p46 weekender december 12 19s7 office help 525 earn christmas cash lots of opportunities to gain ex perience and earn extra sss temporary receptionist with typing 40 wpm s79hr int secretary with 50 wpm s9- 11hr clerk typists with 40 wpm s7- 850hr long term temp traffic coordinator centrally located markham firm requires a traffic coordinator january 1 re sponsible for goods movement booking on all earners and airlines customs and transport documents customer service inquiries salary negotiable permanent receptionist person friday join a winning team where every day offers variety some typing re quired congenial atmosphere s1 6000 int secretary responsible for correspondence and reports in sales environment super conge nial atmosphere and good be nefits have fun and work too s180o0s20000 call karen 773266 or 7646344 group m claim service office secretary the state farm insurance com pany has an immediate opening for a highlymotivated secretary lo cated in our markham office at fer- rier and steeles your responsibilities will be to per form all secretarial and office sup port functions relating to claim handling by field claims personnel to qualify you will possess good typing skills 5060 wpm the abil ity to communicate and meet the public operate a transcriber and have good telephone manners an excellent company comprehen sive benefit package and smoke- free environment are being offered to the successful candidate to arrange a confidential interview call betty rockall at the regional office 416 2985015 or forward your resume to her at the state farm insurance company 1801 brimley road scarborough ontario ml p 3h3 an equal opportunity employer asta state farm suw cur legal secretary full time experienced legal secretary required immediately with emphasis on real estate estates corporate work and some matrimonial please call 4775151 vtofc famly trust cobpoftatlon requires 2 full time staff members to join our finan cial service operation in markham these positions are entry level clerical positions with ample opportunity for future growth previous banking ex perience would be an asset call anne poulin 2944405 or 4800393 8 wellington street west markham l3p 1a2 accounting clerk required to perform general accounting duties know ledge of computers helpful full time or part time 16000 to start call christine 4700030 accounts receivable clerksecretary required by an aggregate producer to perform com puterized ar and data entry responsibilities other duties to include typ ing and reception we offer an excellent benefit package experience pre ferred 6492193 or 2947602 accounting cost clerk for richmond hill plant minimum 2 years acount- ing experience workng to ward cma or cga and with grade 1213 education working knowledge of french as asset competitive salary and ex cellent benefits 8849161 receptionists 3 positions these are not your ordinary recep tionist positions they offer com puter training andor word proces sing training advancement and excellent employee benefits flexi ble start dates 1718000 4716060 or 4701771 brownlee personnel ser vices scoilabank the bank of nova scotia clerk typist part time 9 am 1 pm mondayfriday inquiries to ken walton 4756400 clerical assistant required for expanding export company in mar kham typing skills essential 50 wpmmini mum pleasant tele phone manner will train to our office routine alcorayinc wm w kennedy vp 4759564 clerk do you have an aptitude for detail work we have immediate open ings for wellorganized indi viduals with good math skills and some computerterminal skills to assume clerical duties in a busy department we offer a good starting sal ary excellent benefits and flexible work hours ac nielsen co of canada ltd 160 mcnabb street markham ontario l3r4b8 4758048 production clerk we have an opening in our work order department for a mature well organized in dividual you will be responsible for preparing production orders for manufacturing reception relief and any other clerical duties as re quired your hours of work will be 7 am to 5 pm we offer an excellent start ing wage for this entry level position as well as an attrac tive benefit package if interested send your re sume to personnel depart ment canac kichens ltd 360johnstthomhilll3t3m9 insurance broker wardensteeles rapidly expanding insur ance broker has career opportunities for expert enced customer service rep resentative preference will be given to individual with computer in put experience and ribo license or ability to obtain one pleasant working environ ment with competitive salary and benefits junior clerical for filing and miscellaneous cler ical duties please contact frank or christopher holman 4755233 junior secretary we require a junior secret ary with good organizational skills good communication skills and good typing to work in various marketing departments providing sup port to sales staff we offer a good starting sal ary excellent benefits pack age and pleasant environ ment ac nielsen co of canada ltd 160 mcnabb street markham ontario l3r4b8 4758048 junior receptionisttypist a majordinnerwaregiftware importer re quires a friendly outgoing personality for their offices located near highway 404 and 7 please send your resume to villeroy boch canada ltd 55a east beaver creek road richmond hill ontario l4b 1e8 junior receptionist secretary required for leather im portexport company duties include telexing typing and reception work call bev 8881987 secretary receptionist must type 50 wpm and be a selfstarter salary commensurate with ex perience hwy 7 and west beaver creek area call olga 8892000 payroll clerks the head office of a large retail drug store chain lo cated at keeleno 7 has a position opening for an ex perienced payroll clerk t d payroll experience an asset competitive salary and full range of company benefits for more information call e sturgess 6694900 receptionist typist required for small insur ance office insurance background an asset but not necessary call maria at 4751118 receptionist required by health one clinic atthe markham supercentre mall denison kennedy busy medical dental chiropractic clinic re quires additional office personnel for evening hours 48 pm mon day to friday call dr blaine gushaty dc 4796565 secretary junior secretary re quired for progressive richmond hillbased company dealing with sales and service depart ments must be responsible organized and well groomed call 8862071 data entry clerk doncaster healthcare cen tre has a temporary posi tion opening for an experi enced data entry person potential for fulltime we offer a competitive wage location woodbine steeles for more information call unda thomas 4749245