p4 the tribune wednesday december 6 1989 st tw gets 6 p metric tome 0pgrael twt 15 wll0 off 1t5 utfd twepo i tmimsc its u16htjme w ms ovwseuss a u kinsmens 89 parade a success congratulations to the stouff- ville kinsmen for their hard work and time that went into the 27th annual santa claus parade judging by the quality of floats entered in the celebration of a cartoon christmas as well as the marching bands and colorful clowns this years event was a rousing success the kinsmen who have long been a part of the stouffville com munity and who have worked hard to help deserve a pat on the back for their efforts a tribune tip of the hat also goes to the 1989 parade winners we salute todd pools who was awarded the mayors trophy st marks catholic school for best school float honors budget tow ing for most original float stouffville lions for most humorous and mel emmerson construction for the best theme float in all 40 floats and six bands combined to add to the spectacle from one end to the other it was a true celebration st nick passed brought his own brand of charm to anchor the 1989 event and now prepares for the next one see you in 1990 gilderdale christmas has its traditions i used to fret about what to buy people at christmas but now i dont have to worry anymore thanks to toronto magazines handy little gift guide suggestions include a 9000 portable computer vintage cognac in a cherrywood case with a crystal decanter for 191295 the inveterate bargain hunter could probably overlook the 95 cents or if economy is a consideration a mont blanc fountain pen which comes at the bargain basement price of 290 other unusual little offerings include a silver tea set in which each component is artfully slanted a la leaning tower of kates corner kate gilderdale pisa a snap at 2650 and a pair of jewelled evening shoes for a trifling 1795 then theres the one id have to leave the price tag on lest it be mistaken for a cast off from a garage sale a nasty and un comfortable looking metal folding chair which is practical ly being given away at 1450 no wonder rivers of ink are expended on writing about christmas stress if thats what stouffville uxbridge tribune n publisher editorinchief editor director of advertising retail advertising mgr administration mgr dir of promotfonsdistribution patricia pappas don bernard stephen houston debra weller susan berry chris bertram jennifer hutt published every wednesday by metroiand printing publishing and distributing at 9 heritage rd markham ontario l3p1m3 tel 2942200 second class registration number 1247 the stouffvieuxbridge hxme publshed every wednesday at 54 main st w stouffvie is one of the metroiand printing publishing and distributing group of suburban newspapers which includes the acton free press ajaxpickering news advertiser aurora banner brampton guardian burlington post etobicoke advertiserguardian georgetown independent milton champion mississauga news newmarket era oakvbe beaver oshawawhitby this week richmond hbthornhevaughan liberal scarborough mirror markham economist sun topic newsmagazine wjowdale mirror metroiand prin ting publishing and distributing is a division of harlequin enterprises ltd national sales representative metroiand corporate sales 4931300 it takes to keep up with the joneses in 1989 at chateau gilderdale our aspirations are more modest and our budget for individual family gifts doesnt come close to three figures never mind four which means the sales tax alone on the folding chair would be out of our league for myself the family cant go wrong with books cds clothes or a new bag in which to carry my notebook and camera editors mail at the moment i veer bet ween my regular purse into which my notebook almost fits and a dogeared canvas recep tacle with a ripped side pocket which sports a brown plastic label masquerading unconvinc- ingly as leather useful presents are out i could never love someone who gave me a coffee maker or ket tle or a set of saucepans even if they were made in france and some books will not be greeted with enthusiasm the joy of stress and anything else in the selfhelp line will be pro minently featured in an early spring yard sale similarly resistable are bathroom scales especially electronic ones whose precision cant be argued with anything careless motorists reason for accidents with a goose or duck motif and subscriptions to magazines which carry ads impregnated with a variety of overpowering and unappealing perfume my favorite presents are those chosen by the children on the saturday before christmas which is when my husband takes them on a stouffville- wide tour of stores with a minimum of guidance he lets them each select one or two small gifts the identity of which my daughter struggles valiantly not to reveal during the few days left until christmas our christmas is epitomized by these events cutting down and trimming the tree with or naments which go back to my childhood listening to christmas carols sitting by the fire with the tree lights on and enjoying the indefinable warmth of the season which despite rampant consumerism still manages to survive for us thats what christmas is all about 6402100 6492292 dear editor are we doing all we can to reduce the high accident rate on our highways are we using plain common sense in our driving i am a volunteer driver for both home support and the recently opened speech and stroke cen tre and drive on the roads almost every day last monday i took a lady to the hospital in richmond hill for a 7 am appointment on the return trip i counted no less than five cars without their headlights on according to the toronto star they should have been on until 7 59 am three cars had on ly one headlight most cars were going well over the speed limit even in a con struction area i wasnt all sur prised to see one car that had been rearended on nov 21 during a trip to aurora and newmarket when the roads were treacherous i saw at least six cars in the ditch i wonder just what is wrong are we careless or in too much of a hurry or is it just that we are not at all concerned with obeying the laws that really are for our protection edwjn raymer stouffville fill our mailbox the tribune welcomes let- ters from readers on current topics letters should be 500 words or less and typed or neatly printed they may be subject to editing for length at the discretion of the editor they must be submitted by 5 pm friday to appear in the wednesday tribune letters may be submitted to the office at 54 main st w stouffville po box 40 l4a 7z4