cljt crlbnne iblpv bu0hed every thursday evening at thk orrice main street stouffuhle oht terms 120 per tear 8100 if paid in advance bpaee on column half column quartercolumn eighth column advertising kates 1 year i year 70 40 25 15 10 25 is transient advertisements leeal ac scents per line first insertion per line eaoh fcuhseauenttnsertion lyear s 10 6 municipal and 5 cents the hews in a hutshell the very latest from all oyer tee world atenitmsiteom about onr own country rea britain ine salted tae and all part t the tilobe condensed and assorted far easy reading 3asada burglaries are reported in many parts of the province arthur irwin of philadelphia will manage the toronto baseball club next season i alandslide took place innewfoundland professional cards one inch and under s5 per blockine railroads and destroying tar s3 for 6 months including copy of paper few year 3 for 6 months including copy of paper transient advertisements must be sent in not later than thursday noon nclico of chance of itandlniradvertisementsmustbekiven not later loan monday noon and copy must be sent in not later than 0 am on wednesday advs of farms for sale one inch and under imonth 1 each subsequent month 75 cents adyi of stray animals 1 for 3 insertions advertisements wilhout speoifio directions will be inserted every issue until forbid and charged accordingly job printing we have also a firstelass jobbing department n connection and are prepared todobusinoss in bat line at prices that cannot be beaton tsaus cash wm malloy b a editor akd peoreiktor- barrister solicitor tffito daleys block stouffville ont moae-y- to loan kerr macdonald davidson s patterson baebistkks solicitors notaries public etc offices masonic buildings toronto st toronto and main st stouhville jk kerrqo w mcdonald w davidson jno a pat1kuson r a grant jdk3srxar a robinson l d s dentist will visit the mansion house stoufevilie on the 1jth if this date is on sunday then i will call on the 21st of each month mount albert 14th and markuam ou the 20th or if sunday then on the next day for the last two places anesthetics grown and bridge work n best style with sold vktkbikaes i o button veterinary surgeon graduate of the on- tnrio veterinary college toronto treats al diseases ol domesticated animals by tho motto approved mothods also special attention given to surgical operations and horfo dentistry- all calls day or night promptly attended to chargos moderate offico and residence boseck building main ststoutrville atjctionffiers n c smith ligensed auctioneer for the counties of york and ontario sales i of farm stock etc attended to on shortest notice nd reasonable rates stouqvlli oat tonsobial artista uah at the paris tonsorial parlor rorfirstcism hair dressing aiidsnaving sat- flaction guaranteed my stoek of shaving soap cosmetique ma ieia lathor brushes strops ao- iscomploto also firstclass razors for salo and guaranteed raxor lloning and shears suarponingla spcoi- j w shankel proprietor i it hoover issuer of marriage licenses green river ont dinanoial r j daley iksuttame keal estate -and- financi broker general agent for the sun life insurance company agent for leading fire insurance co tsloxxsr to loan on farm and village property farms and village property for sale and to rent office daleys block sfaffvilloe a war cloud jottttln of the imperial privy council some stern tepi expected la china a depatch trom london says mr j qoschen tint lord of the admiralty the bridges james wall was acouitted of the charge of shooting james kelson at the hamilton assizes hamilton steamboat owners are applyin to hive the ljeach canal deepened to four teen feet tbs schooner blackbird has been seized at campo bello nb for landing goods illegally sir henry strong chief justice of the supreme court has been granted tonr months leave of absence mr alexander mceaohren was acquitted of the charge of embezzling s1000 from the bell organ co at london mr w d soott will represent the manitoba government in toronto as jmrni j the montreal stock exchange hereafter will exclude from membership all members of other stock exchanges mr william sallowsa wellknown figure in guolph for half a centurywho was highly esteemed died there on thursday night lieut alexander maclean of the 43rd battalion ottawa has been appointed nidedercamp to majorgen gascoigne owing to a peouliar clause in a report adopted by the london city council the electric cars have been stopped over a million boshels of wheat were delivered at thecpr- elevators in mam toba and the northwest last week majorgen gascoigne will attend the onion church parade of all the military organizations in toronto on november 3rd the opinion is gathering strength at ottawa that a session in the latter part of november or early in december is on the cards the london ont typographical union has resolved to fine any member si who patronizes a chinaman and 2 for a second offence twenty years ago yesterday the first immigrants from iceland arrived at winnipeg there are now 10000 of these people in manitoba sir william van home president of the canadian pacific railway left montreal tho other day in his private car for the pacific coastto make a thorough inspection of the line sixty buildings were deptroyed by fire at chatham n b a galo was blowing and the firo protection was poor loss about 60000 insurance si5000 one thousand gallons of rum supposed to have been brought from so pierre have been found at guysboro n s and have been seized by the customs officials as contraband thirtyfivo additional looomotiveb have been ordered for the c p r freight ser vice between winnipegand fort william wheat shipments are going out at the rate of three hundred cars daily disastrous prairie fires have been raginb all the way from hcadingly man t within a few miles of winnipeg it i known that at least three lives were lost but it is impossible aa yet to ascertain full details j mr dosmkraia counsel for napolr demers accused of the murder of his wlfi in montreal states that tbe members of the bar will ake up a subscription to defray the expenses of the defence ot the second trial in november ac saturdays meeting of the cabinet an order was passed regarding the grades of wheat it was decided that there shall be no wheat that is scoured or brushed to remove smut or other fungoid growth in the grade known as no 1 manitoba hard wheat an important shipment of apples was mad on saturday from grimsby ont to sydney n s w the board of con trol of the ontario fruit experiment sta tions ie making this experiment in the hono that it may be the means of opening npa good market for ontario apples vicepresident and general manager hays of the wabash railway has accept ed the position of general manager of tho grand trunk railway mr hays contract with the grand trunk railway company covers a period of five years and his salary is to be 525000 he is to have absolute control of the road and is not to be hampered by specific instruction ex cept as to the general policy of the road from the english board of directors he is tho youngest man in the country to occupy so important a railway position great nitltais four women were killed in a burning mill at glasgow if mrs langtry gets her divorce she may marry sir robert peel belfast shipyard employee threaten 1 strike if their demand for higher wages is not conceded several cases of soab are reported in a cargo of sheep from montreal landed at liverpool by the steamer norseman it ts reported in london that lady ran dolph chnrchill will shortly marry a dis tinguished officer of the british army it is announced that tho revised apo crypha completing the revised version of the bti will be pnblsed next month the queen i at bolmoral and notwith standing the weather which it exception- england is enjoying life ho has been entertaining guestsat his place in scotland while his house in berkeley square london it being reconstructed it is to be one of the handsomest dwellings in london it will take another year for tbe full comple tion of the improvements it is stated that the coat of entertaining the german emperor 02 hi visit to west moreland was s150c00 whioh includes the coat of special trains nofewer than ten of which wero used on the occasion of his visit it is further stated that the cost of decorating lowther castle in preparation for the emperors visit was 250000 princess kaiulani daughter of the ex- queen of hawaii is at present in london where she is treated with the respeot accorded to a reigning princess she is accompanied by her father mr cleghorn who has a letter of introduction to the british foreign office from tbe british minister at honolulu and it is thought that his mission is political ukited states of tho fortyfour state governors in the american union thirtynine are avowed believers in religion r the wedding of the duke of marlbor ough and miss vanderbilt has been fixed for november 14 five persons were killed and several others badly injured in a street car accident in the west end of pittsburg mrs clara doty bates the american writer of literature for juvenile readers ia ill at chicago beyond recovery near batavia nttj a ne ce express dabedrish eignt7trafnffi5aoien engine a report comes from washington thai australian cattle shipped to england have been found to be affected with pleuro pneumonia mrs marshall a caliiornia telegraph operator was shot in the arm by burglars but she drew her royolver and drove the two men off gen mahone of the united states army popularly known as the hero of the crater died in washington on tuesday he was in his sixtyninth year stephen hoyt of lynionville vt has in his possession a collection of old coins among them being an english guinea of 1795 and a shilling of 1356 also a crown of 1720 miss mary b harris of warner n h has one of the largest and most valuable collections of autographs in the united states there are moro than one thousand including all the presidents of the united states j a minister at chicago referring tothf torture of a colored man at cole city georgia remarked this muststop k tho torch must be applied and the audi ence of colored people rose up and endorsd the sentiment i the railway contractors on the amerftsn side of the niagara falls have completed their blasting operations they orepre- pated to compensate those on the candian side whose houses were injured by flying rocks the arion fish company of jloluth minn has beguna suit against the ctnadian government to recover heavy danuges for the confiscation of a lot of netting which the company claims was in american water at the time of the seizure i peter crawford 22 years old bias been asleep in cleveland with the exception of few hours for seven months a little more than a year ago mr cravford was thrown from a mail waggon in new york sustaining injuries to his spine end this it is believed has led to this remarkable case of catalepsy mr richard esterbrook founder of the srststeel pen manufactory in theljnited states and president of the esterjjxook pen company died at camden came f rom england and esta factory injjfpwjk alittle frj- the issswtli emp j he ished his ildjng general italian troops have captuj stronghold in abyssinia ja this month sarah ptfnhirrdt will be fiftyone years of age it is reported that 200 persons were silled in the riots at trebizond a woman arrested the other day in sicily confessed to poisoning 23 children the town of la paz mexico has been completely destroyed by a hurricane the reportof tho capture of antananarivo by the french has been confirmed emperor vi illiams favorite drink i a large glass of champagne containing a few petals of violets the seasons catch in behring sea will be only about forty thousand skins or ten thousand less than last year the torture of witnesses at the kucheng inquiry was so revolting that the british representative had to protest the spanish cabinet has signed for a loan of ten million dollars with the banque de paris wholly for cuban expenses advices received in auekland n z from honolulu show that there have been sixtyfive deaths from cholera in hawaii up to september 26lh it is reported that serious disturbances between the armenians and turks have broken out at sivas vauand bitlis three of the leading cities of armenia- ammunition and torpedoes have been sent to the forts on the dardanelles to de fend the strait should great britain at tempt to make a naval demonstration a special despatch received in shangja from tokio announces that the japanese forces on the island of formosa have met and defeated the main body of the black- flags a strict inquiry will be held in the case of the armenians under arrest at constan- tinopleand any cases of tot luring prisoner proved will be met with severe punish ment a spinning factory at bocholt fortyfive miles from monster westphalia ha col- lapsed and buried forty workingmen in wjf the great hasao lablache daughter i thalbergv villa at poailipo died recenf at lhf ag6 0 eightyfour when in iaplei i had the body ki p witd petrifying preparation it with some semblance of that preslfcjpt it acat in the room where jit j used to work- thalberj j jiandaza likes paris very much but k r the gaieties of that frivolcns in the nldojs not neglect hu devotional city hel njgbt and morning for these it exereisjiary for him as it was in london is nece3ji and in order to find out just 10 face jecca when in paris happens to k 6 ki ne consult a pooket compass kv r aiw carries withjhim x llot the rich frenchman who ba l jji hobby of climbing mont blanc and m made the ascent twenty times is who ht little man not at all a typical a sligjr in his knickerbocker suit he climb4 like the conventional tourist of looks asi le than a mountaineer m vallot the ses a project fqcenryeying the mont w range and with a civil engineer and 7 dozen aaiatan ts hetrecentiy pass- neafsough chamonnix on hie way to the edgtain mow sisatcllgeisof 1l0ma 30ntry exceedingly rich in gold and silver jopment in inning dolns on it agricultural purposes ease of population if wson in an interview with frpaper reporter 4he other day gives the following interesting information about aigoma the population aff algoma said the exaiember hasvery rapidly increased wneni was firbit electedtp parliament in 175 the while people only numbered 5000 although there was a considerable indian papulation by 1881 the population hid increased five times and in the period since then it hasmoro than doubled there be- ig now 28000 persons in eastern and 22- w0 in western algoma rightly algoma ihould be represented by two members in the dominion parliment one constituency eastern algoma would comprise the two provisional judicial districts of sault ste marie and manitoulin and western algoma the other constituency would be made up of the two provisional judicial districts of thunder bay and rainy river the set tlers are all well off and such a thing as want is unknown in the winter lumbering gives employment to the bettlers right at their very doors and in the summer farm ing pursuits keep them busy the boil in many places being so rich as to yield an abundance of products eastern algoma has beon favored with very good cropsjahd the population is increasing very rapidly manitoulin and st josephs island are both filling up with population the former now comprises seventeen tcwnshipsbesides large tracts sot apart as indian reserves the kind of settlers wanted are good farmers they can come in and establish themselves with much less capital thun in the prairie country for thero is plenty of timber for building log houses and there is any amount of employment during the winter on st josephs island where there is not an acre of bad land tho settlers are now weil off and possess a substantial share of this worlds goods although when they oame in they were as poor as they could be onl the north shore of manitoulin island are sertled a large number of poople ore populous centres of the y oame well provide with several sawrifdls in climate fthe reporter suggestesjrv tho climatsof thunder bay is as well adapted for thegrowth of cereals of all kinds as other pans of canada and root orops are always clpecially good there is no liner agriculture district than the mani toulin islands and the region around the spanish river is tho winter not one of much sever ity the winter in algoma is not nearly so cold as it is in winnipeg and the north- west it is pretty cold on the north shore of lakeupcnor but on the whole the weather is not too cold in winter while it is exceedingly pleasant in summer at port arthur we have nn ideal winter the proximity of a great body of fresh water prevents intense cold and yet the tempera ture is sufficiently low to prevent frequent thaws development ik hine3 how is the development of the mines progressing in the lake of the woods district there has been a great deal of dovolopment going on tho mines have been very suc cessful of late and many more are likely to be in operation this fall lot of machinery is on the way and it is said that before the advent of winter 10c stamps will be at work crushing for gold tho two mines now in operation are doing exceedingly well and are sending down gold bricks to the bank every week- in the rainy lake distriot exploration are now going on and machinery is being forwarded so thatateady work may proceed the discoveries are extending belt of goldbearing rook havo been found clear down to shebandowan lake on the dawson route 45 mile west of port arthur these are the same belt which pass the old hnronian mine which was at one time operated but was abandon ed owing to the difficulty of obtaining access to it there can be no doubt there is a great deal of gold throughout that country and there is a splesdid future in store for it discoveries of gold have been made out of port arthnr at jackfis h bay not far from the caoadianmacifio railway from mckelja gol tll hi mb mfes bowser the old man comes home in a bad temper a bole mills 8torulpaae much tn- happiness trouble with ills vest makes lllin wlrzywazzy olhergrlev anees are aired in an unamtable manner when mr bowser let himself into the house with his latchkey mrs bowser was sitting in the back mrlor she knew by the way he banged the door shut and scuffed around the hall that something has happened and nerved herself up to meet it she gave him a wieiy greeting but he glared at her in return and growled never mind putting youreelf out for me on this special occasion mrs bowser after dinner i want to have a talk with you has anything happened dear she anxiously queried about the house brushes kitchen brushes can be put to a variety of usee for the washing of dishes with handles the outside of iron kettles and other cooking utensils made of iron they are especially serviceable the smaller aizejare also excellent for cleaning cut glcss ware in fact any kind of ware with raised figures or corrugated surfaces for clean ing a grater nothing is superior to one of these little brushes such a brush is also most useful for washing celery or lettuce as the uneven surfaces of the stalk and leaves make a thorough cleaning with the hands a difficult operation then if ouo uses a brush with handle ice water which adtjs to rie crispness of tho celery and lettuce may be used for the cleaning as there will oe no necessity tor putting the hands in the water a small whisk broom i3 also valu able for tbe same purpose 2xtuch vegetables aa potatoes turnips etv are best cleaned with a brush it avers t informed i due time i makes work lees disagreeable as the hands suppose dinner is half an hour late as usual dinner has been ready for five minutes aear you have never had to wait over five minutes for dinner since we were married he scuffed intothe diningroom and took jififllatiha tabjgjgdtirthd of a boy threatened wltha licking fpuni fault with everything at the board and left moat of mrs bowsers questions un answered her polioy was to smooth away the clouds but he wouldnt have it when r had finished the meal and returned to the familyroom his pentup feelings burst forth with now then mrs bowser i want to know whether this house is run by tho superintendent of some idiot asylum or by tho woman i made my wifd several years ago to take care of my home why what is wrong she gasped everything is wrong i he shouted as he plumped down on the lounge and bobbed up again if i should try to run a hen roost on your system of managing this house every blamed hen would be dead withina fortnight itheresno real system no manaeement no nothing and i tell you i dont propose to putup with such a muss any longer 1 please tell me what- particular thing you find fault with said mrs- bowser as she realized that he had had a bad day at the office and wanted to get square by pitching into her what particular thing millions of particular things he almost yelled as he wheeled around on her mrs bowser i wear sooks i yes i know i hadnt reached the office when my right heel began to hurt and i have been a martyr all clay what was the reason holes in my sock great big yawning holes whioh any other wife would have discovered and mended 1 what are you smiling about mr bowser we overslept ourselves you hurried down and got a bito of break fast and was gone before i got up instead of having holes in your sock you managed to pull one of my stockings over your foot that what has hurt your heel all day 1 deny it i i deny it in toto 1 i may have my failings but i am not an idiot put on one of your stockings i dont try to crawl out if it that way mrs bowser i ill soon show you that i know what im talking about 1 he sat down and unlaced his shoe and kicked it five feet away then he pulled up the leg of his trousers and there was his foot in mrs bowaere atookiugor about halfway in it didnt i tell you sol sho exclaimed i jejwad your sock andfalssed my atooking when i got up to dresst j mr bowser he said as he pulled the stocking off and got up and limped about what do you think of a wife wholl send her husband out among men with suoh a handkerchief as this t gaze on it 1 is that a handkerchief or a table napkin imagine my feelings as i pulled it out on a crowded car to wipe off my chin when table- napkins are placed among my handkerchiefs havent i a right to complain of the way this house is run v it was never placed there 1 she spirit edly replied it was your napkin at breakfast you left your handkerchief on the table and put the napkin in your pook et anything else anything else 1 1 should say there waul if you were the right sort of wife wouldnt yon have noticed that one of the buttons was off this vest and been prompt to repair damages did you notice it t no 1 yon were too busy with some lovesick novel 1 there is no button off your vest she quietly replied after a brief inspection in your hurry you buttoned your vest wrong seo the top button is in the second but tonhole no wonder you felt wizzywazzyl mr bowser was stuek but it wouldnt do to give in and waving his arms around he eried out not only socks with holes in and miss ing vestbuttons mrs bowser but a dozen times on the street today i noticed people looking at me and grinning 1 it was nnly as i took the car to oome home that i dis covered tbe reason look hero will you look at my shirt bosom i thats your wifely interest thats your system of manage ment i yes i see she said a he opened bis vest with a jerk which ripped two buttons off mr bowser you wear shirt which btxton behind the neck nd does that excuse your negligence 1 aheres no negligence about it when you put your shirt on this morning you got in hindside before there is no shirt- bosom there its all on your back 1 never mr bowser never 1 yon simply and serenely got up ia the night and maliciously yanked the bosom ont of my shirt to spite me and i have gone neednot be soiled and in no other way can the cleaning be so well and thoroughly done 5s the bpfjwnfplump chestnut deviled chestnuts peel the raw chest nuts and sckld them to the inner skin put tlem ina5frying pan with a ii glittery and toss the about for a nutet add la sprintiojtiflst of cayenno not much serve afterttie cheese j chettlui tin id 1 reset the ohestnuts and take off the shells dissolve 4 lb sugar with j tumbler of water juice of a lemon and some chips of the rind or a table- spoonful of vanilla extract put this and chestnuts in a saucepan over a slow firo 10 or 15 minutes so that the chestnute may absorb some of the syrup servo in a deep dish and dust powdered sugar over the top stowed cheatnuts shell and pour boil ing water over them let blanch 10 or 12 minutes after which skin put to boil adding salt to taste and cook tender then put in colander to drain and dry and serve hot cream sauce may bo added mashed chestnuts boil remove brown skin and mash the same as potatoes add butter or oream bait pepper and serve at once roasted chestnuts perforate an old pan to roast in slit the chestnuts remove one end and stir over a hot fire all these recipes call for the common edible chestnut of course says tho oracle of the kttehen that sponge eake will be pure white if you mix it withboiling water instead of cold that even on wash day a housekeeper like a burglar ought to take things quiot- y that it is sometimes dangerous to ask a hungry husband to do you a favor wait till after dinner time that tea ground up as fine as ooffee will yield twice as strong a beverage as if used in the usual fashion that it is no use getting mad at a re- f raotory lamp wiok draw out a few threads and it will fit the burner a good housekeeper with a ohurlieh bus band who bates to carve has hung up back of bis place at the table no talking to the man at the head that there is scarcely a household in the land where a pickedup dinner does not prove a ploasaot variety that nothing makes so excellent an iron holder as the felt from a mans soft hat that paper of any kind should never bo used in cooking thin oheesocloth can always take ite place that every cook may have fresh parsley at any time by growing a boxful ot it in a sunny kitchen window mothers pies we none of us realize that it is ourselves who change and not the food that delighted us inouryouth saida cruatyhardtoplease husband wife i wish you would make pies that would taste as good aa my mother used to do well my dear you run out and bring me in a pailful of water a hodful of coal and an armful of wood just a you used to do for your mother and maybe yon will like my pies as well he concluded the pies would do just aa tbey were a seasonable mat when placed upon a oleanly eorubbed floor this mat makes a room very inviting take pieces of matting a yard to a yard and a half in length according to the place and outlino with paint black or gilt a stork or some chinese or japanese design finish the edge by binding with cloth or braid if desired you can crochet escallop on tho braid which will add wonderfully to the mats appearance useful recipes pumpkin pie crust fill your flour dredger with sifted cornmeal that has been ground very fine grease your pie pan well dredge the meal thoroughly over the grease pour in your pumpkin filling and when baked you will have aerust both delicate and delicious this ctust will do for all costard pies apple cream s tew one quart of cooking pples with one cup of sugar and the rind and juice of one lemon until soft then pass through a sieve and stand on ico to cool anund ail day with my undershirt exposed whip one cup of cream to a stiff troth and the lode have i to view i is it any wonder that as i was add an ounce of geutine dissolved in a and free gold feeling in my coatuil pocket for a missing little boiling water aod the apple pul eestorea natural color to the hair aad also pxevebt it laulne out jttra h w fenwick ol dieby n bnayaj- a little mora than two years ago my hair began to turn g ray and fall jont af ter the- use ot one bottle or ayers hair vigor ray hair was restored to its original color and ceased falling out an occasional application has since kept the hair in good condition mrs h p fenwick digby n s i have used ayerstair vigor for three years and ithas restored hair which was fast becoming gray back to its natural color if w hasemioff paterson n j j ayers hair vigor avers jpillscure sick headache a preparation which enriches and purifies the blood and assists nature in repairing wasted tissue must have a wide range of usefulness such a preparation i3 scotts emulsion of cod- liyer oil with hypophos- phites of limeand soda the uses of scotts emul- sion are not confined to wastingdiseaseslike con sumption scrofula ox anaemia they embrace nearly all those minor ail ments associated with loss of flesh scott bewne belleville soc and for twentyfive years powoe thecooks best friend largest sale in canada bible problems give chapter and verse of the first case of medical treatment mentioned in the bible where a plalster of figs was racom mended as aoure for boils the iadiks joubkal is offering the following series of valuable articles to those who answer this problem oorreotly first rewards to the first person sending a oorreo answer will be given a finetoned rose wood piano by one of our best canadian makers valued at four hundred dollar 2 to 6 five handsome qod watches lady or gontumans size on preferred 7 to 10 ton sllvor watohes lady or gents 17 to 36 twenty open face solid nickel hoavy hovelled crystal watchos 37 to 60thlrty haudoien triple plated tea spoons 7 to 106 forty dozen nickel tea spoons 107 to 160 fortyfour handsome qemringr middle rewards li- to the person sending the middle correct answer in the whole competition will ba given number one of the following list of prizes 1 a handsome piano valued at four hmv drod dollars 2 one sliver tea sot 4 pieces quadruple nlnie 8ono complete set dickens is vols stoll elghtbeautlfully bound booksuistory of tho bible 12 to 2s fourteen handsome gold thimbles 26 to 92- slxtysoven testaments handsoinoly bound 03 to 125thlrtythrco solid silver thimbles 126 to 110 fifteen dozen dinner knives quad- ruplo plate liir lllirmraitwlb 11 to f co twenty handsome silver platod cako baskets 161 to 180twnty halfdozen table spoons extra quality 181 to i95iificen sllvsr toteateto set quad ruplo plate 196 to 5001 five silver tea services i pieces quadruple plate consolation rkwards the last one hundred persons- sending correot answer will be awarded prizes a follows 1 to 10 ten halfdozen tea spoons triple silver plated 11 to 20 ten open faco solid nickel watches 21 to 40 twenty silver thimble 41 to 8 twenty halfdozim table spoons sil ver plated st to 90 thirty testaments morocco bound 91 to 97 seven pair silver sugar tonga x 98 one 1 complete set cooper is tola 99one black silk dress 100 or last fine toned rosewood piano rat nod at four hundred dollar each person competing roust be or become an actual subscriber to the ladies jgob ka1 present subscriber competing will