st tmbune aprnt24i9l1 pis in the spirit of volunteer week hilary green one way to make a difference bruce stapley correspondent reacting to the evergrowing reality of a devastating reces sion hilary green is turning her sense of civic duty into relief for families facing the bleak prospect of empty pantries hilary who was born in eng land and moved to stouffville from agincourt eight years ago is the coordinator of the volun teer program at the whitchurchstouffville food bank wsf network but despite her title she refuses to see herself as any more than just one of the net work of people who have helped make the emergency food distribution station the success it has become the wsf came into being this past january the result of a cry for help of an uxbridge resi dent who had run out of capaci ty in her homerun food assis tance operation according to hilary the opportunity to help was tailor- made for her and the church of which she is a member praying we had been praying for an outreach opportunity at churchill baptist robyn magee the founder and direc tor of the wsf got together with us and we set up the food bank in the basement of our church within a short time the food was rolling in shelves had been donated on which to store it and a fridge and freezer were also contributed hilary who also serves as a volunteer reader at christian blind mission international oh stouffville road now has 30 volunteers working with her workshops she arranged workshops for training the volunteers and organizes the scheduling of the help the wsf is open tues days from 9301130 am thursdays from 79 pm and saturdays from 10 am to noon hilary assigns two volunteers per shift with a third person assigned to the thursday night slot she often ends up on shift herself covering for volunteers unable to be there thats the thrilling part i like to be involved to meet the people she said and when shes not arranging the schedule for the volunteers and arranging food packages herself hilary is in the church basement putting groceries on the shelves breaking up bulk foods or running around col lecting food from stouffville area businesses or contributors like parkview home for the aged magic hilary contends the magic of the foodbank lies in its success in bringing out the heart of the community stouffville is a very caring community she said while going over the foodbank inven tory recently you can see the need just by looking at the newspaper a lot of people especially young people have nothing to fall back on when they lose their jobs its sometimes takes weeks for unemployment insurance benefits or welfare to start coming in very supportive stouf- fville has been very support ive its touching when you see people come in with food we had a 12yearold come in recently with food she had collected kids see their parents respond ing arid they are influenced in a positive way hilary has been delighted at how people in the community stouffville has been very supportive its touching when you see people come in with food we had a 1 2yearold come in recently have so readily adopted the foodbank as a priority cause you tell them that its for the foodbank when youre solicit ing food and they say oh yes of course theres been such a good response hilary believes that she arid the other vol unteers get as much out of it as those receiving the food in terms of satisfaction we love to do it you feel that you are doing some good its when you get involved serv ing the community that you feel the joy in your life tonic hilary who has three children and two grandchildren suggests that volunteer work is like a tonic for her and whether its the foodbank or any other volunteer organiza tion there is always a need wherever you lie no matter how small the community you can always find volunteer work it gives my life purpose and meaning p family restaurant sat may 4 1991 michelob beer presents 1 rock n roll all night long 200 cover charge party starts 900 pm party party party 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