a6 tkujums juli a issa when the stars come up prices come down pmiwc reach for the stars and save qwwstowin kj see details at store super special super special assorted flavours good humor ice cream 2 litre carton with 2 coupons below assorted varieties chateau dry beverages case of 24280 ml tins unit cost 53 per 100 ml limit 4 cases per family purchase super special super special white only royale bathroom tissue package of 12 rolls limit 4 pkgs per family purchase regular or all beef swift wieners 450 g vac pac limit 6 pkgs per family purchase double stamps all week towels tastemaker by stevens on sale at all times no saver stamps required luxurious thick and thirsty bath sheets 35 x 66 each 1999 start saving your free stamps now youll receive one saver stamp with each moot purchase twenty saver stamps fills a saver book then redeem it saver stamp books available at the store 27x50 bath towels 16x28 hand towels each 13x13 wash cloths with one filled stamp saver book save aoo everyday retail without saver stamps 699 399 199 999 6i99 499 product of california sweet juicy peaches 174 kg lb 79 powdered laundry sunlight detergent 5 litre box 399 limit 3 boxes per family purchase assorted flavours yukon club beverages 750 ml bottle unit cost 55 per 100 ml 2 plus m per bottle deposit with this coupon save 30 assorted flavours good humor ice cream 2 litre carton 129 umit 1 carton per coupon offer vauo ovujuty jas 193 feature one wtnout coupon 13 glw save 30 assorted flavours good humor ice cream 2 litre carton 129 umit 1 urton per coupon offer valid thru july xx ok futur pnee wfliom coupon ts prices effective thru saturday july 8th 1989 wrmrvth rtqulramtnt the right to limit qutntltlt to normal family saving shown in thl ad bated on curran metropolitan toronto asp retail csa ap food stores uxbridge signed to here again are some items of interest called up from issues of the tribune of years gone by 100 years ago june 28 1889 amusements this week has seen at least three of the smallest audiences that ever assembled to take in a public entertainment on mon day evening john r clarke lec tured to an audience of about 40 and on tuesday evening the at tendance was so small that mr clarke declined to proceed it was thought that the coming of bairds dramatic co on wednes day and thursday evenings was the cause of the slim attendance but some other cause must be assigned as the crowd on wednesday night was equally small and went the same way it seems that folks have not recovered from uncle torrts cabin and although the bootblack orator has lost none of his powers or populatiry folks are not in a mood to patronize any sort of entertainment at present 50 years ago july 6 1939 in what they say is an attempt to drive the bootleg gers out of uxbridge 300 citizens have signed a petition there asking that local authority to sell beer be established petition in 1939 stop bootlegging bygone days walter waferston the petition will be presented to town council with a request that a plebiscite be held as soon as possible supporters of the petition say the signatures secured represent a complete crosssection of ux bridge including 90 per cent of the businessmen and even clergymen they maintain that the move is one for temperance rather than the beginning of a wet party in longdry uxbridge and has been started solely because of the ac tivity of bootleggers 25 years ago june 25 1964 although this area escaped the full force of a wind and rain storm that lashed many points of southern ontario on tuesday evening there was some interruption of hydro and telephone service in the district south of mongolia the 10th con of markham was blocked for a time when two trees were topplecj across the road a similar blockade occurred on 18th ave markham at con 5 and east oj victoria square power was cuf off in a portion of unionville also on the 4th con of pickering 10 years ago june 28 1979 stouffville i the finest country music show ever staged here or in any com munity this size attracted an estimated 3000 people to the stouffville arena sunday and proved a fitting tribute to the talents of the late ed wideman the dazzling array of top stars included such professionals as ronnie prophet ian and sylvia dave and sugar and the good brothers all close friends of the deceased ed wideman of dicksons hill and later richmond hill died in a singlecar accident feb 27 on the stouffvillegormley road the corporation of the town of whitchurchstouffville notice of changing of street name take notice that the corporation of the town of whitehurchstouffviue intends to pass a bylaw to change the name of the street known as old bloomington road to lincdnvle lane being part of road allowance between lots 10 and 11 concessions 9 and 10 town of whitchurchstouffville from hwy 47 westerly to its end and further take notice that the council of the corporation of the town of whitchurchstouffville shall at the hour of 500 pm tuesday august 8th 1989 in the council chambers of the municipal buildings at 19 civic avenue stouffville ontario hear any person who claims that he will be adversely affected by the bylaw and applies to be heard dated at the town of whitchurchstouffville this 29th day of june 1989 i patricia g oakes clerk town of whitchurchstouffville 19 civic avenue box 419 stouffville ontario l4a7z6 thomson presents magic vacation combinations fro premiers nassau and salt cay cruise and stay j 1319 catf catd jun40ecl81989 crust deparh every friday- port departure tax 70 come oboord in port canaveral and soil to nossou salt cay ondthen slay ot your choice of tfoword johnson disney south howard johnson fountain park howard johnson cocoa beoch or travelodge your cruise and stay packages indudo return oirfare on odyssey inlemotionors boeing 757 to orlondo free use ol o lindos cor rental for the duration of your stay 3 night cruise with oil meols and enlertoinment on board ship accommodation of your choice for 4 nights in either orlondo or cocoa 8eoch oneporkonedcticletiothewcjtoisrworldrcsort a cruise designed with the family in mind choose from two- 3 night cruise to the bahamas combined with a 4 night land package at any one of our ohando or cocoa beoch hotels mix it and match h until h fits your family to a t premiers abacodabra cruise and stay j 1269 cajf catd jun4decl81989 cruise deports every thursday port departure tox 70 boord in port canaveral and cruise to the incredible abaco family islands ond then stay ol your choice ol howard johnson disney world south orlando morriott howard johnson cocoa beoch or travelodge froi thomson gives you so rnuch to choose from cruises cruise ond slay lond packages or oir only pick ond choose mix it and molch it until it fits you ond your family lo a t wees are per person baled on double occupancy- frice apples so ouie ond sby pottage ond j wry by departure me ain category end osoke of bat for prices on oueev com fend packages ond air onry see tnomons florido bvodwe rtoiefr tenon bajoeamofeeccperydui lwvmfwnjttmrfmijiiktloefabfrlmi dtonmnccatic0gontowramtostafstomflr neesy tv men cm tees reps we pe ti 0 atjtjc omow rtacotwqrt ojyee7y wetrtw ftmff kjm 6nvm ftrftmrl ttt r hmmfl sewoxw w im ntwoafj mmv vejuswewew pj 6 incmboa lrkeevqee voelbl imbmf isfflmarlin w travel markvlle shopping centre 4776700 or re i23s67m afisiis