economist suntk1bune may 11 1988 b3 2944331 4959440 6402100 6492292 announcements f- hunter cw general insurance b 6402248 colley borland vale wsurance brokers umtted success square stouffville cards of thanks reesor the family of the late charles w reesor wishes to thank friends and relatives toe their kind expressions of sympathy cards flow ers and memorial donations appreciation is also extended to the staff of union villa and to dr oybenko for their kindness and care to the oixongailand funeral home for their caring service and rev leslee atfano for her words of comfort births he is 1 todd brenden alexander first for janice stecwey sandy first grandchild for ruth lloyd steckley first great grandchild for maude claude kerr brenden arrived at i 1 pm on wednes day may 4 1 988 weight 6 lbs 1 0 oz at york central hospital we all thank god for this bundle of joy addition to our family adams sheldon and kathy are delighted to announce the birth of katies brother sean sheldon born april 18 1988 at 1226 pm weighing 8 lbs 4 oz at mount sinai hospital proud grandparents are mr don oconnell mrs anna parker of toronto and mrs barbara adams of markham 19th greatgrandchild for mrs bessie barkey of unionville cleverdon randy and lise are very proud to announce the birth of theirdaughtershawna born may 6 1988 6 lbs 3 oz the 25th grand child for alcide and frances plante of sudbury and 1st grandchild for howard and phyllis fieverdon of huntsville lumley tom carol nee shallhorn are thrilled to announce the arrival of a daughter kendall marie 7 lbs 13ozs on wednesday ilay 4th 1988 at scarborough centenary hos pital warmly welcomed by 1st time grandpa rents ray irene lumley and mike pat shal lhorn greatgrandfather arnold shallhorn and greatgrandmother nellie bennett uncle richard shallhorn and aunt chris shallhorn mount gary and lisa rowe are delighted to announce the birthof their son jacobgrant jibs 6 oz on friday may 6 1 988 at north york general hospital third grandchild for clyde and doreen mount and fifth for reg and nancy rowe birthdays happy birthday daddy love bandit slippy the family of the late erma reesor wish to thank relatives and friends rev jack morrison rev charles king the dixcngartand funeral home the locust hill ucw for the prayers flowers cards and words of condolences at the time of their bereavement we desire to sincerely thank all who graciously offered their help in many ways while mabel was in hospital these past months to our rela tives and friends a special thanks for your prayer support at this time also all those who provided transportation we do thank you very much mabel and louie hoover deaths jarvis marcus lome at scarborough centenary hospital on friday may 6 1988 in his 79th year dear husband of dorothy hart and brother of jean son of the late herbert j jarvis and pearl morris loved by his nieces and nephews rested at the marshall funeral home richmond hill service was held monday at 130 pm interment victoria souare cemetery donations to the canadian cancer society or the hospital of your choice would be appreci ated ramer blanche marie atcm passed away peacefully at bestview health centre markham on friday may 6th 1988 in her 90th year be loved sister of mabel sherkridgeway and carl ramer markham beloved aunt of eileen horn ing and carol climenhaga david gordon and robert ruth pugh funeral service was held at locust hill united church on monday may 9th internment locust hill cemetery forthcoming marriages bruce and anna fockler of ringwood and dr charles and dorothy pickett of st george take pleasure in announcing the forthcoming mar- riageof jeffrey bruce and laura mary wedding to take place june 4 1988 at holy trinity angli can church st george ontario murray and evelyn jones rr 1 ashburn and jack and helen green rr1 blackstock are happy to announce the forthcoming mar riage of their children linda evelyn to john charles on saturday june 18 1988 at 300 pm mt zion united church in memorioms hoover chuck in loving memory of a de voted husband father and grandfather who passed away may 15 1986- his memory is our keepsake with which well never part god has him in his keeping but we have him in our hearts sadly missed and lovingly remembered by his wife betty and family lorraine cecil david and michael lost found lost 16th and 48 area 4 month old german shepherd cross female tan black white re ward if found please call 4715853 or 479- 6608 lost may 4th to 5th in wootten way fin- cham area 6 year old spayed female persian black gold eyes flat face missing many teeth reward 2949861 personals are you pregnant distressed birthright cares 4714412 karen hunt electrolysis stouffville thursdays only 6401317 6401 188 port perry 416 9859085 free consultations an an please make me a tall super salesperson heck phyllis one out of two aint bad happy birthday from all your friends business personals babies for tv babies 6 weeks to 2 years whole some looks for busy talent agency for catalogue television mrs ward 9252474 incorporate vour business protect yourself legally and save taxes 22000 disburse ments law firm 5934982 or 5931884 cards of thanks audbhey and edith neave sincerely thank their many friends who made the occasion of tjioir 50th wedding anniversary such a happy time a very special thanks to our family sincere thanks to my family for tho lovely surprise supper to relatives and friends for flowers gifts and greetings on tho occasion of my birthday all was deeply appreciated may barkey needed 20 people to lose weight on herbal nutritional program no drugs no exercise 100 guaranteed call sandra 7551601 telecare offers 24 hours a day free confiden tial listening and offers of help by trained work ers to anyone lonely or troubled 7311212 why wait any longer rid yourself of embarrassing problem hair forever permanent ha removal lor lades proven rosutts professional execnorco 19 years experience prto conftderaal vivien smith cpe 5071 highway 7 aw from uv varuwn cah today tor m ppommant 4703149 registration personals alcoholics anonymous 4875591 canadian cancer society for information call president 2942266 2942565 477- 4021 patient services 2945037 2940423 6405672 in memoriams 29418536402461 4771626 can surmount 6402702 reach for recovery 2941023 4773793 singles meet people who want to meet you meet your match dating service 4715010 tenders town of markham tender 1 for the supply of fire department vehicles 8826 sealed tenders clearly marked for the above noted commodity will be received by the town clerk until 1000 am may 18 1988 tender forms and specifications for the above may be obtained from the purchasing department 8911 woodbine avenue mar kham ontario lowest or any tender or any part of any tender not necessarily accepted cj reardon amcta ppb purchasing agent town of markham 8911 woodbine avenue markham ontario l3r1a1 tenders 77ie regional municipality of notice to contractors sealed tenders properly marked will be received by the regional clerk until 1 00 pm on thursday may 26 1988 for the undermentioned contracts in the regional municipality of york 158838 light duty motor vehicles one 4800 kg gvw diesel power crew cab stake truck two 4000 kg gvw liquid propane powered pickup trucks one 2800 kg gvw liquid propane powered pickup truck one 2800 kg gvw liquid propane powered window van one 3300 kg gvw gasoline powered cargo van one 2035 kg gvw liquid propane powered pickup truck one 1819 kg gvw liquid propane powered minivan tradeins will be available for inspection at the engineering departments gar age friday may 20 1988 from 900 am 1200 noon specifications information to bidders tender forms and tender envelopes may be obtained at the office of the engineering depart ment the regional municipality of york woodbine avenue 2 kilometres north of the aurora road tender documents may be purchased for the sum of ten dollars 1000 per set no refunds are allowed tenders will be opened publicly at 100 pm thursday may 26 1988 in committee room no 2 second floor regional building 62 bayview avenue south entrance newmarket ontario tenders shall be delivered to the clerks office 62 bayview avenue north entrance second floor newmarket ontario l3y 4w9 the lowestoranytendernotnecessarily accepted w h hodgson p eng commissioner of engineering eldred king regional chairman ontario mgs tender house for rent 3 bedroom brick and frame house with attached frame garage on 0404 hectare 0 1 acre ofland situated on pan of lot 7 concession 5 town of markham region al municipality of york and located appro ximately mile south of highway no 7 on the west side of kennedy road known municipally as 7930 kennedy road un ionville open house 400 to 700 pm monday may 16 i988 offers to lease will be accepted intoronlo until 300pmwcdnesdayjunel i9s8 at which lime they will be opened in public for offers to lease and further information please contact george maclcllan tel 4169652040 please quote file no m670339a legal notices notice to creditors and others estate of elizabeth hercher date of death january 26 1988 the undersigned propose to distribute the assets of the estate of elizabeth hercher late of the town ol whitchurchstouffville in the regional municipal ity of york retired and will be responsible only for claims of which they have notice and which are received by them on or before the 27th day of may 1938 dated at richmond hill this 27th day of april 198a amos baker and edna may baker executors by their solicitor robert h blackburn q c suite 303 10350 yonge street box 176 richmond hill ontar io l4c4y2 mai 1st ate apartnanfecondot for sa buttfwuocvortun fanrta f o st rrt ft wd houtat for safca mutig wanlad indutlnatcomrnaroal spaoa imtfflotlbufwtt proparty let ft aaaagat mortgaga loaitt 0catt spaea oul of t0n profwit pmmtfyoufmfeor ctrt1 slorm f y sah ftw ft warmd townheat f v sa ftemtau apttwt ft f lt for rw apetrans ft fiartwamad s ajonftumt for rr4 maftftlodgat houwtfotnra ha m i kk to btrt iis i0o- 135 1s iso iso l 111 105 in in in ik in sriayad aocommojaon towitouttt for run uisuneuvwo bom ft supcmt cafflptrt traiart campara trarvl saat carrfring ftmxtm iictoai ft emit mot homtt ft partt roon ft sxvtot fltraaraourpda canada ivtorta campt 194 190 3s m ji5 1u jio js sos index food gagyard salat i s 3 350 sfxyttcwt tmcht for safe spoilt eeuar trm vacafcon proparaet wtyraiokm hotchanotsc tftm rvfa lamp n mteott itutm wri ooontrorntrtsmrme 191 is iw ik aquf i mmft mtmwarm copwhtvdto jm s to j mo- io sis m in pttt succtoi ft boansng plymograpry pouoy ft ikmtxt tcattl for cvtrtt t v nv sfo autcmakt afltqjtcan aulocar wolwwowf a5 parta 5t fva 300 364 370 m 3m 390 3m otwartad garag ft saoragt spac i 39s 3s0 4 450 445 440 400 405 455 os trwctawaraad van4wh4iortvaj hopwaktio carart caravr traatvig ceragvnt data procattaig oomt imp imm oonarmhaowaraad c caracal haft hnpur uokal otrtjl hocalftfttaurarl oiht part tma saavjrul hc 425 4t0 415 4 eouaiumtv noikcs adoptont amuwmtrta curt awuncaflhktfl 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