c8 economist sun7tribune march 8 1989 friends children aggravate couple flower show at the barns cullen country barns is in bloom with its annual spring flower show on now to satur- day march 12 on display are freshly cut and potted daffodils iris hyacinths and many other spr ing flowers in full bloom the weall arid cullen garden centre located in the barns complex willbe conducting in formative lectures during the flower show on subjects rang ing from landscape and design to houseplants arranging to c flower the lectures will take place sunday march 12 at230 pm in the lath house admission is free bs 81 sif 7 or ed meade is a registered psychologist and director of the markham stouffville family life centre in this column he answers questions from readers who remain anonymous q we have friends that are really wonderful company the two couples my husband and i and the two of them have a wonderful time together but their children are a different matter their two children ages 6 and 2v are brats they are poorly behaved loud damage my sons toys and disrupt our entire household when they visit i refuse to invite them any more i almost hate going to their house for fear that i am sub jected to these children for very long the parents often apologize for their kids behavior or just simply ignore them as they are a handful we have refused to go on trips with these friends because they insist on bringing their children do i have the right to discipline these children if and when they come over should i even try to explain to this cou ple why we dont want to do family things together a as to your first question the answer is yes you could be firm in your boundaries of discipline especially when it pertains to the rules of your own home do you have a place where these children could play which would contain their disruptive behavior this scenario is somewhat like marrying for the second time to someone who already has children from a previous marriage the kids come with the person and kids come with couple friendships you must then share in the authority when these children are in your home in your own home set the rules and make them quite clear at the start of any visit with any child when you are in their home it is not quite as simple i- there you may assert yourself on issues of personal comfort and space there you could simply state very asser tively this kid is bugging me will you please assure me that my personal space wont be violated sometimes just a slice is nice especially when its only 00 for lunch dinner snack a friend in meade dr ed meade if your personal space is not being protected then your issue is really with the parents you need to assert yourself and let your friends know that you are being walked on and you do not intend to let this continue are you too nice is perhaps your friendship pseudo- mutual by confronting your friends you may lessen the har mony but be free from the an noyance you have shared with me dr meade welcomes your questions if your response is published name and identity will be withheld questions should be directed to the markham stouffville family life centre 5871 hwy 7 e markham viking canadian fund rrsp 1 year period ending january 31 1989 average annual compound rate of return with dividends reimested these rates of return are reduced by fees past performance is not necessarily indicative r of future performance 3 years 5 years 14- 10 years financial centre open store hours eatons second floor markville centre markham 4791922 laurentian financial services managed by laurcntian funds management inc and offered by prospectus only deadline for contributions march 1 through saturday only good through march 11 20piece portrait package 28x10s 35x7s and 15 wallets on traditional backgrounds we catch your childs best smiles every sears photographer is a professional trained to bring out and catch your childs best smiles also available instant pass port photos p indue 52 00 dpou po out mooa whit ad bkxl lad grouadi dovbu fowr ando spcol ehcr ponroitt nor aoobu a cdnd jwxlost eochodionotpfkninpcxiftiiooinoddoio ik pxlioc pric no oppotvm nttruvy adwfa f wtcom ji yovr seai cod approaimo tixi studios located in sears retail stores and m clearance centres m omie value ma3 rexdale boulevard and warden avenue also m catalogue stores in mornmgside in scarborough and galena mail in toronto always 50 off pick up pizza 65 unionville gate kennedy rd south of hwy 7 9401588 ait floss organizers in clear plastic a k q 3o mwm price 5 section our reg 4 99 8 section our reg 6 99 mm price flexihoops choose from our entire selection of coloured or woodgrain flexihoops 310 round and ovals our reg from ar 999 109399 a stretcher bars 524 lengths in sets of two choose your frame dimensions with 2 sets you have a perfect frame for your needlework project our reg from a f 1 7 129289 painted resin choose from our new victorian pieces or our line of jgrpfitc animals roses or hearts our reg from jj q 999 jtwflhs 995 99 3b mm craft batting or 2 45x60 piece of quality batting perfect for making tjuilts pillow stuffing so much more a q q our reg 449 fibrefill quality fibrefill in a convenient 8 oz bag ideal for so many of your craft projects buy now and save big i 466 our reg 249 1 p fertilizer the amazing white rose iron plus try it onco youll agree it pays to buy iho best i blended to our specifications with chelated iron for a thick healthy lawn dark green right down lo the roots covers 5380 sq it loew cornell brushes artist quality paint brushes choose from our enlire selection at 1 2 off our every day low price in a wide assortment of sizes 42 2 folk art paint choose from 64 beautiful colours in 2oz57ml squeeze bottles buy now at ihis super lowprice 493 our reg 289 fabric panels choose from our enlire selection of fabric panels ideal for hoops quills or wall hangings our reg from 7nq74 991299 w top size tdtqwatlty sale large 20kg bag our reg 2299 each i j iron plus crabgrass control by whit host covers 3766 sq ii our reg 3799 q fl fifl large 15kg bag f iron plus 948 weed feed by whit rot covers 5380 sq ft our reg 24 99 jmta large 20kg bag i o at money saving prices choose from canadas largest selection of spring and summer dowering bulbs top size and the highest quality guaranteed lo bring you joy and beauty all season long m- gladiolus io2 29 mixed glads pkg ol 1 8 w canna lilies 99 a caladium i09 m dahlias 499 i a gloxinia 34 1 summer narcissus summer surprise l49 pkgollo ranunculas 5q mixed pkg ol 10 anemones st briogid 59 pkg ol i 0 dm montbretias pkgolloi climbing lily 179 whte rpse cftamt t umftt hours mon 10 frl 900am to 900pm sat sun holidays 900am to 600pm sale ends march 16th 1989 limited to stock on hand open sundays r i o a hwv l mesucfte 1 0 c s m z z w iawncnccvf 2 o hwvj sunt avi o z z s qualityselectionvalue over 30 years of customer satisfaction unionville 4038 17 hwy eotwaroxt scarboro l306kwtfyflj s o hy 401 bpwa