dl4 tkmthfkvexiei381 uxbridge council news council joins program by robin robinson uxbridge township council voted november 23 to join a pro- vincially funded tree planting program next year the township will pay for 750 trees to be planted across the municipality the trees cost 10 each and are planted and maintained by the lake simcoe conservation authority a study by the conservation au thority identifies the areas most in need of reforestation the trees provide a windbreak and im prove the visual appeal of the areas mayor gerri lynn ocon nor said in recent years many mature trees have had to be removed be cause of disease or injury the mayor said those have not been replaced and as a result many township roads look very bare the trees will be distributed equally and each of the townships five wards will receive about 125 trees next year save onsmart looking fleece separates great styles for the guys for casual or dressier times in comfortable grey mix poly cotton fleece with colour motif sizes 714 polo tshirt regularly 16 everyday 4 a low price li print cardigan regularly 24 everyday low price bo pants regularly 22 everyday low price iv sizes 26x herringbone print top regularly 18 sjj50 pants regularly 18 proposal gets initial okay by robin robinson uxbridge township council gave tenative approval no vem- ber 23 to newmarket precast a manufacturer of concrete pro ducts to expand their plant the proposed 60 foot by 180 foot addition to the plant on vic toria road will hide the existing patchwork of buildings that make up the plant said com pany spokesman wayne mid- dleton in addition 10 to 12 new jobs could be created mayor gerri lynn oconnor said council would allow a per mit to be issued now so the ex cavation work could begin and the foundation could be laid be fore winter but the mayor added that the company would have to work on the site plan agreement with council the building permit only cov ers the foundation the mayor said no further construction can begin until we have a satisfactory site plan mayor oconnor said ward 5 councillor larry au sten said he was concerned about outside storage at the plant that was visible to neigh bors and unsightly he wanted the firms assurance that the outside storage area would not be expanded along with the building middleton said that the firm had no plans to use more space outside for storage and that proposed landscaping of the grounds after construction i should enhance its appearance rji i ranpoi propane big savings now on superiors outstandingheatingippliances kia interest vij payments make 12 equal monthly payments irom dale of purchase and pay no interest dealers may oiler additional savings models may include optional leatures installation and delivery extra save 300 on all highefficiency propane furnaces superior propane furnaces keep your home warm and comfor table whenever the temperature dips choose from the best names in highefficiency furnaces they cost a little more than conventional furnaces but you save in the long run through reduced fuel bills go propane the lowcost t energy alternative in areas not served i ml fir by natural gas mmm cud propane uii imkw urnituiutuiiinmti nctumc town htm ncuruf cash your family allowance cheque and save 15 on any purchase do it all with propane superior propane 8470 keelo street n ol hwy 7 concord ontario 6691145 ioionto66ij3m slidivru muni- munl i jo sit bb