ft ii3s sisfe f novices take it all see p 6 tribune exclusive deer park inn gets breath of new life foronta investor tracy kibble staff reporter the deer park inn will be open to the public by early summer after a toronto man purchased the club recently the tribune has learned phil stefaniak 58 has been in the hotel business for several years and is now in the process of settling a few matters with consultants stefaniak hopes to have the deer park up and running by summer he told the tribune in an exclusive interview wednesday stefaniak hopes his approach to cater to different tastes will make the club a success tthe place is just too big for one operation i hope to keep having live shows and i want to have rooms reserved for weddings and banquets but im working on a lot more too stefaniak said he said he is aiming at creating three or four different areas or rooms including a room to hold weekend brunches im debating many ideas stefaniak is also looking at making the hwy 47 nightclub a little cozi er and hopes to open a trendy italianpizza restaurant in one room as well as a sports lounge it all depends on how business goes stefaniak saidl he added the club needs a whole cleanup job before he would be ready toopen the deer park inn under its previous owners was forced into bankrupt cy by a creditor last year it left a debt of more than 1 million behind photoannette buchkowski a visit from the easter bunn margaretta peukert receives a candy egg from the easter bunny as linda todd helps by car rying the bunnys basket of goodies olive white anxiously waits her turn in the back ground the bunny visited green gables manor on 9th line saturday llle speaks out on canadas future s the citizens forum on canada future will target one million canadians by july 1 tracy kibble staff reporter bilingualism quebec language rights and the legal system all need some straightening around accord ing to several local residents who care about canadas future in fact more than 50 local resi dents registered their concerns and opinions about canadas future to the spicer commission tuesday at lemohyille united church sponsored by york presbytery of the united church of canada the meeting was chaired by modera torcitizens forum volunteer thomas mckaig mckaig said he was surprised at seeing more than 50 people at the meeting and added most discus sions are effectively handled with about 12 to 15 community repre sentatives but the meeting proceeded with some impressive comments from local residents about canada all concerns questions and com ments will be recorded and fully addressed by the spicer commis sion which will reach one million canadians by july 1 mckaig said this is bigger than any poll and even if the critics say this is a fail ure it is the first time canadians have dialogued their feelings he added i have proof the spicer com mission works and im impressed with the process mckaig who acted as neutral moderator for the meeting told the audience he called keith spicer chairman of the citizens forum on canadas future an honest type of rene gade who gets things done- im a relatively new canadi an ive been here since 1939 1 never cease to be excited when i go to different provinces in canada i think all school chil dren should spend one term in another province were all so narrow so parochial were a closed society instead of talking to each other john kudelka john kedelka on rights of que- bekers of course they are a distinct society but more than quebec is distinct whats more distinct than the calgary stampede or new brunswick shores the easi est thing in the world to build is bureaucracy quebec is lucky there is no doubt theyre french canadian the identity is recog- nizable you can touch it feel it no one else has it except maybe newfoundland john kudelka my children take french in school and i have no problem with bilingualism here but it doesnt exist in quebec here you see bienvenue and welcome signs but there are no welcome signs in quebec to accept bilin gualism it has to be total i was born and raised in ontario but i dont feel i own this province for quebec to even think of removing itself from this country is ludicrous it does not belong to them and politicians have no right to wrench quebec away from canada as a whole carolyn duggan stouffville the greatest style of evil is fragmentation and we cannot afford the luxury everybody is busy championing their own self ish cause i am for the canadian mosaic and would encourage ethnic people to keep their cul ture but not at the expense of being canadian we have a very i mentality which is bound to affect our friends and our community we are marching down the road to anarchy we have to be account able to society selfdisciplined and we have to remember the other fellow marion wells lemonville marion wells on the legal sys tem the legal system is in total chaos it is bogged down with technicalities and no longer serves society but serves the criminal the young offenders act is a bad law it protects the rights of a minority over the please see page 3 it isnt being ganadianto rush off to the gulf with our people because someone in washington dg snaps his fingers that doesnt make us canadian john kudelka at the citizens forum in v lempnville last week a