k weekender f leukemia walkathon mac ofarrell in wheelchair participated in the and friends the walkers were fortunate to have leukemia walkathon last weekend with family nice weather for the fundraiser photoderek ruttan hhhmmhi is your child ready for endofterm examinations we offer a full range of pre- examination comprehensive reviews and study strategies in all subjects for grades 9 to 13 individual and group instruction for more information call us today 5293 highway 7 suite 203 isitskmhsifiu markham centre for learning skills telephone 2948757 coming event the markham brewing club presents their 2nd annual wine beer tasting on the afternoon of june 27th 2l between 12 noon 4 pm hosted by the brewing place markvtlle billiards to be held on the upper level of markville billiards at 114 anderson ave markham by invitation only for your invitation and more information please call ian or kathleen at 4722476 between 1 pm 3 pm emerald hills golf country club warden avenue just north of bloomlngton road a veltysfecial ljma0 vesffqwfae hidlstio to slc brides to be their mothers future mothers in law and maids of honour hosted by the world renowned pierre loewenberg and f emerald milts qolf country club sis a bride to be you deserve the very best of everything mr loewenberg who has pcayeda vitalrole in over 7000 weddings has assembced agroup of the finest professionals available they will be on hand to discuss your dreams and assist you in making them come true from flowers to gowns exquisite cakes to picture perfect photography it wittattbe there under the beautiful roof of the emerald 9ms clubhouse looking out at the panorama of lush foliage overflowing gardens and the spectacular eighteen hole you can almost hear the wedding march saturday june 26 1993 300 experience the ambience of the main dining lounge while enjoying iced tea lemonade andhors deuvres 400 a wedding seminar with mr loewenberg in the restful elegance of the members private dining gom all of your wedding questions will be answered vp essential 4168881100 mr pierre loewenberg