cio tribune may 18 1988 ye your say question do you think that stouffville should continue to grow or should it remain the same size hilde hoist it should grow so it will be come more modern the mall is nice and we should have more things like that gail beckett i wouldnt like to see it much larger because of the negative effect growth would have on farming this is good farming land around here and we dont want to lose that bread basket alan gaston growth is always a good thing otherwise you stagnate but i think they should hook up to the big pipe before they do anything that would reg ulate growth better brenda howell im not against a little bit of growth as long as they make a bypass so traffic doesnt go through th downtown area main street stcuffville is far too busy now unroof special regular price of all sunroofs til may31198g includes our unconditional oneyear guarantee including sealant ask us about our many other services its going to get hot beat the heat with our tons price 1v4 187500 2 s1 99500 2v4 227500 3 240000 hi fhks woude mfg rebate tax and ihstauatkm qenermsrki loan plan ttooacaoiyffcaoto am financed by the hi royal bank at interest hies botow prnn digital setback thermostat with ac installation hurry call us today ast chance for rebate imonfri 85 i saturday 812 auto glass 15 laidlaw blvd markham 2s4314s m heating and air conditioning 7439930 maple 8320718 m buy from the manufacturer interlocking paving stones pps as low as 09 sqft many shapes and colours to choose from doityourself ob use our authorized instauers open on saturdays 8 am till 1130 am pemn paving stone e 1355 shawson drive 2480 royal windsor drive 2777 fourteenth ave hblklnthof40iwodiirl fclo5oilhdn ulnhorrt mttuum ontario mcssissauga ontario mississuga ontario rrmgormley ww 1c4 l4w 1c4 10h 1g0 4166789331 4168234727 4164792201 factory locations open to the public federal paralegal 4716556 debt ccnscmafion wis immigration inoorporaton pardoro smab claims court uncontested omow provincial frattccart susan campbel mwkham unlonvtbt richmond hb ken smurthwaite heating ltd air conditioning duct work custom sheet metal stouftvllle 6401428 skylights unlimited where skylights are our only business spring sunlight special como see our display at stoulmlo sales bams on weekends 8881408 gulshans secretarial services call 4707259 for totters memos statistical typing s organi zational charts loaturing ibm compamo pcs wordperfect muiinale lotus 123 plus training on above softwares ajdtrt to advertise call 2942200 4959440 6402100 john heaton painting contractor high quality decorating fully guaranteed airless spray completely insured 6404338 professional buildersi design consultants residential commercial renovations additions specialists kitchens bathrooms dmc construction 2940778 6404538 evgs dflvid barkey painting and decorating professional reasons experienced 2943026 polo renovations 348 main st n markham 00t glenn avery services ltd major minor renovations seasonal openings cosings heaters filters pumps chemicals accessories 24 hr service 6402666 18 years experience four season aluminum sales est 1961 replacement windows siding fascia soffit ajcan bufcjog products doors windows al craig glenn r r 3 sfouffville vinyl siding eavestroughs awnings phone 6405603 hathaway bros painting paper hanging airless spray interior exterior pratt mam bert commercial industrial 32 years in business 220 main st e 6403075 tea setting fireplaces brickwork wooden fences psrtog patios wertodung stone concrete lorenzo 2949735 or 2947707 64041 34 alter hours new whisper air gsssbi canadian comfort sxrvkmq thtokuttn toftohto ama 4662 kingston road no 131 scarborough ont m1e 4y7 4404509 spring special purchase before april 31st 1988 receive free 3 years parts and labour warranty finally theres an air conditioning unit that you know is operating because you can feel its comfort rather than because you can hear the noise it makes the new whisper airs big on cool comfort and incredibly low on traditional air conditioner