jttarkham tfteaitttj 4 ab conditioning systems 1 72 8obocii diive unii27maikham 4711748 llriluiie focus community sports leisure entertainment serving whitchurchstouffville uxbridge and area f ii jfibto mk s m rwsnr euiulbi 4 guiiuun uuut rehaxwertju l realty ltd a metroland community newspaper wednesday february 15 1989 frigid temperatures didnt stop stouffville baseball fans from takirigto the diamond last weekend for a few innings lof offseason fun the blizzard of oz squad battled freddys i frosted rakes while the frdyastobkbn the rupture ducks in some zany games of snowball an apt title for the game at home plate below rhonda barrett is the picture of concentration as she knocks the ball to the in field before takjng off for first base in a separate play catherine gordon is declared safe at first right as dinetta morton chases a loose ballv mean- whiiev shortstop brian confy is r in full control as he lobs a throw to secphdvifor the out cheryl lphnsf leftiad a little trouble- trappmgtriedali during a play in the rupturedducks versus the royals match but clad warrnduring the pfay at the sidelineswere spec tator storekeepers and curious yonlopkers bet ween -innings- cheryl jphnstpn below left decid ed 6 take a fewshots for posterity while below right cheryl hogg kieeps score in alj the event was a rousing if not frosty success sports photos by sjoerd wftteyeen spl bmihbwb rw ilf iwwkkt iyv jebfijhsflbff yfa mtjih h mkbbblraffiflgffl