a4 tribune june 7 1989 sjv i editorial town wish list is ambitious but may be trimmed the town of whitchurch- stouffvilles fiveyear capital forecast is an ambitious one that covers all the municipal bases the forecast a list of projects and plans that are unconfirmed at this early date shows the town is aware of local needs and is preparing to head into the last decade of the 20th century indeed it is just a list of wishes expensive ones that would vastly improve services in the town but the expensive bubble can easily be burst if york region which requested the lists from all nine regional municipalities opens the chest and says it can only af ford a fraction of the requests therein lies the problem whitchurchstouffville is com peting with nine other municipalities three of which are traditionally given a little more than yorks more nor thern and less urban towns markham richmond hill and vaughan though far ahead of areas such as east gwillim- bury georgina and whitchurchstouffville in terms of their tax base will surely call louder for the region to recognize their needs and expectations and despite the fact that items included in stouffvilles are sorely needed roads fun ding water projects for ballan- trae and musselmans lake a new administrative building the onus will fall on the town to provide those services the provincial government has all but abandoned municipalities in terms of fun ding york region is struggling to provide an equal slice of the pie to everyone in the geographic family and the smaller municipalities are feel ing the pinch a little more acutely whitchurchstouffvilles blueprint for the future has been designed but there is no engineer to work from those plans the tribune established 1888 f stephen houston patricia pappas deborah weller jennifer hutt editor pubfisher advertising manager distrtoution manager retail advertising susan berry manager charles canning real estate classified advertising joan marshman real estate manager dorothy young distribution sandy kitetey artene maddock business office manager chris bertram doreen deacon national sales representative metroland corporate sales 4931300 the siouhvow tntjune punsfted every wednosaay pncav ana sunday at 54 ma n sy west swufvrfie ontario is one ol the metraiand pnntmrj put3hng and distributing grpup of communty nespapers when mclixje tne acton free press aa peering news advertiser aurora banner barre banner advance barapfcn guars an btrfnoton post etotxoke advertserguardan georgetown independent kingston tm week marfchan econornst and sun mfton champion m sauga news newmarket era oakvfle beaver osaawhlry trs week richmond hjj- thomhdivaughan uerai scarborough mror tope newsmasre and wmowoale tjltror ivfetroland prrenc pwbbsradiiabnrlttofttrfh m canada ssoyear ewewbere member ol the canadurt commwvry newspaper assocatwi ontario communn newspaper asscoaton onrar0 press cound and suduroan nespaperj of america second class ma j reasrwion number 0896 6402100 mti f i x at random ht v r m is wksm it y i steve houston 6492292 editors mail cancer society is thankful for help notsogood goods somehow find their way to our place dear editor on behalf of the stouffville branch of the canadian cancer society i would like to express my sincere thanks to the residents of our community for their generous support during the april campaign our objec tive of 28000 was surpassed by 469615 and all those who were involved in any way can be just ly proud of the grand total of 3269615 the nucleus of our campaign is the wonderful support provid ed by our volunteer workers over 200 strong ranging from our treasurer mrs sally sari- diford to the area captains the zone captains and the canvassers these people are your neighbors your friends your relatives or loved ones and they have taken time from their busy lives in the common cause to defeat cancer ironically the same descrip tion fits those affected by cancer your neighbors friends relatives and loved ones and the support of everyone is needed from the donors to the workers plus those who are involved in other support groups a special thank you goes to the tribune and the sun for their support also to the mer chants of stouffville place mall for their assistance with the bake sale and finally to the residents of parkview village for their daffodil tea if you wish to become a part of our team and can spare a few hours of your time next april please give me a call at 6402144 the self satisfaction that you receive from beinga volunteer in this worthy cause will more than repay you for your effort cancer can and will be beaten because you make the difference les clarke campaign chairman the following is a true story the names have been changed to protect myself from angry manufacturers for the past 18 months my wife cheryl and i have manag ed to buy then return almost every single piece of furniture or accessory we managed to obtain for our cozy little twobedroom apartment is there something terrible about quality in furniture manufacturing cirlces or what is craftsmanship a swear word im beginning to wonder the abovementioned items come from various corners of the globe some originate in the us and some are from that productive little country taiwan but its distressing that we consciously chose canadianmade products on ly to find them generally the worst of the lot a catalogue of items we pur chased which either had to be returned for an exchange or returned and thrown away follows d one 1 sofa including a 100 fee for stainguard was purchased that originally had a tiny rip and which developed in to an angry slash in a matter of seven 7 days d one tiffany lamp which when removed from its package displayed two full panes one shattered pane and one cracked pane one fivepiece bedroom set which when it arrived had two items included that belonged with a completely different set j one assembleityourself desk that came with all the directions all the hardware and two matching panels that shouldnt have matched d one userfriendly com puter whose monitor refused to work the minute it was plugged in the caveat emptor clause was in effect here though because the computer was secondhand d one compact disc player which to this day has a tenden cy to skip in the middle of a song my brotherinlaw and i have spent many hours fill our mailbox the tribune welcomes let ters from readers on current topics letters should be 500 words or less and typed or neatly printed they may be subject to editing for length at the discretion of the editor letters may be submitted to the office at 54 main st w stouffville po box 40 l4a 7z4 wmomins newcomer plwkortnt ic members of stouffviliesnewcomers club toasted both the old and the new recently when the group saw goodbye to outgoing tajment sue joyeeand hello to new president kathl phillips the gpsifp held a reception for the event at he earlof whitchurch pub on main st in stouffville the group organizes many events within the town including picnics a golf tournament car rallies and dances a debating whether it is indeed a faulty disc player or faulty discs our discussions are similar to those tastes great less filling arguments in light of these disappointing purchases cheryl and i have- become quite leery about future- items of need what if my car- suddenly gives up or worse we- manage to save enough money for a house i dread the thought to be honest the most depen- dable things i own are a rusty 1983 dodge and a tool box i- made for myself out of scrap pieces of wood i guess certain people justj have rotten luck when it comesj to things like this while we con- scientiously check items we purchase there is often that- hidden defect that jumps out and smiles maliciously at us- when we gel it home other people meanwhile canj probably go to a store look at the catalogue and buy merj chandisc that is picture perfect but we havent give up hope- completely and we know that no matter what the quality is of merchandise we now have it will not last forever i guess well have to keep the faith and hope that our streak of c bad purchasing luck has run its course in the meantime well j jealously guard what we own and make people remove any foreign objects from their per- j sons before they are allowed to sit lie eat drink play music etc well feel funny about such requests to be sure but it will at least defer a potentially jj violent public outburst by yours truly the next time wc purchase inferior goods s failing that i guess i could just blow up the whole sorry mess of miserable merchandise i wonder how much it would a cost for a shiny new stick of dynamite j