a4 tribune march 8 1989 editors mail heritage revived on behalf of the whitchurch- stouffville historical society secretary penella smith has writ ten the following letter to town council it reads the whitchurchstouffville historical society would like to br ing to your attention three items of our disappearing heritage first the society suggests the drinking fountain presently located on the north side of alain street by the cx tracks under the billboard be repaired to full work ing order and relocated on the library grounds the fountain was originally built in remembrance of john hodgins stationmaster in stouffville for many years his son donald is agreeable to moving the fountain to a site more accessible to the public second the portion of church street south through the park south of the gates used to be known as sangster grove this name was incorporated into an arch that spanned the gate posts the society would like to see this arch located if still in existence and reerected the original name of sangster grove should be reinstated at this location third the guns once located in the park have been missing from the display platform for a long time are these guns still in existence is it possible to replace them they were after all part of vvhitehurcli- stouffvilles history the tribune te james thomas ak editor established 18s3 patricia pappas deborah weller jennifer hutt pubsher advertising manager distribution manager retail advertising susan berry manager charles canning real estate classified advertising joan marshman real estate manager dorothy young distribution sandy kiteley arlene maddock business office manager chris bertram doreen deacon national sales representative metroland corporate sales 4931300 the stouffvfe ifcune pubfched every wednesday and saturday at m main st stouffvfc oru one o trv metrciandrrong r6fehir fctrixrtna gro tf the acton free press ajax pckermg news advertiser aurora banner brampton guardian 8urtngon fost etobcoo advertiser guar dian georgetown independent markham economist sun milton clumpion mississauga news newmarket era oakvie beaver oshawa whtty ths week richmond hi thomrri vaughn lrverai scarborough fw tope pjewsmagarne wiowdate mcror metroland prngmg putjsrang detbuttg a drvson or hariequffi erterpnses ud sngte copes 50 sudscnptions s2l 00 per year n canada ss500 eteewhere mencer o cana dan cornmunrty newspaper assooamn ontario vekry ftewspaper assooaton ontario press counci and sub- surban newspaper ol arnercan second class mad registration number 0896 6402100 6492292 rroaming around a death in the family by jim thomas- editorials a good lesson in life york region board of education has refused to rescind current legislation and permit smoking on school property trustees did the right thing not that the previous ruling was bad it seemed to work well at stouffville high but the new bylaw is better it can be made to work at sdss previously the smoking students con gregated in an area north of the cafeteria now they mingle on edward street a puff and a wheeze south of the school boundary let them theyre hurting no one ex cept themselves however when the puffers and wheezers trespass on private property theyre hurting others theyve gone a step too far they should be charged before taking this route the principal should appeal to the smoking students requesting cooperation the property owners should do the same were certain most will comply those who dont will face arrest trespassing is not an indictable of fense that places a record against the accused conviction carries only a fine nothing more however a fine should be sufficient to discourage repetition but to smoke or not to smoke is no longer the issue we have here a lesson in life that young people would be well advised to learn laws hopefully are made with the good of the majority in mind such laws should not be changed because a minority feel slighted thats when the tail wags the dog left out more than 160 communitybased housing sponsors have received the green tight to develop plans for over 17600 nonprofit units in 77 municipalities across ontario more than 10500 of these will be created in southcentral ontario in cluding ajax 150 markham 100 newmarket 102 pickering 336 richmond hill 150 and uxbridge 24 but nothing for whitchurch- stouffville why no reasons been given but lack of water and sewage capacity would seem to be the answer without these services well die on the vine trustees are not telling students they cant smoke at the same time theyre not condoning the habit either what theyre are saying is if you must smoke do so outside school property the trespass law speaks for itself authority must rule otherwise anar chy takes over we cant let this happen not even on a pinpoint scale we have sufficient respect for the students of stouffville high to believe commonsense will eventually reign since september the smokers have attempted to prove their case they were successful in having the legisla tion reviewed the initial ruling was upheld abide by it sugars gone the last of our white rabbit twins passed away peacefully in her backyard burrow friday her i ea t b wasnt ejnt i r e i y unexpected the hop in her legs so much in evidence last fall had been visibly missing the past two weeks she could muster up only enough strength to reach her food more recently even that was left untouched we knew the end was near sugar like so many previous family pets was a product of the sales barn alarylynn bought two at one time five dollars apiece i think she paid the other was pepper pepper predeceased her companion two years ago while we welcomed flic addition of sugar and pepper we feared the end result babbits as we all know have a way of multiplying rapidly even in cap tivity we visualized a whole yard full of bouncing bunnies the neighbors yards as well sure would be rough on he rhubarb admittedly its hard to tell the gender of the wee ones marylynn assured us both were girls the salesman said so for six months we kept our fingers crossed although fightings not unusual for sisters sugar and pepper got along amazingly well on occasions theyd scrap over a carrot or a lettuce leaf but for the most part they shared and shared alike the two grew large in size but not so large they couldnt squeeze out the smallest of holes merry chases about the yard werent unusual theres a lot to be learned from rabbits in addition to getting along togther they have to be the cleanest animals in the world their snowwhite coats were always spotless and no unsavory ordors ever wafted from their pen their eating habits too were simple one serving of pellets daily plus an oc casional carrot and whatever greenings happened to be handy spring liouscclcaning was the highlight of their lives it was then we let them loose oddly enough they never strayed far from home while rabbits are hardy creatures ours were always warm before the snow would fly the pen was completely enclosed in plastic sugar and pepper were cosy as two bugs in a rug around midapril the wraps would come off letting the sun shine in how they loved it frolicking through whatever hay was left we enjoyed it too except for an occa sional starling or sparrow from november through march they were the only signs of life in an otherwise stoic backyard scene trouble is one becomes too attached theyre part of the family you want to think theyll live forever this cannot be weve been through these sudden pet departures so often we should be able to take them all in stride but such is not the case each expiration prompts la brand new flood of tears first there was tessie the canary y then a hampster plus two ducks two dogs and numerous smaller creatures including a praying mantis where will it end i hope it never does for whether fl has two legs or four hops trots or flies- our house will always be home to whatever the kids decide to keep this giltedged invitation white seemingly generous must meet certain requirements the paperboy for example might find a crocodile a bit intimidating editors mail be happy the column on the religion page of the weekender feb 24 entitl ed does god hold any grudges by al ward really bothered me if mr ward wants a little sign- writing with no airplane hes out of luck but if he wants a realistic miracle he should stop for a mo ment and look at the world around him our existence for example our nature did the sun rise today do you have a home do you have a family do you have a job if so what worries you i think mr ward you should stop thinking about whats wrong with god and start thinking about all the good things god is perfection im sorry if tliinking about god makes mr ward unhappy it makes most of us feel very happy i dont enjoy reading about per sonal complaints about god id rather hear about someone whos content with god and believes in him to share their inspirations the bibles not a book of fairy tales its true id suggest mr ward you read it before writing about our so- called imperfect god marissa slapley grade 5 student stouffville christian school an insult fund organizers present cheque for 1641528 the ernie kennedy trust fund opened by paul itamcr left and frank busato right at the canadian im perial bank of commerce stouffville branch back in december was closed out saturday a cheque in the amount of jigii52x was presented to mr kennedy sun day the highly respected tenth line south father of wo lost both arms in an industrial accident dec 11 jim thomas im writing in reference to the correspondence from howard tapscott rr 2 claremont i wish to clarify my understanding of the descriptive agricultural slum an agricultural slum is a run down farm with rundown buildings ditches and roads such as arc presently found in the air port area of pickering with respect to mr tapscotts statement that the land is farmed better than ever before i claim this is totally untrue and an insult to the farmers who originally wcrkj ed the land and have since moved from the area gary herrcma chairman region of durham