best available copy c economist suntribune january 6 1988 b3 2944331 4959440 6402100 6492292 t 1 ooj2 births i ho ho ho speers john and anita nee herreil happily announce theirbest christmas pre sent ever leah erin bom on her due date december 2s 1 937 at 326 pjn weighing 7 lbs 1 ot delighted grandparents are edgar and rosemarie herreil and george and ethlewyn speers and great grandmother mrs ethlewyn daniels thanks to dr pat terson and the nursing staff at scarboro centenary hospital birthdays happy 18th birthday steven the collins family v happy birthday j donna woolford a love lori stacey business personals babies for tv babies 6 weeks to 2 years whole some looks for busy talent agency for catalogue television mrs ward 9252474 2 incorporateyourbusinessprotectyourself legally and save taxes s220oo disburse ments law firm 5934982 or 5934884 cards of thanks i would like to thankthe young lady and 2 young men who helped me when i fell on new years l day on montreal street robert harman 1 would like to thank dr petrie and my surgeon dr john moffatt from west hill for the excellent care received during my surgery and the wonderful staff at scarboro centenary hospital mrs shirley noble goodwood the family of the late myrtle l watson wish to kg thank all those for their kind words and deeds 3 during our time of sorrow a special thanks b given to oneill funeral home rev wayne v reed united church women and pall bearers the family of the late a j woods thank their many friends for the cards food flowers dona tions to the markham stouffville hospital mar kham van and choir gown funds thanks also to rev fred styles for his consoling message isobel whittaker for playing the organ and to the choir for providing the lunch after the funeral with sincere appreciation nora and seaman woods peggie and tim clark we wish to express our deep appreciation for the many acts of kindness expressions of sym pathy floral tributes donations to various char ities during the recent loss of our dear mother grandmother and great grandmother verna bakerjones a iuvcial thank you to rev doug shanks dixongarland funeral home and un ion villa for their kind loving care over the past nine and a half years rene jack bud baker ruby ncron and families coming events markham and east york agricultural society annual meeting wednesday january 13 1988 at 8 pm in general exhibition build ing at fairgrounds i p brown jme william at ross memorial hospital lindsay on monday december 23 1987 jim brown of ftr 4 omemeo in his 66h ywr beloved husband of helen taylor loving father of peggy mrs bill bower stouffville and cathy mrs brent rynard of leaskdale dear grandfather of jeff michelle etlty and jennifer rested st oneill funeral home stouffville service and committal was hed in the chapel on wednesday at 2 pm spring inter ment stouffville cemetery baker vema see jonesvema notice deaths christine patricia smolski tina as the result of an accident on friday january 1 1988 in her 27th year christine will be lovingly re membered by her parents john and helene smolski her broker norbert her grandparents relatives and friends in canada and germany resting at the dixongariand funeral home 166 main street north highway 48 markham on tuesday 24 and 79 funeral service in the chapel on wednesday at 1 1 30 am along with the service for douglas mackenzie interment elgin mills cemetery those desiring may send in memoriam donations to the charity of their choice holmes mae on tuesday december 29 1987 at green acres home for the aged newmarket mae nee clarke holmes in her 77th year be loved wife of hayton holmes sister of mrs merle buchanan and the late william clarke dear mother o diane williamson and grand mother of wendy janet donna and richard dear sisterinlaw of lyn hughes cremation was held family received friends at the dixon gartand funeral home on thursday december 31 1987 those desiring may send a donation to the canadian cancer society jones vema a at unionvilla on tuesday de cember 29 1987 vema a jones of markham in her 90th year beloved wife of the late percy jones and the late walter baker dear mother of jack baker of edmonton daniel bud baker of stouffville ruby mrs g norton of markham and the late austin baker loving grandmother of richard jim baker janice williams wen dy hockley and lee norton and 4 great grand children dear sister of etta mrs clarence vettch of uxbridge private family service was held in the chapel of the dixongarland funer al home markham on thursday december 31 1987 interment resthaven memorial gardens scarborough madill ernest at centenary hospital scar borough on friday january 1 1988 ernie madill of stouffville in his 94th year loving father of preston clifford wray laura and ross predeceased by ralph and newton fondly remembered by his grandchildren and many great grandchildren rested at oneill funeral home stouffville service and commit tal was held in the chapel on monday at 2 pm spring interment stouffville cemetery miller lloyd wj retired flight sergeant rcaf at st michaels hospital toronto on monday december 21 1987 lloyd miller of port perry in his 71st year beloved husband of etta pat loving father of harley and his wife jenny lynn and her husband david laird and brent dear grandfather of stephen geoffrey andkrista laird brotherof rita mrs a mielke predeceased by echlin rested at oneill funer al home stouffville service was held in the chapel on wednesday at 230 pm interment stouffville cemetery mckay lucy ann at york county hospital newmarket ontariosunday january 3 1988 in her 82nd year beloved wife of ernest mckay dear mother of gloria mrs ernie allison and the late ernie loving grandmother of cathy sister of elizabeth mrs h terrell mable mrs a brierley eliza george and jack hayes and the late william and thomas hayes resting at the dixongarland funeral home 166 main street north highway 48 markham on tues day 24 and 79 service in the chapel on wednesday at 2 pm internment pine hill cemetery mackenzie douglas keith as the result of an accident on friday january 1 1988 in his 23rd year beloved son of russell and margaret mackenzie dearly beloved brother of gordon and gina michael cheryl roselynn kenneth and beloved uncle of melinda beloved grand son of edna mackenzie and rosaline miller both of montreal resting at the dixongarland funeral home 166 main street north highway 48 markham on tuesday 24 and 79 funeral service in the chapel on wednesday at 1130 am along with the service for tina smolski internment elgin mills cemetery those desir ing may send in memoriam donations to the charity of their choice home improvements handyman will do any carpentry renova tions from kitchen to bathrooms rec rooms etc 12 hour many references 3902078 24 hr service bill we clean where others fear the threads deli cate carpet and upholstery cleaning call george 2933352 in memoriams chr1stenson norman in loving memory of a dear brother and uncle who passed away january 6 1984 he is gone but not forgotten and as dawns another year in our lonely hours of thinking thoughts of him are always near days of sadness will come oer us friends may think the wound is healed but they little know the sorrow that lies within tho heart concealed always remembered george marian nieces kathryn susan paisley thomas harold in loving memory of a dear husband father and grandfather who passed away january 9 1976 so many things you did for us in your kind and loving way you gave us years of happiness no one can take away memories bring bock the day when we were all together and in our hearts youll live with us forever lovingly remembered by wife lillis and family obrien cindy weatnerill in loving memory of a dear daughter sister and mother who was killed january 10 1987 there wilt always be a heartache and often a silent tear but always the precious memories of the days when you were hero we hold you dose within our hearts and there you will remain to walk with us throughout our lives until we meet again remembering you is easy we do it every day by looking at your children todd wayne and kim but missing you is a heartache that never goes away no one knows the grief we share when the famih meets and youre not there a special smile a special laugh a special person we cant replace always remembered in our hearts and thoughts mom dad weatnerill tennis michael paul dale todd wayne kim and oarreh obrien tenders town of markham tenders 1 supply and printing of town envelopes 8801 sealed tenders clearly marked for the above noted commodity will be received by the town clerk until 1000 am january 1988 tender forms and specifications for the above may be obtained from the purchasing department 891 1 woodbine avenue markham ontario lowest or any tender or any part of any tender not necessarily accepted mrs cj reardon amcta ppb purchasing agent town of markham jki a ibb flwibbijfti sh jsl in memoriams shaw percy in loving memory of a dear father and grandfather who passed away january 5 1984 a sadness still comes over us teats in silence often flow memory keeps you ever near us though you died 4 year ago dad you have not really left us you are never far away what we have are memories that bring you back each day forever loved and sadly missed by bob lynne and melanie and pat keeler ethel in loving memory of a dear wife and mother who passed away january 5 1984 gone are the days we used to share but in our hearts you are always there the gates of memory will never close we miss you more than anyone knows with tender love and deep regret we who love you will never forget always remembered by husband john and family alice irene marjorio and husbands and families legal notices notice to creditors in the state of ivor leslie vickers late of the town of whitchurch- stouffville in the regional municipality of york deceased creditors of the abovenamed de ceased who died at scarborough in the municipality of metropolitan toronto on or about may 4 1987 are hereby notified pursuant to the trustee act to send to the undersigned proof of their claim on or before the 25th day of janu ary 1988 after which date the assets of the estate will be distributed having re gard only to the claims of which the undersigned will then have notice dated at newmarket this 17th day of december 1987 all leslie vickers and catherine mcguckin executors by their solicitors boyd cumming kathryn boyd barristers solicitors 130 main street south newmarket ontario l3y3y7 lost found lost ladies gold watch markham area on december 23rd 2941719 personals are you pregnant distressed birthright cares 4714412 alcoholics anonymous tuesdays 9 pm at st andrews united church 48 just north of 7 canadian cancer society for information call president 2942266 2942565 477- 4021 patient services 2945037 2940423 6405672 in memoriams 2941 853 6402461 4771626 can surmount 6402702 reach for recovery 2941023 4773793 karen hunt electrolysis stouffville thursdays only 6401317 6401188 port perry 416 9859085 free consultations telecare offors 24 hours a day freo confiden tial listening and offers of help by trained work ers to anyone lonely or troubled 7311212 transportation available wanted 695 ride wanted by young lad uxbridge to claremont 78 am return s6 p m 6492505 houses for sale 100 stouffwuje bjtkspjit approximately 2100 sq ft doume garage 6 ear parking 24 x 24 ft family room fireplace oak kitchen inground pool central air and vacuum no agent t19690000 640790 officebusiness space 150 attention small businesses retired execu tives professional offices or suites from s40000 monthly furnished unfurnished re ception secretarial services fax xerox phone parking hwy 7 near 48 phone pam 4714350 stores for sale rent wanted 1 55 approximately 1000 sq feet in plaza on 7 hwy 7817411 retail space for lease if youve dreamed of opening your own store now is the time 1000 sq ft available in the markham location sunday opening area can be di vided call in confidence susan hall 4716600 re max markville realty ltd small retail space wanted 400 sq ft mar kham thornhillrichmond hill area 47901 13 business opportunities 160 its easier than you think to earn 25000 per year we teach you our proven method to raise large lively bait worms in your basement or garage odorless low investment early bird ecology since 1975 call representatives in woodbridge at 8562248 apartments flats for rent 1 70 in jamaican family home one bedroom base ment apartment partly furnished own entr ance own bathroom suit single business per son or student no cooking facilities 4716838 large 2 bedroom basement apartment 4 ap pliances close to go train transit shopping and schools very clean 80000 call john479- 5952 2942533 large 2 bedroom basement apartment 75000 inclusive available immediately mar- kham road hwy 7 4718286 main street north markham one bedroom 50500 including utilities available february 1 suits single nonsmoker references 2995160 days or 4752686 evenings new basement apartment 2 bedrooms within walking distance to stores and school call be tween 6 10 pm 6405697 one bedroom basement apartment available february 1st robinson hwy 7 area 294- 5325 one bedroom apartment available stouffville 1 year old call 6448260 days 2948278 even ings short term available immediately main street unionvillo across from go 2 bedroorrj upper 80omonth inclusive 2 bedroom lower 900month inclusive 4777302 unionville lower level of house 55000 inclusive suit singlo woman nonsmoker pri vate entrance fireplace and den first and last references call 5 pm 10 pm 4772260 houses for rent 185 a cory 3 bedroom bungalow on country prop erty fireplace 4 appliancos available im mediately 1025 plus 7273171 6401534 brand new 3 bedroom houso 2000 sq ft double garage walkout basement wood bine south of 16th ave 8rca available febru ary 1 1988 160000 2941179 brand new 4 bedroom house 2200 sq ft double garage woodbino south of 16th avo area availablo februcy 1 1988 175000 294- 1179 bawiew16th avenue richmond hill 4 bedroom family room 2 baths fireplace etc 130000 plus utili ties phone 5304800 days 4774880 evenings br1mley steele four bedrooms 2a baths double garage family room fircpljce main floor laundry fenced lot 5 appliances shop ping schools ttc markham transit immedi ate 135000 negotiable 475054 stouffviux horses kids dogs ck 200 aero farm tennis court pond plowed drive way 1100 monthly call between 8 10 am 6404152 three plus one bedroom brick bungalow 2 washrooms large garage in town available march 1200 plus utilities 6405136 houses for rent 185 two houses for rent- uxbridge area 1 in town 90000 plus utilities 3 bedrooms 1 out of town 3 bedrooms 90000 plus utilities jim or lorraine wood remax scugog realty ltd 6406755 18002633288 res 8523237 three bedroom house in uxbridge complete ly renovated cathedral ceilings big lot would consider short term rental 850 plus utilities 6403740 tammy bungalow 1300 sq ft family room fireplace cute cozy brand new move in right away in uxbridge close to everything 95000 jim corrigan ramax scugog 6406755 res 8527518 unionville 4 bedroom 3 baths 3200 sq ft executive home 150000 plus utilities 479- 61084795082 unionville short or long term 4 bedrooms plus library 2750 sq ft 4794897 evenings 7648100 days available immediately -fmquiwsohlogo- f0r rent stouffville in town 3 bedrom backsplrt large fenced yard attached garage family room available jan s105000month call john walley 6404151 markham village 4 plus bedrooms execu tive family homo 2500 sq ft quiet crescent finished basement fenced yard walk to school vendor transferred available immediately si 500 month call 2942656 evenings markville area 3 bedrooms main floor family room 3 appliances 1 v4 baths fully broadloomed attached garage 95000 plus no dogs 4771084 markham 3 bedroom detached new condi tion on crescent landscaped fireplace all con veniences 1200 loreta polsinelli 4771270 markham 4 bedroom executive home backs on tennis court pool etc 140000 utilities references bill 2343410 weekends markham spacious and clean 2 bedroom bungalow on largo lot walk to go station 1050 per month utilities no appliances 294- 9827 after 6 pm markham downtown 3 bedroom home with curtains spotless 1050 month call 6403467 markham 3 bedroom townhouse fridge and stove included finished basement available feb 1st 105000 month joanne bond 294- 1372 or 2340415 mccowan16th new 3200 sq ft executive 9 loom double garage pan national re 461- 11144795050 markham 3 bedroom 2 storey large eatin kitchen 4 appliances broadloom walkout to large back yard oversize 2 car garage 122500 2949833 days 4714186 evenings townhouses for rent 190 markham townhouse 3 bedroom ivi baths end unit air conditioning finished basemont garage close to schools and park immediate short or long term call 4717576 markham lovely 3 bedroom townhouse finished basement parking available march 1 940month 4711262 rooms for rent wanted 192 furnished room use of kitchon parking close to bus stop unionvillo area will suit ma- turo female 350 per month 4773964 hwy 7 48 furnished room availablo for nonsmoker call 2948825 after 6 pm near markham room in large house non- smoker 275 a month plus oxpenscs leave message 4282208 room largo unfurnished bathroom pri vileges garage woorten way 7 area end of january first last 35000 2947939 room fro rent own laundry facilities stouff ville area fireplace quiot atmosphere 649- 3715 sunny semiprivate 2 room unit near transit light cooking shared bathroom working fomalo preferred 50000 month 2948242 shared accommodation 194 country home furnished room own bath room all facilities 40000 all inclusive suits responsible adult nonsmoker 1st last 887- 9493 fourth person to share farm house at major mackenzie and kennedy 300 month plus v of utilities phone russ 8871541 evenings markham person to share 2 bedroom apart ment everything available fully furnished call 4718347 shared accommodation 194 responsible male or female to share town- house in markham 5 appliances dose to trans portation 375 inclusive first and last refer ences call guy 4711082 or 7528321 responsible person to share housejn mar kham brimley and denison area own room and bath share kitchen s360 first and last references please call jim 4701352 townhouse to share with 2 others 5 ap pliances 13 rent 13 utilities call 2948083 leave message on machine business person to share 4 bedroom home pool parking many amenities bill 2943410 weekends vacation properties 200 affordable beautiful detached homes in pollution free spring hill florida free litera ture michael stanwick 2949012 rentals outside canada 205 clearwater ounedin brand new luxury townhouse by week or month 4751146 florida clearwater area december still available 60 furnished mobile home sleeps 5 vh washrooms 2 bedrooms only take your personal belongings and beach towels 683- 7245 poultry livestock 305 elmar farm landrace and yorkshire boars bred and open gilts a stouffer woodville 705- 4392216 horses for sale or lease one 6 year old purebred arab mare english or western call 6408152 between 8 8i 10 am wood shavings dumped blown in or pushed in 5842295 or 8573807 articles for sale 310 appliances refrigerators sidebyside s279 up washers dryers stoves etc written guarantee 4977634 bed ikea cannonball style dark pine queen size like new paid 386 selling prico 150 phono 2942372 brand new beautiful maternity clothes siie 10 4740397 bauhaus overstuffed sofa and loveseat cream white just purchased in november must sell 950 set or best offer 6406142 contents sale miscellaneous furniture antiques pine oak cupboards etc glass and china 234 hillsviow richmond hill second house from bayview one block north of 16th avo sat jan 9th ii am 5 pm 4774880 evenings draperies daisys window decor verticals venetians balloons russians and lots more call today for a free estimate 2948944 dining room contemporary 9 piece oak excellent condition s100000 4773519 inglis apartment size washer dryer 13 months old seldom used 6404136 after 6 pm new beds truck load sale 39 1 0900 54 12900 queen 15900 markham mattress king 2941055 oak barrels whole good for planters etc 294- 0459 evenings weekends pianos new 179500 479974q 340 liquid cooled polaris many new parts in- eluding engine extras include excellent condi tion 1974 ridcau 500 62000 original miles 1000 call 6402196 pool table used 195 sturdy wood base fully adjustable top and legs scoreboard pool cues holder snooker balls plus numbered 2945502 dining room pccarvantique whito table six chairs and server perfect condition asking 100000 or best offer 4741814 tree creations roll top desks cedar chests corner hutch round oak table and chairs rock ers dry sink washstand lea kitler mon fri 6 10 pm sat 12 noon 6 pm 6405385 used furniture appliances huge selection johns hideaway furniture 55 wellington st west 2941055