c8 tribune june 22 1988 a fond farewell for high school writer well i guess this is it i can hardly believe that this is my last column it doesnt seem like it was that long ago that i was asking myself how do you write a newspaper article since that time ive learned a great deal about writing articles and sdss at this point i think it is appropriate to thank a few people who have helped along the way morgans at fairgrounds the annual morgan horse championship is scheduled for markhani fairgrounds july 2 and 3 competition begins at 9 am both days its the largest show of its breed in ontario draw ing entries from all across the province as well as quebec and parts of the united states exhi bitors from this area will include gord and jo joyce rr 1 un- ionville don and linda ross markhani sylvia stringer stouffville john and michelle garbutt stouffville and sheri wilson also of stouffville sdss news jeff carney first id like to thank nevil hodgson who recommended me to tribune editor jim thomas for the position of sdss reporter two years ago mr hodgson is one of sdsss finest teachers and has been a constant source of encourage ment and inspiration throughout my high school career thank you mr hodgson i will sorely miss your leadership and friendship next year id also like to thank other members of sdsss staff who have made my years at stouffvil le high special rickdewell ron eldridge jim fletcher don hamilton lin jones adel kamel jim rehill and l wideman all of these gentlemen are fantastic teachers should you or your children have the privilege of being their students i can only congratu late you they are truly the greatest how could any farewell be com plete without saying thanks to ones friends thank you all of my friends you have made grade 13 a memorable year and ill be looking forward to 1998 and of course there are some who deserve special mention scott couperthwaite craig thompson sean souter duffy wallis imran rasul and james baggs you guys have been like brothers to me the good times and the memories we have shared will never be forgotten thanks guys and my family deserves thanks mom and rick for putting up with the typewriter at midnight on sunday kathy and bb for understanding my outrageous procrastination etc perhaps mr thomas deserves the largest thanks of all jim has put up with all my typos all my grammatical errors and all my lastminute articles and last thank you my dear readers it has been my privilege and pleasure to be your sdss re porter for these past two years and thats all he wrote folks mickey on hand mickey mouse 13yearold brandi walters was on hand saturday for the opening of video mania in stouffville mickey was joined by a clown sheri blundell in distributing flyers for the new establish ment jim thomas calendar of events the tribunes community focus publishes a weekly calendar of events listing up coming activities in the area individuals or groups wishing to use this free service should call 6402100 or 6192292 no la ter than the friday preceding publication june 23 a blood pressure clinic and foot clinic sponsored by home support services will be held at the silver jubilee club stouffville thursday june 23 from 830 to 1 1 30 am an appointment is required for the foot clinic no appointment necessary for the blood pressure check seniors are asked to regis ter for discount cards thurs day june 23 al the silver jubilee club from 9 to 11 am for additional information or transportation call jean anderson at g406554 parkview village is hosting a garden party thursday june 23 from 3 to 8 pm a chicken barbecue is planned plus entertainment seniors are asked to bring their own awn chairs cost of the barbe cue is 6 per person for the smile theatre 3 per person period costume is encour aged the whilchurch- stouffville concert band will provide the music whitchurchstouffville museum curator mary hop kins will be honored at a farewell gathering thurs day june 23 from 3 to 10 pm at the maples of ballantrae tickets are 10 per person a general meeting of the reesor family in canada will be held thursday june 23 at 730 pm in the cedar grove community schoolhouse for the purpose of planning the 1990 reesor family reunion all interested family mem bers are invited june 26 pine orchard friends cemetery is holding its annual cemetery decoration day service sunday june 26 at 2 pm the annual dicksons hill cemetery decoration day service will be held sunday june 26 at 2 pm the annual salem cemet ery decoration day service will be held sunday june 26 at 230 pm june 28 the piano students of louise clarke will hold a recital tuesday june 28 at 730 pm in the markhani pentecostal church 16th avenue mar khani west of hwy 48 june 29 the annual whitchurch- stouffville strawberry festiv al begins wednesday june 29 and extends through sunday july 3 wednesdays events follow lawn bowling com petition 130 to 8 pm free swimming 1 to 4 pm open ing ceremonies 530 pm visit by ronald mcdonald 5 to 6 pm stouffville lions beef barbecue 530 to 7 pm teen dance at the uec cen tre 730 to 1030 pm miss whitchurchstouffville pageant at the high school 8 to 1030 pm citizen of the year ceremony at the high school 930 pm