 4778766 weekdays 96 weekends 10 4 hwy 7 east john st 110 denison st i unit 1 steeles east focus on family xolenceind crime have too much exposure on the silver screen question would you large and the forces comment oil the vio- which are propelling lenoe in oot society at it what do you think wv hrra st andrews hyttrian church fjfe j ra sunday june 11 11 am the holy spirit our guide rev helen hartai rn m div everyone welcome 143 main st 0 marlam 2944736 can and should be done about it dr dobson there are few subjects that cause me greater con cern than the e xp os u re being given to crime and v i o leu c e markham missionary church major mackenzie half mile east of mccowan winston thurton senior pastor blaine lougheed associate pastor celebrating 117 yev ot minlsty to the markham ana sunday june i 1th christian education hour 930 am 1055 am morning service dr brian stiller evangelical fellowship of canada president 630 pm evening service skydome mission ontario wednesdays midweek ministries 700 pm youth bible study adult prayer bible study nursery care for all services youre always welcome at markham missionary 2945081 home of the north markham nursery centennial baptist chlrch on mccowan road half mile south of hwy 7 we are a christian fellowship that caresaboutyou andyourfaraily sunday services 945am bible school forthewliolefaiiiily 11am morning service nursery care provided 630 pm evening service midweek ministries we offer a wide range of mid week ministries designed for youaiidyourfamily for details call 4757695 sponsor of focus on the family by dr dobson today a squadron of los angeles police cornered a desperate gunman in a residential area of the community the fugitive bad barricaded himself in a small house and held three juvenile hostages inside tele vision crews were on hand to photograph one of the chil dren a teenage boy as he was forced outside and then shot in the head by bis abductor the pathetic young victim died on the sidewalk in a pool of his own blood i sat stunned literally sick to my stomach while the drama was broadcast in full color a flood of emotions ran through my mind as i gazed into the immobile unfocused eyes of the dying ado lescent mixed with deep pity and remorse smeared blood and guts all over the silver screen i was angry at theatre patrons for demanding a dozen disembowelments per hour in their visual entertainment i was angry at television was a sudden outpour- networks for giving us ing of indignation a continuous police sto- central united church 131 main st unionville 4740183 1000 am a peaceful heart a warm welcome awaits you revulsion that had been accumulating for years- i was angry at the profiteers who have nurtured violence in our society and at those millions who seem to thrive on it i was angry at movie producers like sam peckinpah who have ries with their guns and silly an tomobile chases and karate chops and swat teams and i was par ticularly angry at the pathetic system of north american jus tice which makes crime so profitable and punishment so improbable grace church anglican 19 parkway avenue 2943184 parkway runs east from hwy 48 3 stoplights north of hwy 7 sunday worship 830 am 1000 am all welcome c these questions and answers are excerpted from the book dr dobson answers your questions everyone who writes to dr dobson receives a personal response send letters to dr dobson co centennialbaptist church 8176 mccowan rd markham ont l3p3j3 make our church your church markham baptist church 110 church street 2945830 west ol woollen way opposite maikham high sunday worship at 9 or 1115 am bible school or all ages at 10 kaj a canadian baptist ministries church