economist suntribune february 17 1988 c17 more whats on contd from c16 blood is strong is an adventure comedy drama dinner theatre performances take place thursday friday and saturday evenings with a luncheon and matinee performance on wednesdays for reservations and further in formation about performances at cullen barns call 4774475 hobby horse arms conrad kipping entertains audi ences this weekend with your favo rite blue grass and country tunes at hobby horse arms main st ux- bridge sheraton parkway sara and david hamilton per form their uptowndowntown sounds in captain peppertrees at the sheraton parkway david sings solo monday to wednesday while the duo joins forces thursday to saturday markham theatre tickets are still available for the production the importance of being earnest playing tonight attention property owners and tenants in the towns of whitchurchstouffville and pickering want to appeal your assessment you still have time to appeal your 1987 assessment if you feel your home or business property has been improperly assessed your assessment is important because the amount of property tax you will pay in 1988 depends on it the assessed value of your property is multiplied by the municipal and school mill rates to determine your prop erty taxes notices of property valuation were mailed to all property owners and tenants in the municipality open house infor mation sessions were held in your area to give you the opportunity to ask questions and correct any errors the assessment roll was delivered to your municipality on february 16 1988 and will be used to calculate the taxes you will pay in 1988 you can review the roll at your municipal office during regular business hours if you believe your property has been improperly assessed and you have not yet registered an appeal you still have until march 8 1988 to mail or deliver your appeal to the assessment review board and remember even if you did not receive a notice of property valuation you still have the right to appeal appeal deadline march 8 1988 the assessment review board is an independent tri bunal under the jurisdiction of the ontario ministry of the attorney general it is intended to provide you with an additional opportunity to have your assessment reviewed if in your opinion it is not fair and equitable with the assessment of similar properties in your area the review board is more informal and relaxed than a regular court of law you may present your own case retain a lawyer or ask a relative or friend to speak as your agent to help you in filing your appeal notice of appeal forms are available from the assessment review board your regional assessment office or your municipal office you can also use the reverse side of a notice of property valuation or write a letter giving the property address and roll number along with your reasons for appealing appeals should be forwarded to the regional registrar of the assessment review board at the address shown below in those parts of ontario designated for french lan guage services you can appear before a bilingual eng lishfrench appeal board please check the space provided on your appeal form if you wish to use this service ministry of revenue ontario regional registrar assessment review board ministry of the attorney general 390 davis dr sta 300 newmarket oniark l3y2n9 through saturday at the markham theatre tonight the tafelmusik series continues with rococo variation english violinist monica huggett is guest artist in a program of late baroque and classical music solo violin and orchestra on feb 12 the york symphony orchestra plays under the direc tion of clifford poole guest artist is the rembrandt trio playing beeth ovens triple concerto with the orchestra concert time is 830 pm on feb 16 and 17 peter ap- pleyard will lead the benny good man alumni in a tribute to the late king of swing benny goodman its part of the theatres music series i the markham theatre has announced that two of the five war saw ballet members who defected last november will make their canadian debut in markham the dancers recently joined theatre ballet of canada which opens a 28city north american tour on feb 19 and 20 at the theatre for further information and tick ets call the theatres box office at 4790201 unionville high school home sweet home will hit the stage wednesday feb 24 through saturday feb 27 this original play is about sub urbanite kids who have been sent enced to do community work the job to clean up vacant city lots as punishment for doing petty crimes take this test to see how your child is doing at school success at school is usually obvious but learning problems can besubtle does your child often put off homework or dawdle with it li yes resist reading aloud or talking about school u yeo withdraw or show off to extremes u yeo complain that school is harder now wpc or come home with poorer grades ij yeo no no no no if yes in any case call sylvan learning centre most of our students increase their basic reading or math skills by a full grade level after just 18 weeks two hours a week of instruction for more inforrrution call 7646284 ttjcrcs no obligation 390 stecles ave w thornhill ellen fcldman m ed executive director sylvan learning i centre wfe help children master the basics ofleaming 1988 sytan learni ng corporation one grade equivalent score as measured by a nationally normed standardized achievement test here they encounter street kids runaways who live on one of the vacant lots and are trying to make a living on the street theatre performances begin at 8 pm tickets are 8 for adults 6 for students and seniors and 5 for chil dren 12 and under for further in formation call ellen meles or linda rowe at 479287 brodies brodies located in unionville features don bell thursday through saturday evening callers at dance buttonville womens institute is the scene for a st valentines dance saturday at 830 pm the dance is sponsored by the canadian olde tyme square dance callers association and will include a variety of callers ladies should bring a simple re freshment such as sandwiches cake cookies or pickles so that all can sit down and enjoy an old fashioned snack at the dance tea will be provided for further information please call 2490147 or 2419930 boy scouts hobby show markham and unionville boys involved in the scouting move- mentinvitealltosee their hobbies and crafts at a display this weekend the york summit hobby show will take place at unionville high school on saturday feb 20 from 130 to 4 pm boy scouts cubs beavers venturers and rovers will display their work which ranges from stamp collecting to woodworking and baking the boys are competing for trophies and points for their sec tions and groups the items on display are not for sale admis sion is free a crest design contest was held to garner interest in the show the winner is russell brown of the second markham scouts youre invited v event msterling silver e mwmswmi as muchas pickering town centre 8315241 excluding new arrivals markville shopping centre markham 4792198