ffebfwppysgrgfffly u weekender comment daycare centre may move statistics say single pa rents are on the increase and two- parent families with both parents working are also on the rise both categories of families are creating a well documented need for day care governments have been slow on every level to recognize this need but recent ly provincial funding has been flowing corporate on site day care facilities are becoming more commonplace those who can pay do pay against this atmosphere of cooperation we have markham council pitted against a well established private daycare facility which operates in the former womens institute adja cent to council chambers parking is at a premium the main complaint against the operation yet so is alternative space for a daycare centre in the area one councillor suggested the institute may be used as a com munity centre for buttonville which would presumably not create daytime parking prob lems why then couldnt it re main day care by day lets get our priorities straight is it cars or kids jo ann stevenson creative alternatives are needed i may never ha ve to go shopping again for during the past month or two i have had a steady proces sion of juvenile peddlars at my door offering just about anything a guy could possibly need for sur vival entertainment and christ mas gift giving why in one week i found myself the proud owner of a sunday newspaper subscription choco late covered almonds garbage bags two jars of honey and a christmas tree ornament and they were all purchased from eager little hucksters sent out by their various private schools to raise funds for school advancement and survival being a parent who has both kids enrolled in schools that are solely dependent on private fund ing i guess im a sucker for a kid with a toothless smile and an energetic sales pitch from where i live jdiucz jbtajilzij and theyre on to me by now just the other day i had the brother of a neighbors child at the door trying to con me into buying the same uneeded com modity i had reluctantly agreed to buy only days before from his sister enoughs enough i thought im sure that others in the area have noticed the onslaught as well a day spent as a driver for a couple of kids from my sons school as a part of their honey sale exposed me to every con ceivable excuse a person could concoct for not buying you see its hard to tell a kid outright that you dont want what hes pushing so you hear things like the rents due in a week and im rolling pennies the kids never fail to notice the jaguar in the driveway of those houses others are allergic to the stuff have a friend in the busi ness or are still trying to use up the supply they bought last year and some cautious types arc quick to scan the words on the school jackets to determine whether the school is a non- offensive religious affiliation you find yourself wanting to say to the prospective customer look this kid doesnt enjoy sell ing this stuff any more than you are chomping at the bit to buy it why dont you just give him a break and relieve him of a jar or two you can stick them in some ones stocking at christmas after all it is a tough grind for the kids sure it builds character and teaches them how to handle rejection ive always found in my busi ness endeavors that its a lot more satisfying selling something youve had a part in producing i wonder if we wouldnt be con tributing more to a childs overall growth if we were able to come up with fund raising projects that taught that goods or services are invariably appreciated more when they are purchased from the hard working laborers responsi ble for their production we are so over retailed in our society that i really think were pushing it a little sending our kids doortodoor where they are just another nuisance to be contended with by the resident there is a tendency for some and rightfully so to lump the school kids in the scammers who take advantage of kids in door-to- door sales campaigns i think its time we considered some more creative projects that offer a more laborintensive pro duct like a car wash a leafraking blitz or even the making of crafts and holding a big sale where they are bought by those who can appreciate the work that went into them parents would have to become involved with this sort of thing but it would be a positive experi ence to have the kids working along with the parents economistsun sk the tribune weekender bruce annan publisher kssrwff prinin9 publishinfl and disuibuin8 m 9 horia rd maf second class mail registration number 1247 u ea 5 p every wednesday and saturday at 9 heritage rd hislsh l a p and distributing group of suvrban nowpa rs rsi r v f a news advertiser aurora banner brampton guardran burlington post etobicoke adycrtserguardian georgetown independent milton champion st te n era oakwllo beaver oshawaby this week richmond hwfhcj 3uufcz 5t m s tribune topicwmagiina wzse mi na tom i4 d f divison of harle enterprises ltd national sales representative mctroland corporato sales 491300 9 heritage rd markham l3p1m3 2942200 4959440 6402100 6492292 don bernard editor in chiof jim thomas editor editorial department managing editor jo ann stevenson reporters paula crowoll stove houston deniso mcdonald alan shackleton paul pivato photo- graphysjoord wittoveen bill lanning patricia pappas advertising manager advertising department retail advertising managercharles canning retail- laura goodwin chris johansson susan berry real estate manager- dorothy young real estatekaron heiso classified manager debra weller classified- phyllis ritchie joan marshman r stephen mathieu cathy carter brcnda marshall shirley leo sharon graham chris bertram manager business office bobbie boylan irene cinqmars doris easthopc sheri handy bonnio hart paulanne wright jennifer hutt promotions distribution manager distribution department assistant distribu tion manager- barry goodyear jean middle on dorecn deacon sandra kitoloy lea killer john rigsby donna saxon phil 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