vn weekender aggsmiwiw hwmhmlkbhr all churches in the stouffville uxbridge area are invited to submit information to be included in church focus phone connie apps 2949929 deadline for saturday column is thes- day at noon i wideman mennonite s each year gospel echoes team asso ciation presents the gospel message to more than 500 prisons and churches throughout the united states and cana da- three teams minister in song arid testimony as well as through multi media skits seminars and bible study correspondence courses fljtoegoel echoes harvest teamis at wideman mennonite ihurch at 730 pm bri thursday aug 22 you are invited to come in the spirit of worship and be a part of this enriching experi- erice in yvbrship arid praise of the lord v jesus christ wideman church is located oh hwy 48 north of major mackenzie cristiah blind mission the final outdoor summer concert fea tures the rniisic of the semeadors a fif- teeriyoice choir from brazil also par- ipatmgare jim and marie alexander arid the spirit brass the concert is sat- urday aug24 at 7 pm those attending i are asked to bring their own lawn chairs the christian blind mission is located 3844 stouffville rd just east of hwy404 v churchill church baptist 2 caught a powerful billy graham film produced by world wide picture fto- iiductioris being shown on saturday jandlsuntlay the film shows the power of orieperspri caring about another as tom devon slips further into the self- destructive drug culture of a city far from his home he encounters a single caringpersbn a person of deepfaith i in 1 jesusghristi a person who found a way to advertise in our church section call doreen deacon at 6402100 -or- debbie amundson im at 8529741 springvale baptist chduch gormlev stbufftrtllc rd y at kennedy rd pastor rev boo fleming assistant pastor of youth rev byron stewart 8875651 sunday august 18th 945 am bible school 11 am morning worship 6pm evening service wednesday 700 pm prayers bible study super stars grades 7 8 midway grade grades 912 colleges career bible study v awana program discontinued for summer months nursery program available wideman mennonite church hwy 48 north of major mackenzie phone 6406219 sunday august 18th 945 am sunday school villioo am morning worship 700 pm evening service everyone welcome 4 to share a message of love hopeand for giveness in a way that tim could not ignpreboth show times are at 7 pni saturday the showing is at churchill baptist church on 9th line north of the aurora side rd and sunday die show ing is at cedar beach park at mussel- mans lake in the picnic shelter in case of rain use the i south east parking lot there is no admission charge the regular summer worship services include worship at 10 am at me church arid an open air evening service iat 7 pm at cedar park the evening service fea tures a great instrumental group the picnic shelter is used in case of i inclement weather v- sunday sept 1 service times revert back to 1 1 am and 630 prii a food bank operates out of churchill church tuesdays and saturdays at 930 am and thursday evenings the food bank has been in operation for one year bethel pentecostal assembly a few spaces remain at the bethel assembly overnight cariip at willow springs from aug 19 to 24 the camp is for children ages 7 to 12 and includes games sports swimming bible stories and teaching cost for the camp is95 those interested are invited to call me church at 6405555 k regulaseryicesabemeaesunday 10 am bible school 11 am niorhirig worship and a 630 pm evening service memorial christian a summer childrens club for ages heisehill brethren in christ church martin it ressler pastor ksac hagg youth pastor sunday august 18th worship service 1030 am evening service 700 prn above services at parkview village auditorium wednesday august 21st missions day at niagara camp no service at heise hill you are welcome to worship stouffville baptist church a fellowship church 6273 main street rev gordon bickle sunday august 18th prayertime 1015 am come for coffee at 1 030 am morning worship liropam message the believers soldiership special music- the bickles dont pretend to be what you dont intend to be if you require aride to the churchcail 6402911 and leave a message and we will return your call come worship with us nursery available vivian mccormick 4733543 on hwy 48 at vivian rd pastor brian kimball 945 am sunday school 1 100 am morning worship 700 pm evening service everyone is welcome seveji to 11 years is being held at memorial christian church from aug 19 to 30 from 930 ajn to 1 1 am bible lessons games crafts nature hunt arid i movie night centers on the theme of friendship for more information please contact kathryn wood at 6403457 dr jim amy at 6402561 praise and worship time is at 1030 am with the morning worship service at 11 am wednesday at 730 pan is a time for prayer and bible study everyone is cordially welcome to all services t me church located on main st east stouffville stouffville missionary the seasons of a spiritual life is a series of four messages describing the i phases of a healthy spiritual pilgrimage this sunday pastor charlie mashinter speaks on jjifancy part iii is adoles- cenceby pastor gibson on aug 18 and aug 25 is part tv adulthood by pastor gibsoneveryone is invited to join stouffville missionary on the pilgrim age sumriier sunday morning services are at 1030 am while the stayner family camp is on the schedule includes joint services with markham arid gormley missionary churches to be held 1 on suhday at thera christian blind mission international 3844stouherd pastor glen gibsbri conducts a three part everiirigsemiriar dealing with essential skills useful in- experiencing personal spiritual renewal on aug 18 25 and sept t from 630 to 730 pm part one is entitled sabbath part two study arid l part v three small grbupstduffville missionary is located at 6500 main st stouffville st james presbyterian itchimihistouffville has been pror claimed music town ontario in honor theangucan parish vof christ church 254 surt bvdstounwlie rev paul d scuse 6401461 sunday august 18th 1991 thirteenth sunday after pentecost 800 am- holy gommuniori 1 1000 am morning prayer church school and nursery bloomngton christian associated gospel church ninth line south of bloomington rd rev bryan coker 6404364 945 am- sunday schooj 1100 am morning worship no evening service july august wed 800 pm bible study pra all welcome st marks cathouc church 345 glad park ave stouffville 6406665 sunday mass schedule saturday 500 pm sunday 830 am and 1030 am of this status a musical barbecue and com roast is plannedfor saturday sept 21 from 430 to 730 pm in the stouf fville park music will be continuous throughout the afternoon and evening along with good food and fellowship tickets are adults 8 senior citizens 5 aridchildreriunder 12 from the pro ceeds a music scholarship will be estab- lished in addition- two persons who have contributed to the musical promi nence of the municipality will be hon ored the sunday worship service at st james is at 10 am through to sunday sepr-i- vacatiori bible school is monday aug 19 to saturday aug 24 from 830 am to 4 pm theme for the school is sharing gods blessings the school runs from 930 to 1130 aim for children kindergarten to grade 8 cost for one child is30secprid child 25 and third child 20 to register call the church at 6403151 st james presbyterian is located on main st stouffville st james presbyterian is located at on main st stouffville christchureh v v summer sunday worship is at 10 am regular sunoyschcl continues on an informal basis and the nursery will oper- ate every sunday through the summer v the justly famous christ church bar becues continue in thechurchdutback at630prn for the weekly barbecue all they ask is that each family provide either one salad or one dessert they provide the rest the food and fellow ship is followed by an informal service at 730 pm the lay readers would be most appreciative of any help you can give with the set up and clean up ciaremont united summer services for the sumriier sti james presbyterian church revir gale pastor 6432 main st stouffville 6403151 sunday august 18th rev herb gale has returned from vacation and will conduct the service summer worship times are 10 am saturday sept 21st in recognition of whitchurch- stouffvilles music tbwn ontario status a musical barbeque arid corn roast will be held in the stouffville park from 430 to 730 pm everyone welcome parkview village 12184 ninth line south stouffville sunday august 18th 830 pm hymn sing with norm fockler baker hill baptist church on hwy 48 2 mi north of hwy 47 pastor rev dana struve 945am btole school 1030am morning worship wednesday 730 pm v midweek fellowship hour i all are welcome months are shared with ciaremont bap tist during august rev glen eagle preaches in the ciaremont baptist church everyone is cordially invited to attend this service at 11 ajn melville united the worship service sunday is at 9 am i with rev wayne reed preaching mark sept 13 on your calender as a reminder to attend the melville united chicken barbecue this delicious event takes place from 430 to 8 pm with adults 10 cmldreri5 anci preschoolers free melville united is located on kennedy rd north of 18th ave vstpuffville baptist rev gordon bickle preaches the ser vice sunday preseryice prayertime is 1015 arri with coffee 1030 arri stouffville baptist- is located 1 at 6273 main st west stoufryillei parkview village a a hymn smgbccursevery sunday at 830 pm during the summer months as the regular worship service is discdritin- ued- t st marks catholic regular massesare saturday at5 prn arid sundayat 830 arid1030 aim in the church locatedat 345 glad park ave stouffville stouffville united ithe suriimer worship i service time is 1030 am andcasualclothesarethe dress- stouffville united is located at 34 church st northstouffville formore information phone 640rl 163 j ciaremont baptist ciaremont baptist and ciaremont united share worship sery ices fprithe summer months rev gien eagle preaches in- the ciaremont baptist church for the month of august ser vices are at 11 am m stouffville missionary church a community church offering wednesday night kids clubs youth programmes adult small groups sunday family worship and teaching f for more information please call 6403911 6500 main st stouffville ontario l4a5z4 across ram summitview public school memorial christian church 6258 main stv stouffville pastor jim amy 6402561 1030 am praise worship time 1100 am morning worship service ednesdav 730 pm prayer and bible study all are welcome stoufeville united church 34 church sfcn s 6401163 rev wayne reed sunday august 18th joining with lemonyille unrted church 1015 am morning worship i baby fold available y everyone welcome