uav ie february 10 1993 cash shopping only valdis nohassies money back guarantee ii ever youre not completely satisfied valdi will refund your money no questions asked each sailing n based on the regular price of the identical or comparable item at a supermarket cr estimated retail as ol january 19 1993 valdi reserves me hghl to limrl quantities and substitute items cl comparable quality valdi prices valid until february 20 1993- unauthorised reproduc tion or use ol this advertisement without written consent ol valdi discount foods or its marketing agencies is strictly prohibited ail ol our prices are shewn before any provincial sales tai cr gst ah applicable laies are added al the cash register u mmxw r t t ie 5762 highway 7 east markham store hours mondaywednesday 106 thurs fri 109 saturday 96 prices valid only at address shown brand name value everyday discounts