re finding stouffville pool bid creates employment but operates at loss tracy kibble staff reporter building and maintaining a 4rhillion recreational pool complex in whitchurchstouffville could create employment within the town according to projections from a study leisureplan international inc the townhired consultant which presented council with its final report last month lists several positions that could be created if a pool is built although the consultants said the recreational pool and racquet courts are the most popular sport with residents and said the need for such a facility is warranted the pool may never be built much depends on whether council which may change with next years municipal election wjll vote to proceed with the capital project its construction would also depend largely on whether the town would qualify to receive a tourism and recreation ministry grant but if the facility is to be built the 19200squarefoot addition to the recreation complex would probably mean an expansion of recreation department staff according to the leisureplan report the town would have to hire an aquatic supervisor 42000 annual salary a head instructor 31000 a part time instructor and guards 103000 a racquet court instructor 9300 and maintenance staff 30000 when benefits for the above employees are paid 22000 the town could be looking at annual total salaries and wages of about 237000 the report projections state when maintenance costs 23000 utilities 63000 and administration 7000 costs are included the town is looking at a 1 73000 operating deficit in 1 994 this figure is raised to 208000 in 1999 according to the report revenues expected from the facility will be generated through swimming lessons recreational swimming rentals racquet court memberships and meeting room rentals totalling about 157000 which falls short of the operating cost total of 330000 council has not supported nor approved any of leisureplans recommendations and will further discuss financial feasibility of the project in the new year lopal teens benefit at markham clinic confidentiality and respect go hand in hand with information and advice at a new markham clinic which also serves residents in the whitchurch- stouffville area the york region public health departments birth control and sexually transmitted disease std clinic opened its doors nov 13 in markham the clinic runs every tuesday 4 to 6 pm and department nursing manager cathy white said an average of three to four clients visit the hwy 7 offices weekly to ask about birth control or stds pregnancy and aids testing are also carried out at the hwy 7 facility we offer highquality service good medical monitoring as well as high- quality counselling ms white said the clients are mainly females ranging in age from 14 to 19 although all ages are welcome theyre usually looking for birth control after being sexually active for six months to a year ms white said last week nurse sheila mcdowell said the planners young people who seek contraception advice before sexual activity are the exception some older clients also visit the clinic although as a rule most patients are in their midteens please see clinic page 2