tst keaaer rails against interim bylaw iiimj8iwbjj3 p5 deareditor contained within the august 28 editions of both the stouffville tribune and the stouffville sun are articles relating to a press conference held by mayor sainsbury and the towns chief administrative officer bob panizza regarding the controversy sur rounding the interim control bylaw passed by the town restricting the use of industrial extractive properties and the resulting court actions these articles are entitled officials set record straight on gravel pit issue and mayor cao clear up gravel confusion having spent a considerable amount of time looking into this particular issue and speaking to parties on both sides of the fence i can only say that the mayor and cao are not setting the record straight in fact their socalled press release extreme ly misleading and an insult to anyone knowledgeable of the facts in the case for example v when this mess first came out in the press the mayor stated that she could not comment because of the pending court case and omb hearings if she could not comment publicly then why was i invited to a private meeting so the cao could explain the towns position which by the way does not wash now because of poor press they are in a position that they feel that they can comment what happened to the pending court case and omb hearings the mayor stated in her press release that this is not an issue of stifling develop ment at some local gravel pits it is an issue of planning this is absolutely astounding when one considers that the towns plan ning director was not aware of the interim control bylaw until the evening it was pre sented to council and passed there were no planning reports to council recommending passage of an interim control bylaw there are no planning minutes directing town staff to prepare an interim control bylaw and no one in the planning department appears to have had any knowledge of thebylaw prior to its going to council so much for it being an issue of planning the press release states that the town had a right to pass the interim control bylaw without notifying pit owners and this is exactly what they did granted it does have that authority however is any way to treat longterm corporate citizens who play a vital role in our industrial community what about their rights to the lawful ise of their properties or dont their rights count is it editors mail acikkv-5kiwhvk-jvvx-kk- any wonder we are now saddled with the multitude of actions brought against the tovm smooth move frant according to the caos statement the present bylaw does not permit new types of industry oh these sites however gravel pit operators believe the bylaw leaves room for such activity this statement is absolutely ludicrous if the present zoning bylaw did not permit the uses in question why was ht einterim con trol bylaw passed prohibitingthe uses for fun even the towns own lawyers who wrote the bylaw stated that the use was permitted the town then wrote a letter confirming this advice to one of the pit owners this corre spondence is available if you wish to have a copy the press release goes on to say that the 58000 study that the town has commis sioned will assess such things as noise truck traffic odor water usage potential for spills and effects on the oak ridges moraine fur ther officials have expressed concern about the quality of the towns water supply the question was asked at the public meeting for the study if any detailed testing or site specific hydrogeology was to fake place as part of the study the response was no they are only look ing at it in a global sense using generally available data it escapes me how recom mendations and decisions can be made regarding water usage capacities impact etc without detailed site analysis in any case if the towns real motives are concern for the municipal water supply why have they failed to mention in their press release that the owners of the bloomington road property which is closest to the towns water supply commissioned a detailed hydrogeological study from one of this countrys most prominent and respected engineering firms in this field to determine what if anyimpact their development would have on expensive the towns water supply this was an exhaustive extremely expen sive study done with proper approvals from the ministry of the environment and assis tance from the region of york which deter mined that the proposed water use would not interfere with the towns water supply the results of this stud were offered to the town prior to them passing the interim con trol bylaw and they expressed no interest at all in having this information they also fail to mention that a serious environmental problem which could affect the towns water supply has been allowed to exist on the referred to bloomington rd property for many years and that the present owner has voluntarily agreed to remedy this situation as part of the site redevelopment passage of the towns interim control bylaw has delayed the remedial work required to eliminate this problem indefinite ly this combined with the fact that the towns water supplies are already protected under existing provincial legislation as they are very much aware certainly makes one question their statement that they are just trying to look after the towns interests last but not least it is apparent that the recent press release was prepared by toronto lawyer stan mckuch for the mayor and cao i wonder how much that cost the tax payers of this town i also wonder how much that cost the tax payers i also wonder why our elected rep resentatives find it necessary to hire a toron to lawyer or any lawyer for that matter to respond to legitimate concerns expressed by members of this community the point of my first letter was to point out that town officials seem conjent to spend hundreds of thousands of taxpayers dollars needlessly rather than trying to resolve these issues and this is not the first time they have taken this approach just ask dave fockler as far as tm concerned the recent state ments made by the mayor and cao do not set the record straight and only add to the confusion which they have created and which we are paying for in a big way under the circumstances i find it extremely difficult to believe that town council authorized this press release and would be very interested in knowing which members of council voted in favor of same personally i refuse to buy this self over their own bungling of this situation and feel very strongly that those responsible for allowing matters to deteriorate to this point should be held accountable for wasting hun dreds of thousands of dollars of public funds and asked for their resignations daveprobert stouffville town of whitchurch stouffville public notice development charges report the council of the town of whitchurcristouffville has received the development charges report prepared for the town by cn watson and associates the report recommends development charges related to development and redevelopment in the town of whitchurch- stouffville in accordance with the new development charges act 1989 the council of the town of whitchurchstouffville will hold a public meeting pursuant to section 4 of the aforementioned act members of the public are invited to attend this meeting at which time the development charges proposal will be presented date tuesday september 17 1991 time 430 pm location town of whitchurchstouffville civic centre members of the public will be given an opportunity to make comments regarding the proposed development charges and related report in addition written comments may be submitted to the town of whitchurchstouffville no later than september 30 1 991 at the following address town of whitchurchstouffville 19 civic avenue po box 419 stouffville ontario l4a7z6 attention town clerk comments received from the public either in writing or at the public meeting will be considered prior to the preparation of the final report and implementing bylaw copies of the report can be obtained from the clerks department town of whitchurchstouffville on or after august 21 1991 further information or enquiries regarding the details of the report may be obtained from the town treasurer at 6401900 or 8952423 reunion iwsdysffianlcs deareditor on behalf of the reunion 91 planning committee i would like to express our appreciation for your papers support and coverage of our two day high school reunion in june as well we thank the strawberry festival planners for allowing our inclusion in their festivities and all community organizations merchants and individuals contributions to our success most of the profits realized have been turned back into the high school for educational purposes but i am pleased to announce that because of the amount of monies involved contributions have been sent from the committee to the chamber of commerce bia kinsmen club lions club lioness club whitchurchstouffville public library and the markham fair a special thanks to all former students who attended the reunion and made it a reality jh rehill stouffville winterizing kit fcuarij hoguart 1 bioguat s biogusnl winter kit 2 kg break pt 35 1 litre pool magnet 1 litre hibernate reg 6000 special 49 for 16x32 pools pools 6401424 for top quality winter covers for above ground and inground pools by piyfirp black winter covers 5 yr warranty polyweavej above ground round pool size cover size reg price 20 off 12 dia 16 dia 4995 3996 15 dia 19 dia 6995 5595 18 dia 22 dia 9595 7595 21 dia 25 dia 12595 10000 24 dia 28 dia 15595 12495 27 dia 31 dia 19095 15095 20 off 7195 8595 10395 11195 30 off 12x24 18x30 10795 7495 14x28 xmi 13595 9500 16x32 22x38 16795 11795 18 x 36 24 x 42 19995 13995 20 26 23995 16795 bonus 10 blue water bag 18 mil 2 water bags free with purchase 599 each of any inground pool cover above ground oval pool size cover size reg price 12x24 11x28 8995 15x24 19x28 10695 15x30c 19x34 12995 16x32 20 13995 inground 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