a4 tribune may 17 1995 theres no away for our waste sf the liberals and conservatives say theyll scrap the interim waste authority thats the government body that shortlisted local dump sites before selecting three pre ferred sites in york region one of them an enlargement of the keele valley site in vaughan the iwa is into its fourth year and in the environmental assess ment process on these sites we may be sympathetic that vaughan may be hosting metros garbage once again we may be relieved the preferred sites arent ours but we must get our commit ment to sound waste management through to the provincial candi dates there is no away to which to our view send or burn it the cross party goal is to reduce waste by 50 per cent by the year 2000 municipal waste manage ment programs have put us in posi tion to reap the current high returns on waste products as prof itable commodities but what about the other 50 per cent of our waste a recycling council of ontario review of party environment critics and the minister of environment and energy finds some political will for solving the waste crisis close to home the liberals and conservatives want to give the responsibility for landfill back to the more grass roots regional governments along with the freedom to look at other alternatives provided they meet environmental standards shipping it to kirkland lake or burning it will need a scientific checking out the ndp wants to complete its ea and establish a landfill site backed up by the 3rs but while talking about handling garbage close to home metros tonnage is coming to york region when you detect a candidate magically waving the garbage cri sis out of our lives make him or her accountable they need to know there is politi cal support for being responsible stouffville tribune 6244 main st stouffville ont l4a 1e2 905 6402100 905 6492292 fax 905 6405477 publisher patricia pappas general managereditor andrew mair editorinchief jo ann stevenson director of advertising debra weller retail manager mike rogerson distribution manager barry j goodyear administration j vivian oneil i operations manager- pamela nichols questions news andrew mair editor joan ransberry mike ruta roger belgrave reporters sjoerd witteveen steve somerville photographryi retail advertising i joan marshman doreen deacon classified doreen deacon real estate joan marshman distribution arlene maddock the stouffvjllc tribune published cvey wednesday and saturday is one of the mctroland printing publishing and distri bution group of community newspapers which includes ajax pickering news advertiser auroranewmarket era ban ncr barrio advance brampton guardian burlington post cityparcnt collingwood connection etobicokc guardian george town independentacton free press kingston this week lindsay this week markham economist and sun milton canadian champion mississauga news north york mirror oakville beaver orillia today oshawawhitbyclnrington this week northumberland news peterbor ough this week richmond hillthorn- hillvaughan liberal scarborough mirror todays seniors uxbridgc tribune contents cannot be reprinted without written permission from the publisher daffodil kabobs in enghsh garden this was going to be the year this was the year when the many patches of sodden dirt we have around our place would burst forth in a riot of color and for once we would be proud to call them gar dens in the past we have made sheepish efforts to maintain a garden or two but by june there are far more flowers on the lawn and we have busloads of botany students pulling up to house and offering to pay admission to see our weed sanctuary yes this was the year when i would cast off my winter garb take up hoe and rake spade and trovel and get a real headstart on the gar dening well now its too late this week you see our gar dens came to life it would appear i am the dr franken stein of the gardening world for i am in possession of an overgrown monster already out of control in a panic saturday i picked up a book on garden ing with a beautiful english garden on the front there was every species of flower ing plant imaginable in that garden and it was a sympho ny of color with nary a weed in sight inside however it went on and on about soil fertilizing and pruning i did nt have time for all that if we wanted to have any kind of a garden this year we had to get moving i did a superficial scraping of the desired areas with a rake and in my haste lopped off the heads of all six of our daffodils i tried to glue them back on and when that didnt work i stuck the heads on kabob skewers hid them among some greenery and hoped my wife wouldnt notice she did after i hung up the rake we piled in the car and head ed for the garden centre with our book on gardening in hand for reference i told the staff flower guy that i wanted a garden just like the one on the cover of the book and asked if he could help me i told him i didnt want to wait three years for things to grow and spread out i wanted a real english garden now oh yes sir he exclaimed then excused him self he returned moments later with a group of people i quickly assumed to be the minute with mair ya andrew mair rest of the young mans siz able extended family they all rushed up to me shaking my hand patting my back and offering profuse thanks at first i assumed they were just trying out a new walmartlike sales pitch but it rapidly became apparent when the family all began gathering up plants by the gross and dumping them in my car that i was the key to that operation grandma needed or i was putting cousin luigi through law school or poppa was going to get that new caddy hed always wanted their enthusiasm waned a little however when i asked the cost of such a magnificent garden what did i know i couldnt tell a beet from a begonia and i certainly didnt know how much they cost how much would this col orful tree right here cost me i asked pointing to my send us your letters to the editor the tribune welcomes your letters to the editor letters should be no more than 500 words in length and can be typed or neatly hand written your letters can be on any topic but the tribune reserves the right to edit for length libel grammar and spelling and good taste letters will not be returned unless requested of the editor due to space constraints not all letters may be published however we endeavor to print as many as possible within a time frame that maintains news value and topicality please send your letters to the editor see masthead upper right corner this page or you can fax your letters to 905 6405477 book well if we had one that size which we dont because we only have twelve foot ceil ings it would probably be about 3000 aye caramba the clerk obviously saw my jaw drop urn how big is your gar den he asked suspiciously i told him and how much were you looking to spend ok including all coinage im looking at 1747 i answered quite proudly the clerk ordered his fami ly to empty my car he then handed me a pansy and something that looked like a carrot top and said dryly i wont charge you the tax on those so youll have enough so thats where our gar dens stand today i planted the pansy in the huge circu lar patch of dirt out front and dug a tiny hole and stuck in the carrotlike thing in the side garden where it will at least get some shade from the shrivelled corpse of the peonie i planted last year after id done the work i stood back to admire my somewhat lessthanexpected english garden just then a rabbit dashed from the woods ate the carrot thingy and when i screamed and hurled my trowel at the beast he dodged and the blade severed the top off my lone pansy if i could catch him wed be having bunny kabobs tonight but then again all of the skewers are now daf fodils save for one which is doing a passable imitation of a pansy survivors r us well deserved 3vws really enjoylngtpsure is therubberbugftqkw vfflii hegotforhisbirlhwi j iqooq o jo- what does he do with ohose things anywav vite now that being a sur vivor is all the rage i think its time i categorized my own accomplishments in this major growth area im a survivor of many things among them the cabbage patch craze which was more virulent than the black death just around the time my daugh ter was entering con sumerism 101 aka kindergarten cabbage patch dolls were as ubiqui tous as fatal diseases and disastrous but heart- wrenching romantic liaisons on soap operas the cult status enjoyed by owners of one or more of these singular and slightly dotty looking dollies was more coveted than the opportunity to document dysfunctional family angst on oprah a shortage was cannily announced and fights started breaking out in department stores whenever a new shipment arrived i headed determinedly for the lego section cruel ly denying my youngest child the musthave toy of the year although it was a tough thing to do at least it will enable my daughter to portray herself as a sur vivor of emotional abuse thus allowing her access to her dwindling inheritance before the tax person slaps on a few extra thousand for death duties other crises weathered with aplomb by yours truly include living in a town where the oscar winning movie priscilla queen of the dessert best cos tumes is unavailable for rental as it transpired this delightful little movie was well worth the effort of driving to a video store in a neighboring community i have survived learning to drive under the tutelage of mr wallcthead and i have stoically endured some interesting phases of young adulthood imposed on me by my children among these are hair- kates corner ika t e q i i d e rd dying experiments the lasting legacy of which is a permanent black stain on the bathroom floor and the massacre of the engr lish language by numerous disc jockeys and perky weather persons who are prone to such pronounce- ments as fog is happen ing north of the city- being british born and bred i have also survived prejudiced perceptions of marmite a culinary ethnic staple that nice prince edward our beloved lady thatcher and soccer hoolir gans or fans as they prefer to be called like many of my fellow persons i have either oven- come or endured the chak lenges wrought by sho5 ping carts with a will of their own child proof packr ages that would defy hour dini and that oxymoronifc task optimisticallyreferred to as programmfng tb vcr vl i have survived shopping malls achy breaky heart grunge which im just beginning to tune intos now that its out call waiting elevator musii another oxymoron an4 voice mail last but not least i have survived the ultimate chal- lerige of being a woman in a patriarchal society with glass ceilings in every boardroom each of whicfr is filled to the rafters witij privileged white males who refuse to share iused to think of sur vivors as heroic people who returned from the battler fields of a terrifying war ot overcame a deadly disease these days thanks to empowerment and thos wonderful experts who want us to feel good about ourselves survivors r us