p4 weekender januarvl14t995t stux send your letteis to the editor to 6244 main st stoutfville l4a 1e2 or lax them to 6405477 o sendyour letters to the editor to 59 albert st oxbridge l9p 1e5 or fax them to 8524355 ups move a wakeup call for ontario much has been made of the move by united parcel service to new brunswick this week close to 600 employees will be affected by the closing of the ontario ups operations ups has made a critical error their public rela tions machine was unplugged on this one as a result reports have been flying that the move will be devastating to employees that ups is just another heartless megacompany and it did nt take long for mike harris to blame the ndp ups employees are not complaining most of them have known about this move for several months ups is buying many employees homes for viewpoint the prices they paid for them paying for their move to new brunswick and helping them buy new homes in moncton and fredricton for those who do not wish to make the trip ups is helping them locate work here and is granting all of them a healthy severance package no ups cannot be blamed for what amounts to a sound business deci sion new brunswick has spent millions transform ing its economy for the future fishing nets have been set aside in favor of webs of fibre optic cable and the most advanced communi cation and hitech systems in the country ontario ever confident that it will remain the hub of industrial activity in the country has sat on its hands and rolled blindly through the recession its maritime cousin has made concrete plans for the future and is now ben efitting from its foresight ups was wooed from ontario with promises of better taxes lower prices access to the united states and top drawer personally i couldnt be happier aboutthe gable companies negativeoption billims tactics facilities the move makes sense to ups but it is only those that see the move as the loss of 600 jobs in ontario that are complaining this should be seen as a wakeup call for this province expect more companies to be lured away until ontario gets its house in order and just hope those com panies will be as generous as ups markham economist and sun st0uffville tribune uxbridge tribune weekender edition a metrolaad community newspaper patocupafpas publisher jo ann 8tevenson edttarbkfcfef alan shackleton editor andhewhaib editor debra welles dbtctcrof adnrtuof bawgoqdkas bnetorof dudmon vivian cnql butioeuhuujer pamela mchois operatkoiafarjjiger markham thttoo sales tsstsu daaeified 2s4i33u stouflvflle 6401100 oxbridge 8u9741 is48j44 dstrfwlon ud dmlnirtnulon s heritage rd maraluud lsp 1mi fax muuummt-usstoufmilemo- e477 uabrfcln mm3s5 the marthsm economist and bus stouffvillo tribune and oxbridge tribune published every wednesday and satirnuy is one of the hetmknd printing publishing and distributing group of suburban newspapers which includes ala pickering new advertiser barrio advance brampton guardian burlington poeu cohingwood connection etobicoke guardian the liberal georgetown independentacton free press kingston this week lindsay this week milton canadian champion itiulsasuga news north rar oakville beaver oritlia today oshewawhltby this week peterborough this york mirror i week scarborough minor the era banner contents not to bo reproduced without i written permission from the pubhaher j new sets of lungs ready to smoke tmm- my all time favorite quote about the cigarette business appeared last year in rolling stone magazine it came from the lips of david dangoor execu tive vice president of philip morris international til tell you what i like about the businessthere are no sur prises there is nothing more to be said or discovered about the cigarette business or the indus try and theres no way to write an article that could do us more harm than what has already been written mr dangoor is alas correct everybody knows that smoking is like playing russian roulette with five bullets in the cylinder instead of one tobacco execu tives wave an impatient hand when you remind them that the product they sell can leave cus tomers with lung lip and tongue cancer heart disease emphyse ma and a host of other fatal afflictions so cigarettes are more addictive than heroin so 35000 canadian will die this year from smokingrelated ill nesses so cigarettes have killed more north americans than all the enemy bombs and bullets of all the wars of the 20th century put together so what so will that be regular or king size plain or menthol full fla vor or light they never give up the death merchants they never tire of finding new ways to entice new sets of lungs to sample their wares twenty years ago their statistics revealed that north american women werent smok ing nearly as much as men tobacco advertisers readjusted their sights and came up with feminine cigarettes such as virginia slims result two decades later women smokers almost match men smokers in the lung cancer department youve come a long way ladies the latest attempt to find new smokers is aimed at the younger set which only makes sense after all the older smokers keep dying off on them the newest smoking sortie is to be a product called dave you read right philip morris isright now test marketing a cig arette called dave in the denver area it is say the marketers aimed at i arthur black ers which is bafflegab for teenagers which reminds me of my sec ond favorite cigarette business anecdote a story told by david goerlitz you might not recog nize the name but youd recog nize the face ruggedly hollywoodian granite jawed gimleteyed goerlitz was a model who appeared in many cigarette ads for the rj reynolds tobacco company in the tobacco advertising busi ness david goerlitz was known as the winston man goerlitz told the- story of one cigarette commercial photo shoot at which several reynolds execu tives were present the session involved dozens of shots of goerlitz looking hemannish and intrepid with a lit cigarette in his mitt and cartons of winstons scattered all over the set there were dozens and dozens of cartons when it was over goerlitz asked rather timidly if he might take one or two cartons home with him hell said one of the tobacco executives take em all goerlitz wasnt a greedy man surely the executives wanted some too they smoked them selves didnt they are you kidding sneered the executive we reserve that right for the poor the young and the stupid so there you are if you smoke by all means go ahead and enjoy yourself but dont ever forget what the people who make your cigarettes think of you makes me think that the tobacco advertising geniuses may be off base with this new dave line of cigarettes oh the idea is good nice short punchy name theyvepust got the wrong letters thats all shouldnt call the new ciga rettes dave it hip image conscious snjqk- should call them dumb i sv it itisj jjjjxixxia x ifjirri