the tribjufne december 6 1989 jhhl daycare available 770 daycare on the farm lots of small petting animals and ponies exp staff 7 am 6 pm all ages including infants 25 per day limited spaces located be tween 18th 19th ave on ken nedy rd 8871560 european nannies mothers helpers nnebs and housekeeper companions for elderly care carefully screened call 4210596 parents wee watch has private home daycare avail able for children aged 6 weeks and older in stoufhrifle uxbridge greenbank goodwood bfoorningtori and other areas weoflen screened caring providers teabfe hours tame tax receipts stutied and unssactred programmes horns viat by quabed conailants rotable bactap service ongoing picvifei trainrig wee tc private home day care rrja for more information please call 6421906 daycare wanted 775 babysii ifcknanny required for 16 month old and 5 year old markham area live inout short or long term 2947558 daycare wanted orchard park area in my home for 5 month old girl beginning january 8th 830 5 possible 4 daysweek 6406935 daycare needed in my home or yours for 2 boys 3 5 4 days a week approx 5 hours per day 8529279 high school student to babysit 6 and 9 year olds after school box gove 4714617 after 6 pm nannywantedinmyhornefor3yearoldand5 month old 3 days becoming 4 per week 930 530 50day near unionville high school 4793767 insurance 790 business services 791 accounting income tax available for all areas of uxbridge beaverton and surrounding areas business or personal please call 1-705- 2281062 word processing resumes reports let ters etc call 4711928 computerized book keeping accounting tax return services financial statements man agement reports free con sultation call 4717821 domestic help wanted 550 housecleaner requires helper part time could become full time if helper so desires transportation provided please call sandy evenings after 6 pm 6404514 when you need help you need classified the tribune 6402100 fax 6405477