p14 tribune october 1671990 r wsimmem wwsm 4 selling it takes quality people to sell omes before you spend time trying to sell privately consider this real estate agents can help you determine the best sellinq price to ensure that you get the best market value in an amount of time that best suits your individual requirements 2 l a sort out prospects to keep unqualified strangers from wandering all through your house 3 estate a can help prospects decide on takinq ac tion on your home with objects f 4 mjnhf c 9 can negotiate better as a third party to maintain the asking price and size of cash deposit 5 real estate agents can help buyers find mortgage money when necessary and save a sale when the buyer needs a little help 6 real estate agents can eliminate a lot of red tape since thev are fully trained and licensed to prepare the offer papers lease agreements and mortgage agreements 7 agents are best equipped to be there at all hours of the day for prospects and to get action quickly with the fewest problems j 8 real estate agents can make your home more attractive to potential buyers 8 sound reasons to contact a real estate sales representative when thinking of relocating 05fr-