c economist suntribune january 6 1988 b5 general help help wanted join our winning team canadian tire petroleum division has immediate job opening as follows full time one selfserve gas bar cashier we have flexible work schedules and competitive wages our excel lent benefit package includes bonuses ohip dental and major medical coverage also be sure to ask about our profit sharing plan qualifications if you are interested in working with people and looking for a challeng ing career onthejob training is provided pick up the telephone and make an appointment by calling cathy branget at 416 2943960 or visit our pit stop located at canadian tire pit stop 935 8675 mccowan road mccowan road north of highway 7 markham ontario all students seniors and homemakers welcome call today join a winning team wlaoo 510 now hiring qualified hair stylist to join thunder the salon and market martin parsons advanced hair design diploma an asset call or apply in person between 1000 am and 600 pm i receptionist retail experience and excellent communicating skills a must opportunity for self starting honest person interview by appointment only sunder the salon and market phone 4711988 43 main street n markham ontario l3p 1x3 help wanted for our 3 locations part time student cashiers full time part time bakerydeli full time bakerydelisnack bar unionville store apply in person no experience necessary lubkhluujuhst hwruhtuhst kwy 7 iumiuii luhtlunfwsi w msw ii 2 your office skillspmoff in markham richmond hill we have openings for word processors with lotus 1 2 3 and multimate secretaries with 60 wpm typing and good telephone manner data entry operators on standard reverse keyboards receptionist for long short term jobs clerks to file photocopy match apply today work tomorrow 4717707 or 8894130 village shoppes 70a main street north markham cob temporary services l id formerly preferred personnel stclair the paint and paper people full time help required for local paint and wallpaper store must enjoy working with public and have a flair for decorating will train apply in person st clair the paint paper people sherwood plaza hwy 7 galsworthy fruit market hwy 7 at woodbine ave we are currently taking applications for the following positions fulltime parttime cashiers o deli salad bar grocery t meat department in addition to our friendly work environment we offer competitive wages and an employee benefit package apply in person for information call 4798877 pizza drivers full part time dishwashers kitchen staff part time part time apply in person 8515 mccowan road at hwy 7 4715050 r- junior payroll clerk accounting clerks file clerk the head office of a large retail drug store chain has the following positions available junior payroll clerk with some previous experience td payroll experience an asset accounting clerk with some experience should have aptitude for figures and be able to use an adding machine file clerk some experience preferable but not necessary we offer a competitive wage and full range of company benefits for move information call e sturgess 6694900 marriott corporation cafeteria help full time required monday to friday days good- salary and be nefits good working atmos phere free meals and uni form pleasant personality and positive attitude a must if you qualify please call mcneil pharmaceutical at 6406900 ext 279 parttime looking for extra money to supplement your income we can help red lobster canada is looking for a mature energetic team player to work as a mailroom clerk in our scarborough office tuesday and thursday daytime you will be responsible for coordinating our shippingreceiving and mailroom organization some light lifting required mailroom experience an asset but not essential for more information contact bruce weippertred j416 7573676 lobstd grow with us country cleaners opening 3 locations stouff- ville markham unionville part time full time evening or morning counter kelp pressers shirt person many position available call 6403023 leave message fulltime employment a leading auto window manufacturer has immediate openings for machine operators and assembbrs the successful applicants wa have a grade 12 level education able to work 2nd shift and be a selfstarter who is at work regularly and on time start rate 934 per hour 1st shift excelent benefits excel metalcraft ltd 95 cousins drive aurora ontario ug 3h1 we wi open special hours to receive appbeatons tuesday january 12 and wednesday january 1388 530 pm 8co pm regular personnel hours are 900 am 400 pm monday friday rmvkjus 1m7 applicants need not rewviy n hup ji i mcdonalds of markham hiring full time evening workers hours 5 12 612812 midnight or combinations to meet your availability 3 5 nights a week transportation home could be provided as part of the mac tonight team several benefits will come your way apply at hwy 7 mccowan or call michael smith store manager 4772891 m mcdonaicrs retail opportunity we are the number 1 chain of pet foodpet supply stores and we are expanding currently we require individuals to be trained in markhamuni0nv1lle th0rnhillrichm0nd hill wages start in the2300026000 per week range a performance review with potential for substantial wage advancements occurs each six months for the first twenty four months and yearly there after good benefit program we value hard work and reward extra effort previous applicants need not reapply petvalu 2927296 between 9 am 5 pm senear ontario pay equity act bill 154 proclaimed the pay equity act bill 15i is effective as of january i 1988 the purpose of the act is to remove gender discrimi nation from the wagesetting process the pay equity act obliges the public sector and private sector firms with 100 employees or more to develop pos and implement pay equity plans and to make wage adjustments where pay inequities arc found the following timetable applies wage adjustment posting starting group date date public sector employees jan 1 1990 jan 1 1990 private sector employers with 500 employees jan 11990 jan 11991 private sector employers with 100199 employees jan 11991 jan 11992 private sector employers wilh5099employccs jan 11992 jan 11993 private sector employers with 10- 19 employees jan11993 jan 1 1991 ioniinp in voluntar lor private sector employers w iih fewer ctun 100 employees the legislation covers fulltime and permanent part- time employees but does not cover casual workers or students private sector employers with fewer than 10 employ ees are exempt for further information concerning the act please contact the pay equity commission at 150 eglinton avenue east 5th floor toronto ontario mipies phone 181- i 16 i toronto area or 18003878813 honourable gregory sorbara minister of labour george r podrcbarac commissioner