st tribune january 13 1993 p5 politicians must start listening to taxpayers dear editor recent correspondence in the tri bune articles in other papers and public opinion polls have provided clear evidence that the taxpayers are thoroughly fed up with politi cians their failure to restrain spending and their failure to repre sent properly the people who elected them locally presentations by the save our stbufrville sos group reflect this frustration but it appears that requests for restraint in municipal spending and taxation were not greeted with enthusiasm by council one councillor referring to sos was quoted as saying in the tri bune that outside forces will not be allowed to control this council he forgets that politicians at all levels are elected to do a job for the taxpayers they are paid by those taxpayers and when requests are made by groups such as sos they should be taken seriously politicians generally do not seem to show the same lack of enthusi asm when the requests from special interest outside forces are for increased spending for some pet project too many are only too anx ious to accede to such requests which may benefit a small segment of the population while all taxpay ers foot the bill these and other demands in the past have resulted in many politi cians adopting the attitude of spend whatever is necessary to get what we the politicians and the lob byists want and well worry later about raising the money this often means subsequently elected personnel inherit the prob lem and neither the originator not the successor is held accountable taxes are raised no one accepts responsibility and politicians are surprised when taxpayers revolt they also misrepresent the facts for example mayor fran sains- bury was quoted in the dec 26 issue of the tribune as saying the towns tax hikes will have gone from 95 per cent in 1985 to 42 per cent in 1991 to zero per cent in 1992 and that an increase was likely inevitable following 1992s zero increase i do not know where those figures originated they are not even close to my tax increases which were 82 per cent in 1991 56 per cent in 1992 when the rates of inflation were 38 per cent and 15 per cent respectively she also ignored the three previous years in which the increases were 101 per cent 147 per cent and 104 per cent while inflation averaged 51 per cent how does council justify those huge increases from 1988 to 1990 plus more than twice the rate of inflation in 1991 followed by an additional 37 times in 1992 why were those figures considerably higher than the figures quoted by the mayor is she riot being fully informed i would add for councils benefit that because of the economy and the unavailability of extra funds many taxpayers are likely in a simi lar state to myself and received salary increases of considerably less than the tax increases my salary from 1991 and 1992 increased by zero per cent so as a result of the towns excesses i am now worse off than in 1990 mayor sainsbury also said in the tribune that various ratepayer groups which have recently chas tised the town for excessive spend ing should also turn frustrations to higher government levels and the schools boards and then come back and pick on stouffville i couldnt agree more however durham college uxbridge campus 1993 winter programs hurrah hurrah hurrah an extra week to register evening programs alpine skiiinq asl 101 communicating with the deaf asl 102 communicating with the deaf asl 103 communicating with the deaf assertiveness training bedfordsimply accounting country line dancing country western dancing early childhood education introto elements of extraordinary gardens first responder level i francais i francais ii francais ml german level i hospital unit organ ward secretary interviewing counselling ii intro to law marketing intro to perennials ii personal computer overview pc dbase plus 1 pc spreadsheets 1 pc spreadsheets 2 pc wordperfect 1 pc wordperfect 2 public speaking basic spanish level i taichichuan day time programs career choices personal computer overview pc wordperfect 1 academic upgrading saturday seminars or workshops career choices exquisite decor i exquisite decor ii eucalyptus wall swag hair braiding pc spreadsheets intro seminar pc wordperfect intro seminar pond management public speaking workshop ultimate successful selling victorian eucalyptus rose basket wellness for women you can make time some continuous learning night school courses have been revised to start two weeks later than planned the week of january 25 1993 register now with visa or mastercard by phoning 8527848 for a free course calendar or further information call 8527848 if you have previously registered and are now in doubt about your starting date please call us at the above number do 1p 12 brock street west above the ida drug store durham uxbridge ontario c o i i ft i the uxbridge players are holding auditions for their spring production play it again sam at the music hall main st uxbridge thurs jan 21 at 730 pm and sun jan 24 at 130 pm performance dates are march 20 march 27 and april 3 for more information contact p brady at 8529397 or d splonick at 8523235 you bendem fenderbender your worries are over get fender mender we mendem complete body paint repairs guaranteed work iriswrance claim we pay your deductible u with presentation of this coupon hwy 47 just north of stouffville flea market 6424683 at7 be1hes0a bethes0ard st0uffrd that should not be used as a political excuse for inaction council should take positive action and seriously consider the sos requests i think her comments on school boards are appropriate and i ask why not elim inate them what function do they perform that cannot be performed directly by the ontario education ministry sos should also approach york region with requests for restraint similar to those put to stouffville council for example is the newmarket palace at a cost to the taxpayer of more than 60 mil lion really necessary gordon oates stoufrville lttvw is whitchurch stouffville w 1993 january water bills are due and payable on or before friday january 22 1993 at municipal office 1 9 civic avenue or by mail po box 419 stouffville l4a7z6 office hours monday to friday 830 am to 430 pm after hours mail slot east side of building ee blackburn amct director of finance f town ok whitchurch stouffville public notice appointment to whitchurchstouffville public library board the town of whitchurchstquffvilies clerks department is now accepting applications from members of the public who wish to be considered for appointment to the following local committee whitchurchstouffville public library board no remuneration one person to be appointed for a term expiring november 30th 1994 terms of reference for the appointment and application forms may be obtained from clerks department between 830 am and 430 pm monday to friday application forms should be delivered in person or by mail by 430 pm friday january 29th 1993 no applications whether received by mail or hand delivered can be accepted after the deadline for further information please contact michele skinner or susan slack at 416 640- 1900 or 416 8952423 personal information is collected under the legal authority for the municipal act rso 1990 c 45 and will be used to determine eligibility for appointment r panizza chief administrative officer w s f hitchurch- touffville oodbank thank you whitchurchstouffville for showing that you care everyone opened their hearts and gave there are just too many people to actually list so on behalf of all the volunteers and clients thank you for making christmas a very special time you made it happen thanks to the tribune and the progress club for promoting our drive and supplying the food bags cricket forfar coordinator hours of operation tues 930 am 1130 am thurs 700 pm 900 pm sat 1000 am 1200 noon 6404704