a2 tribune october 12 1988 a wheelbarrow full of puffball it would take a largesize pari to frj this giant street stouffville on the property of john pike puffball the iriushroomlike plant was rr 2 markham it boasted a circumferences discovered by david reesor of burkholderl of 65 inches r jim thomas editors mail ap selfish parkers dear editor at long last our elected politi cians have decided to add some teeth to a bylaw thats been lying dormant this is indicated in two articles published recently in a toronto i nt ro d u c i ng special mild lewspaper one was headlined fines double for drivers who disobey parking signs sept 16 1988 the other read swip ing space from disabled driver gets costly sept 20 1988 i personally am sick and tired of watching people just drop into a store leaving the motor runn ing with kids in the car which in itself shows the kind of mentality were dealing with or the father pulling into a handicapped space with his young son in the car and the parking lot half empty a great role model to be sure then theres always the young lady just because her car has handicapped plates parks in the reserved spot to run in for- a coffee even though there are empty spaces elsewhere j 1 11 be more than pleased to volunteer a couple of hours a week to issue sommonses j itll be interesting to see how long it takes our town to react to this bylaw sincerely john ii maclnnis rr 2 stouffville warning health and welfare canada advises lhal danger to health increases with amount smoked avoid inhaling average per cigarette matinee special mild king size 9 mg tar 09 mg nicotine 100 mm 10 mg tar 10 mg nicofcie town of markham municipal elections monday november 14th 1988 is your name on the 1988 preliminary list of electors notice is hereby given thai i have complied with section 25 of the municipal elections act 1980 as amended and that i have posted in my office and in the public libraries and community centres in the town on the 6th day of september 1988 the list of as persons entitled to vote at the municipal elections in the town of markham and that such list remains there for inspection and i hereby call upon all electors in the town of markham to ex amine such 1st and to take immediate proceedings to correct any errors or omissions in or make deletions from the list in the prescribed forms which can be obtained from my office in the municipal balding 8911 woodbine avenue buttonville how do you check its easy if you are 18 years old or will attain the age of 18 years on or before november 14th 1988 a canadian citizen and resided in the town at any time between september 6th and october 17th 1988 check the list posted in the public library or community centre in your area or phone 4777000 exts 227 327 4754744 of visit the clerks office in the municipal bumng at 8911 woodbine avenue buttonville apatcatlons for revision of the list may be filed in the clerks office during the following times weekdays commencing on tuesday september 6th to friday october 14th 1988 from 830 am o 430 pm and saturday october 15th 1988 from 830 am to 430 pm the last day for filing applications is saturday october 15th 1988 gary f rosewade town clerk and returning officer lfi