c2 tribune march 1 1989 best available copy stt furnished full service fflorkvillc lmme ntht tlthnvi skftk twtri rt f i tfcccwam bo tikfwjwsk eu5y5 doofsouxitt utlumtiimolv wntftlclsfrwlis mei imicmg duittiialniletwmj student majority must be served private offices main street- unionville imagore an office complex without a glass and chrome foyer elevators or fluorescent lights imagine instead your own private decorator fur nished airconditioned oftice in a historic building some with original pine floors others with skylights and every one unique imagine a place with an inviting reception meetingroom servery even complimentary coffee a place where your phone is answered with friendly efficiency where you have professional laser wordpro service fax telex and stateoftheart copier if you can imagine a work week without the dvp in a comfortable ef ficient private office or suite please call for an appointment offices from s590mth v identity plans 175mth now playing 0 three fugitives shovtimes 705 920 jk 0 rain man showtirves 700 940 8 parental guidance 4774744 178 main street 0 pumpkinhead showtimes 715 930 warning coarse language violence 0 adult accompaniment beaches showtimes 710 940 sparen1al guidance the current furore over busing for students attending the arts program at unionville high school raises the thorny question of how far we should go to meet transportation expenses for alternative programs the york region board of education is already having dif ficulty covering the cost of basic educational needs within the region universal busing to the school of ones choice like universal family allowances may be a wonderful idea in theory but the economic reality of the 80s sug gests its becoming an expensive luxury is a price tag estimated at well over 100000 a year to provide busing for a relatively small group of students too much to ex pect taxpayers to cover on the other hand with virtual ly no public transportation available and both parents in the majority of families now work ing are alternative programs guilty of elitism obviously most students who have to travel some distance must rely either on a car pool or a nonworking parent to allow them to attend for many these options just arent available in the last few years theres been much discussion on the pro- kates corner kate gilderdalei a at sears until july 1989 on approved credit and remember at sears theres no down payment on approved credit offer applies to any single item of 200 or more in our home furnishings home appliance home entertainment departments see your sears retail store for details offer ends sat march 18 1989 heres what this terrific offer applies to home furnishings living room furniture dining room furniture bedroom furniture occasional furniture bedding dinettes carpeting orientalaccent rugs smooth surface flooring home appliances electric ranges builtin cooking units range hoods dishwashers compactors microwave ovens washers dryers freezers refrigerators 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promenade shopping centre bathurst north of steele 73 1 3388 theshopcmstelat404tw 6600arlsearexdaledilev3uematlcleararkocen reg or was refer tosearspnces also avarlaatem our oshawa and burimgtonreta stores prices m effect unm sat march nthorwmciu3nmesl3sijrjejsmhermsernated prrc fordetais please rnqure at your nearest sears store not an items available man stores copyright canada 1989 blems of minority groups and its easy to lose sight of the fact that the needs of the majority must also be taken into consideration those needs may sometimes get overlooked in our eagerness to be fair to the smaller but often more vocal groups i believe our first priority must be to our local public and secon dary schools which open their doors to everybody regardless of qualifications and which serve the vast majority of students in our imperfect world those who choose an alternative pro gram must take on the respon sibility for making the necessary arrangements to ensure access for their children the idea behind busing is a laudable one and for many peo ple its a necessity however given present budgetary constraints theres no alternative but to look at the greatest good for the greatest number of people and accept that its unrealistic to hope we can be fair to everyone in every situation if the board agrees to spend large sums of public money oil busing small numbers of students isnt that a form of elitism too perhaps the only alternative to make the situation equitable would be to abandon the arts york program altogether so no unfair advantage would be available to these fortunate students who currently enjoy its benefits the law requires that all children receive an adequate education and provides the schools and the transportation necessary to achieve that end entering an alternative pro gram seems a privilege rather than a right one that may well require sacrifices by both students and their parents there are no free lunches as the saying goes and if we want something badly enough we sometimes have to overcome seemingly impossible odds to get it x most parents who have a gifted child soon discover that to allow that child to develop his or her gift it takes a lo of blood sweat and tears on the part of the whole family strictly speaking its not fair and some students will inevitably lose out but one of the first lessons we learn is that life just isnt fair in a publicly funded system we have no choice but to make the most of our limited resources in a way which will benefit the largest possible number of people science fair a success although entry into the science fair at orchard park public school was optional this year ap- proximately 120 students participated according to grade 8 teacher bob arlidge everyone in the junior and intermediate grades had to complete a project but were not obliged to enter the fair nine projects were selected from those entered and will go on to the area f science fair which takes place this thursday at the school a total of 250 projects were on j display in the gym feb 22 primary students kindergarten to grade 3 will be having their own science fair during educa- lion week april 24 to 28 judging was performed by grade 11 students from stouff- ville district secondary school under the supervision of staff murray sherk who is a science professor at the university of toronto also assisted with the judging the famous beer of barbados guyana ask at your beer store for more info call 4206127