makes election tick tribune october 19 1988 by kate gilderdale stouffville- the right to 1 note in any election is something piany people take for granted and too many fail to take advan tage of particularly in the case of municipal elections f its important to bear in mind however that every vote really does count there have been three recounts in this municipali- ty since 1971 and in two cases there was a difference of just two tvotes between winner and loser the person in charge of municipal elections is the municipal clerk in whitchurch- jstouffville that office is held by jpat oakes the total number of eligible jvoters barring revisions to the voters list is 13555 says mrs oakes to be eligible to vote in dividuals must be canadian citizens aged 18 years or older on election day and must either be residents of the municipality or owners or tenants of land in the municipality the qualification period for residency is september 6th to oc tober 17th people who moved in on the 18th of october or who left on the 5th of september would not qualify declares mrs oakes if you own property in a jmunicipality you may vote there whether you live there or not she advises some people will tqualify twice in the municipality for example a person might live in the rural area and own a store ion main street however that person may vote only once and in this case that vote must be taken in the wardpoll in which he resides nomination day the final date for candidates to file nomination papers was monday october 17 a candidate needs at least ten j nominees to run and those must be eligible electors in the can- didates ward strict limits are set on can didates campaign expenses the t mayor may incur 5500 plus 50 cents per elector councillors and r school trustees are allowed 3500 plus 50 cents per elector trustees can claim the 50 cents rfor their own school board sup porters only the clerk provides each registered candidate with a final total of allowable expenses ten days after nomination day the town budget for the 1988 telection is j 34000 or 189 per icapita mrs oakes states oithis is hot a high price to pay for the rights of our citizens to choose the individuals who will pass the laws of our local govern ment which will affect the tax payers of whitchurchstouffville for years to come the task of preparing for an election is an awesome one and initial preparations in mrs oakes office started last fall each ward or electoral district must be split into polling subdivi sions consisting of up to 350 elec tors the total number of polling subdivisions for the 1988 election in whitchurchstouffville is 45 an accurate and complete list of voters is essential the enumeration to produce the voters list is conducted by the provincial government ex plains mrs oakes adding that the completed list is given to the clerk whose official title during the election is returning officer the list includes the names ad dresses and sex of eligible voters and indicates whether or not they are residents of the area to iden tify school support three dif ferent ballot papers have to be printed once numbers are finaliz ed public school separate school and french language the clerk has to check the list and post copies in her office and other areas of the municipality my practice has been to post a copy of the list in each polling subdivision and in each ward notes mrs oakes this is to allow people to examine it to see if their names have been proper ly included if errors are discovered or names have been excluded from the voters list individuals can apply to the clerk to make correc tion during the revision period which for this election ended on saturday october 15 the revis ed list is known as the polling list of electors eligible to vote in the municipal election mrs oakes states qualified electors whose names are missed can have them added at the poll but if the list contains incorrect information it cant be revised after the end of the revision period the clerk is responsible for mailing a notice to each elector stating the time and place of both the advance and regular polls it is also the duty of the clerk to establish polling places where people go the cast their votes and this year approximately twenty such places will be required the clerk nas no power of ex propriation to order people to allow their buildings to be used as polling places on election day says mrs oakes after i find appropriate property i have to try and persuade the owner to allow us to use it for such a purpose a variety of criteria have to be considered in choosing suitable sites she observes in trying to find these places i am looking for large rooms that can accom modate the people coming there there has to be good road access and adequate parking since most people will be arriving by car its important to have the voting area on the ground floor particularly when considering elderly or disabled voters who would have difficulty negotiating long flights of stairs location is anoiher important factor although a building may be able to accommodate a large number of people its location may not be convenient stresses mrs oakes another of her duties is to locate and train suitable people to run the polls on election day the person in charge of a poll is called a deputy returning of ficer dro she says to assist the dro a poll clerk is appointed mrs oakes contacts people who have worked in previous elections and she asks them to recommend friends as well the positions are also advertised were looking for 50 more for this election she notes each of the 45 polls requires one dro and one poll clerk and mrs oakes also has four or five people on standby in case so meone has to drop out at the last minute the dros receive 100 and the poll clerks are paid 75 which covers their duties on election day as well as attendance at a training presentation and some preparatory reading anyone who is interested should contact mrs oakes at 6401900 voters who are unable to at tend the regular polls can vote at one of two advance polls on saturday november 5th and thursday november 10th loca tions are wards 13 ballantrae community centre and wards 46 parkview village the of ficial election date is november 14th hours for both advance and regular polls are between 10 am and 8 pm there used to be rules govern ing what constituted a valid vote on the ballot itself now says mrs oakes any clear indication will do whether its a tick x or other mark if theres any doubt its up to the dro to make the final decision on whether its valid after the doors close at 800 pm on election day the dro opens the ballot box and counts the ballots once the final tally is known the dro or poll clerk is required to telephone the results to my office explains mrs oakes they then deliver the ballot box and the official signed tally to my office the telephoned figures are checked against the official state ment brought into the office and the final results are announced by the clerk the figures are dou ble checked the following day and a formal announcement is made by the clerk on the thurs day following the election the clerk then posts the results at the municipal office markhams town crier spreads the word saturday was applefest day at the markham museum and town crier john webster was on hand to call out the various events despite in termittent showers attended activities were well jim thomas 20 off sticherykits sunset something special j o sui and something spc 1 choos loi coil t count ml co itltn cftfh d eda polli assortm h1 jt floras tcni moder sale hern 7 sale priced from 58l 9j braid craft kits jyl from rags to riches an oj country craft new 88 si paper capers twisted paper tnat is soft and easy to use simply untwist and cut create beautiful bos flowers and so much more choose from 16 colours and opalescent t yard hanks cubill advantage 6402811 i national mtrust investing getsecurttyand fflgh yield in pereect baimcemffloljrguarajniteed investments 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quality holland bulbs at super low prices oow fco lot- 0ov hracm sale priced from 1953 ihoonviui scarborough 4038 7 hwy 1 306 kennedy bd memorial wreaths an malafng t o ruemcm wreaths created rj wt mm wnvta fto saatgnari bavifwf wear irwim w aatht w kvgm ere rapavanl ad cemvrful arlacraf aowan ovmmsrytttccmunmcftoatatvorw starting from iiheatii staid 1 7 99 and up