tribune july 12 1989 cs photorickiiadonik shadow lake counsellor mark koofing 20 dumps fellow staff member alicia hogan during the summer months shadow lake centre provides a recreational camping program for the developmental handicapped shadow lake a special camp for special kids kate gilderdale i correspondent althoagh its a mere 10 minutes by car from downtown stouff- ville the shadow lake outdoor recreation centre may be one of the bestkept secrets in the area located near musselmans lake jast across the road from cedar beach this wellequipped facility features its own beautiful lake pjenty of woodland and a developed waterfront area it was alo the site chosen as the starting point for the 1989 v strawberry festivals triathlon competition durijg the summer months shadow lake centre provides a recreational camping program for tm developmental han- dicaped through the metropolitan toronto associa te tion foi community living for j the resj of the year its available vfor useby organizations such as schools scouting and guiding groups and other community associations although its on stouffvilles doorstjp says director gary ouellefce the majority of his bookings come from groups out side th area one of his aims is to encourage more local organiza tions to take advantage of the centrej s theres a misconception that this it for the developmental handicapped only he says whip its our primary mandate to provide recreational programs for them the centre is open to a wide range of community groups throughout the year apart from the summer months for many years shadow lake wasjwned by the timothy eaton coisays ouellette it was operated as a summer camp for the families of employees in the 30si40s and 50s after the com pany sold it sometime around the jlate 50s it was privately ownejl for about five or six years in 1965 what was then the metro toronto association for the men tally retarded purchased it initially it was used solely as a rsumnjer camp about eight yearsago our board of directors throufh the association made a comnjitment to invest in the faciliyand operate it on a year- round basis as well as the summer camp whicl runs from june 18 to sept l ta offer programs for the devetapmentally handicapped at christmastime during the school break j vje also have several group homs that call up throughout the iwinttr for weekends of cross country skiing and skating he ladds age is no barrier for the isumner program this year my youngest is seven and my oldest will be 88 some faiilies nowadays prefer to send their youngsters to regular camp he acknowledges theres a movement afoot thats more towards integration rather than segregated camps such as this but i still think we provide a muchneeded service to people who are looking for this type of summer program there is a fulltime staff of three at shadow lake with bet ween 45 and 50 employed during the summer including service staff and counsellors there are no specific qualifications for campers ouellette stressed i believe in an opendoor policy everyone should have the oppor tunity to send their son or daughter to camp its a form of parent relief for individuals requiring special attention theres a one- toone ratio of staff to campers the general ratio is onetothree there are about 30 counsellors who work specifical ly with our campers as well as specialty staff including craft in structors life guards sports in structors and health care person nel he notes the centre has an infirmary with three beds a recreation hall with a basketball court and playroom area and a modern din ing hall as well as 300 acres of land we offer every conceivable sport from baseball and golf to archery he says we have out door camping programs and through saturday only good through july is 14piece portrait package 28xl0s 25x7s and 10 wallets on traditional backgrounds baby youve never looked better at sears our photographers are experienced professionals in every way they make sure your baby 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crafts music and drama are also featured in the offseason the centre is used for a variety of programs we deal with just about every high school in the city and north york he explains they use the centre for activities like canoe in struction and orienteering the scarborough board of education offers leadership training pro grams to students 2 weeks of savings offer expires july 25tb or while quantities last 220 m st e sweats stum sfcurmto hours monaivw10pjn ttus-impim- fampm stlmpm