a10 tribune august9 1989 grosbeak can be fickle at feeding time s art briggsjude j correspondent anyone with even the slightest jnterest in wild birds must be pleasantly surprised these days jo notice some different leathered creatures among their visual sightings z the increasing number of bird feeders supplying seed both sum- mer and winter has in many in stances caused this situation rj add to this seed food countless plantings of berryproducing urees and shrubs such as moun- itain ash flowering crabapples and the various viburnams its jlittle wonder some members of ithe bird world are changing their flight patterns x- while most of these range ex tensions have occurred in recent years as early as 1921 noted canadian ornithologist pa v taverner described the eastern spread of the evening grosbeak as coinciding with the extensive planting of the manitoba maple as in the case of the snow bun tings and tree sparrows the evening grosbeaks initially arriv ed in these parts of the province during the cold weather months chunky in appearance and adap table by nature these strikingly- marked yellow black and white birds soon discovered that sunflower seeds in feeders were not only as nourishing as the maple tree keys but a lot easier to garner the daily visits of a large flock of these kingsized canaries over a period of several months has caused more than one feeding station operator to delve into the christmas money to buy bags of extra seed despite the fact they appear to have insatiable appetites even ing grosbeaks tend to be fickle feathered friends one winter they turn up at almost everyones feeding station and the next they turn their beaks up at all but a preferred few there is no doubt however that the harshness of winter and the availability of natural food has a bearing on the numbers of evening grosbeaks making the rounds of local feed shelves a number of years ago buoyed by the success of attracting hum mingbirds to our rural property we decided to keep our regular bird feeding station operating during the summer too sure its expensive but what hobby today isnt and the results have been worth all the effort and expense what value for example can you put on watching a parent woodpecker bring its brood to your nearby peanut holder what price is it worth to see a raspberrytoned purple finch lin ing up several youngsters for this male evening grosbeak is busy feeding his young this usual winter visitor has been found nesting in southern ontario their hulled seed rations what too is the monetary measure of watching the trim goldfinches regurgitate small seeds to their keep cool with icg central air conditioning features quiet wealso install 1 66 efficient canadian made low cost financing 2 speed outdoor fan mitsubishi spacepak for homes with hot water or electric baseboards air condmonsfjg we have ico window units available showroom hbs monfr1 900500 pm sat 9001 00 pm t discount on all showroom orders limited time offer 11 consumer gas icg comfort you can count on dbu service you can trust consumn gttdubr dbm heating air cond ltd 50 mural st unit 1 1 richmond hill 76401120 2266480 all spring summer ladies fashions accessories 112 main st n markham 2940966 open 7 days a week regular ticket pricecash or cheque preferred young or the nuthatches teaching their fledglings to pry open each individual seed and if theres anything more interesting than the arrival of an unexpected species im open for suggestions this fact was brought home to us again this past week when lo and behold there was a big yellow bird hard at it on the feeding shelf what made it doubly surprising was that not only was this bird a male evening grosbeak it was accom panied by three demanding youngsters so for the second time in eight years evening grosbeaks have nested on our property such a sighting opens the bbok on a whole gamut of questions why didnt we see the birds earlier where was the nest where w the female etc actually we did notice a yellofr bird disappear into thp pinewoods one day in june wheji evening grosbeaks were furthest thing from our mind as for nt locating the nest we are njst alone placed high in a tall con ifer tree it seems only a relative ly few are ever found its worthv to note that it is one of the few nests not photographed in t petersen field guide on bird nests by hal h harrison while the evening grosbeakjs winter range has been extended by the provision of food it now seems the addition of summbr feeding may eventually makeit as familiar in some areas as jjs fiery red cousin the cardinal ii aw i police seek hood ornament thieves gary iwcbrien york regional police toronto and regional crime stoppers and the york regional police force are asking the trust sears for lasting quality easy living plus interior 4l latex flat ceiling white only primer or floor paint weatherbeater exterior flat latex paint primer or water repellent stain exterior flat latex paint or primer 4l can reg 3399 each 1699 s14 off on these other fine finishes of weatherbeater exterior paint 4l latex semigloss reg 3899 each 2499 4l oil highgloss or primer sears reg 3999 each 2599 rog pncesslated are seats prices publics help in an effort to ap prehend the persons who ae responsible for stealing emblems from automobiles ip the markham area 5j during the summer months york regional police forrjfe have experienced approximate ly 100 thefts of hood emblertfe from vehicles in the markhafji residential area h the culprits apparent search the area looking ttjr vehicles with hood emblems mi them once a vehicle is locate the hood emblem is removed and later used asa decorative ornament on clothing the favorite emblems aqe stolen from more expensive vehicles such as oldsmobiles chryslers cadillacs bmvss and porsches fj in one incident the culprits entered a porsche automobile and pried an emblem from the dash panel causing 1500 damage to the vehicle this is how you can help us solve this investigation if you know the persons who are responsible for stealing these hood emblems or have any in formation about this incident call crime stoppers you pay off with information and cririje stoppers pays off with cash the crime stoppers toll free number is 18003878477 or locally in the toronto calling in area 222tips 50 off easy living plus interior 4l latex flat ceiling white only primer or floor paint reg 3999 each 1999 30 off other fine finishes 4l can reg 42994399 ea 30093079 vt price on weatherbeater water re pellent stain dries quicker than most other stains available in 30 solid or semitransparent colors 4l can sears reg 3399 each 1699 somebody cares cares if you are new in town and feel kind of lost if youve just added a new son or daughter to your family if he has finally asked you to become his wife if you or someone in your family is celebrating a very special oc casion who call 4711828 4721819 6403921 4707823 factory outb discount prices your moneys worth and more vaitteseareretailmenearestyouwoyeopenmondayiof pickering town centre 4208000 gerrard square rape and 6errard4619092uppercanada mall newmarket 89823ckthepromerutfeshopplng centre balrmrstno1h of sieoles 7313338 the shop on steele tt 4048316600so3rscaiada inc regor was refer tosoars prices also availablo in our osfcawabarrie burlington arxibcn while quantities last unless otherwise indicated prices do not include home delivery charges for details please inquire at your nearest sears store not an items available in an stores copyright canada 1 989 trailers fifth wheels motorhomes exclusive dealer in southern ontario new used units stevenson rv sales 9 douglas rd uxbridge 3 6406511 8526s8j