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this coupon instant save 100 with this coupon mother parkers coffee viva cookware save 299 buy a 1 quart sauce pan feature price 439 200 g size get the lid 299 ii free uutelptr coupon offefl vauo b thru luy oft 06b fmtur prfc wimout coupon 3s0 vc x300dh prices effective thru saturday may 13th 198a limit 1 p coupon offer vu0my em iwumiyom 883 fmtun prx wioa coupon ajm wrmrvth rqulrninu ht to limit quantities to normal family shown in thla ad bated on currant ran toronto mp retails m mp food stores neighborly notes violent cactus stakes its claim at uxbridge library please dont pet the cac tus it bites reads a sign on a prickly plant in the ux bridge library we did and it did a wildcat two york regional police officers got more than they bargained for recently when they stopped a female motorist at the interchange of hwy 404 and major mackenzie dr both con stables were injured by the womans flailing feet and fists with one officer suffer ing a chipped tooth and a black eye after the accused was placed in a cruiser she at tempted to kick out the win dows on the front seat of her car police found a 10inch butcher knife and a crossbow the female stands charged with impaired driv ing driving while prohibited assault with intent to resist arrest mischief to private property and failing to stop for police prior to her appearance in court she hadnt been iden tified undoubtedly the ar resting officers arent par ticularly anxious for a for mal introduction great loss clifford poole esteemed music director and conduc tor of the york symphony orchestra for the past 15 years is retiring says ethel mehiin a tribute to mr poole he made participa tion in the orchestra a learn ing experience their regret in seeing him leave is coupl ed with gratitude for what hes made them accomplish in the varied repertoire to which he exposed them for his patience with their inade quacies for the energy and enthusiasm he radiated to them and drew from them and for being a thoroughly nice person to play for thats what we call leaving on a positive note cost of living the council of the region of durham have awarded themselves a five per cent wage hike for each of the next three years this means chairman gary herrema will receive 68000 in 1989 71500 in 1990 and 75000 in 1991 councillors will earn 19000 in 1989 20000 in 1990 and 21000 in 1991 only two of the 32 regional councillors voiced opposition to the pay hikes councillors margaret shaw and david conway both of oshawa its beautiful the refurbished care share shoppe at 39 main street west stouffville is open again for business the refurbished interior looks great drop in and see for yourself margs gone marg heard the alwayscongenial treasury department employee at the whitchurchstouffville municipal office has slip ped into retirement margs winning smile will be missed notice to property owners destroy weeds notice is hereby given to all persons in possession of land in accordance with the weed control act 1988 statutes of ontario 1988 chapter 51 sections 3 16 and 23 that unless noxious weeds growing on their lands within the municipality of the town of markham are destroyed by date of june 15 1989 and throughout the season the municipality may enter upon the said lands and have the weeds destroyed charging the costs against the land as set out in the act please note dandelion burdock and golden rod are not considered noxious weeds under the weed control act therefore complaints regarding these weeds cannot be accepted however the cooperation of all property owners is requested in keeping these weeds under control bill fisch chairman building bylaws committee bruce wood weed inspector ft help for i abused is available from page a1 the stigma which many victims of beatings and abuse are ter rified of they would rather live with the abuse than be known in their neighborhood as a battered wife or sexually abused child she said also there is a great fear among sexually abused children that if they report whats happen ing the family will be broken up it can be a very traumatic ex perience for the child when it is reported said ms harper they can feel a great amount 6f guilt if the family is torn apart the children sometimes feel it is the system the authorities which deal with child abuse which breaks up the family not what the father has done jj she said that is why counselling of victims as well as offenders is crucial i individual and family therapy helps them get through the crisis and deal with all the confusep feelings said ms harpe they have feelings of guilf shame and anger and its impor tant they be able to talk about if each offender has to bje assessed individually she said we do find that most of our of fenders have been abused but not necessarily sexually as children that doesnt mean though that if you were abused you automatically grow up to pe an offender absolutely for any customer who maintains a balance of 2500 in their personal account tired of paying bank service charges come to standard trust and receive all these services free free chequing and withdrawals free payment of local utity b8s free cheque certifications free personalized cheques free travebers cheques free direct deposit of pension or free transfers between accounts free money orders investmentinterest cheques rememberyou get all this plus a high daily rate of interest standard trust 39 main st n markham 2946865 optn mon thar 95 fri 96 sat 9