economist suntk1bune october 14 1987 b3 2944331 4959440 6402100 6492292 e a ovjyl anniversaries friends of melvin and lillian barkey are invited to attend an open house in honor of their 50th wedding anniversary to be held at markham mis sionary church mccowan major mackenzie on saturday october 17th from 100 500 pm best wishes only please the family of dorothy blake weir invite you to an open house in honour of their 50th wedding anniversary at central united church 131 main street unionville from 200 pm to 500 pm on sunday october 25th 1987 best wishes only announcements friends of joyce gribble are cordially in vited to attend an open house hosted by her family at her home in honour of her diamond birthday on sunday october 18th from 200 500 pm best wishes only fj new line fj quilted xfo table mats m linens v tfc napkins xt ideal for showers weddings ty sj christmas etc 0 to see call r 2l 2943853 jt birthdays mm wm4s i youve come a long way baby happy birthday mom grandma love carl helen ken neil jane don barb stan chris ann nancy kevin elaine jes sica ashley shannon brian laura future prospects fluffy charlie births della and john wideman are pleased to announce the birth of their first child justin john born august 16th 1987 8 lbs 9 oz at scarborough centenary hospital proud grand parents milton grace fitzgerald and steve donna wideman and great grandparents beat rice wideman and jean van bel heather and steve newman were blessed with the arrival of their daughter kaila meghan 9 lbs 1 oz on september 30ih 1987 mother and daughter are doing well smith ted and christine nee white are pleased to announce the birth of their first child courtney danielle on august 7 1987 weighing 8 bis 6 oz proud grandparents are davey and mary anne white of stouffville and jack and dorothy smith of richmond hill proud greatgrandparents are mary e white and lou and louise moore of richmond hill special thanks to dr a r patterson and the staff at scarborough centenary hospital business personals babies for tv babies 6 weeks to 2 years whole some looks for busy talent agency for catalogue television mrs ward 9252474 cards of thanks thank you everyone for attending the baby shower held for justin wideman at the home of janice keays on september 27th delia justin we wish to thank relatives and friends for cards gifts and good wishes on the occasion of our 60th wedding anniversary fred mildred hope coming events pes w assess durham antique collectable market sunday oct 18th 1987 10 am 4 pm kahn auction barn brock rd n pickering 3vi miles north of hwy 401 exit 399 25 selected dealers admission 100 children free with adult canadiana furniture glass china nostalgia quilts jewellery toots colloctabies dealer information 14337086 s sfrj coming events a season of euchres will commence thursday october 15 8 pm in the lemonville commun ity centre bazaar bethesda womens institute on wednesday october 21st at 1 pm in the silver jubilee building main street stouffville chances are uxbridge hospital auxiliary nearly new shop tuesday october 20 to saturday 24 sale everything half price fall rally memorial christian church thursday october 22nd afternoon service 330 pm pot luck 600 pm evening service 730 pm speaker margaret tyson with child evangelism in argentina markhamjir 0 chapter single parents separated divorced widowwidower speaker ehie george speaker extraordinaire handwriting analysis an interesting way to find out about your strengths and weak nesses she sees all she tells all she may make you laugh or cry place legion 7 washington st markham 1 block east of 48 north off hwy 7 time 830 general mtg upstairs a when wednesday oct 2187 y its time to try us one parent families association of canada 4998408 deaths reeve kenneth harold peacefully at mount sinai hospital on sunday october 11 1987 kenneth h reeve in his 73rd year beloved husband of sheila dear father of victor of un ionville brother of vernon of cornwall eng land resting at dixongarland funeral home on wednesday 24 and 79 pm service in the chapel on thursday at 11 am cremation to follow in lieu of flowers family requests dona tions to canadian cancer society stonehouse ellsworth mogan suddenly at scarborough grace hospital on saturday october 10 1987 in his 86th year dear brother of vera mrs j leaf gladys mrs r haynes jean mrs a jefferson may mrs j cargill ross harfow lloyd and the late louis stone- house funeral service was held in the chapel of the dixongarland funeral home on wednes day october 14 interment at ebenezer cemetery forthcoming marriages mr st mrs donald burdare happy to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter carrie to norman ross son of mr mrs ross hetherington wedding to take place at st andrews church markham on saturday octo ber 17 1987 at 4 pm home improvements drywall taping no job to small kerry 297- 0515 in memoriams lehman erie in loving memory of a dear husband and father who passed way october 15 1986 we cant have the old days back when we were all together but secret tears and loving thoughts will be with us forever sadly missed by helen eric jane and brian martin george harvey in loving memory of george harvey martin who died october 17 1953 remembered always by his wife daisy and family wallace agnes william in loving memory of our parents mother died august 18 1983 and dad died october 11 1985 its just a little but means a lot to say dear parents we havent forgot lovingly remember by the family lost found found 10 speed mountain bike 6404189 lost unionville area sheltie young male orange with white markings looks like a small lassie answers to misty 4771878 lost garage door opener on rouge crest on october 9th 4717393 money concepts presents personal tax strategies using rrsps investment funds speaker date place time admission jerry dykops ca re nowned tax consultant speaker lecturer of the university of toronto tuesday october 27th 1987 heritage room lower con cord markham village lanes 144 main street north markham 730 pm free mr dykops has an excellent knowledge of personal income tax and will be available for questions after the seminar rsvp 2961546 the faiwly of florence and austin metcalfe invite friends to an open house to share in the celebration of their parents for tieth wedding anniversary on saturday october 1 7 1987 from two until four in the afternoon at whitevale united church best wishes only 50th wedding anniversary open house the family of jim and evelyn mcgriskin of mar kham invite yon to an open house in honour of their parents 50th wedding anniversary on sunday october 25 1987 from 100 pm to 500 pm at goodwood community centre best wishes only please deaths butcher john h jack at his home in arthur township on friday october 9th 1387 jack butcher formerly of markham in his 82nd year beloved husband of alpha towriss dear father of james of ballantrac ronald of new market and wayne of keswick dear brother of dorothy mrs kempton rafuso of markham survived also by six grandchildren and one great granddaughter predeceased by ono sis ter ivy funeral services wero held in mount forrest on monday with interment in green field cemetery arthur halforo helen georgina peacefully at provi dence vrlla on friday october 9th 1987 helen beloved wife of the late william halford dear mother of betty and victor reid of markham loving nana of stephen and his wife sandra sandra and her husband reid david and his wife barbara and greatnana of lynsey kimber- fy krystal and nteoje loving frcnd and com panion of jack taylor funeral service was held in the chapel of the dixon garland funeral home on tuesday october 13 interment at mount pleasant cemetery personals are you pregnant distressed birthright cares 4714412 canadian cancer society for informaton call president 2940700 6406952 477- 4021 patient services 2946575 6405672 4772106ln memoriams 29418536402461 4771626 can surmount 64027024773266 mastectomy visitor 2941023 karen hunt electrolysis stouffville thursdays only 6401317 6401188 port perry 416 9859085 frco consultations singles today the magazine ad dating service for single people is pleased to announce the opening oflts york region simc0e office 4167758510 canadas largest dating service cat for a free magazine telecare offers 24 hours a day frco confiden tial listening and offers of help by trained work ers to anyone lonely or troubled 7311212 romantic interludes 24 hours a day 19761919 call anytime jusl 2 co on your phone bill christmas is coming i do you seriously want to kso weight and need help call now for the safe and healthy answer to your prob lems 2945490 tenders tender for the supply of cleaning materials for town facilities sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by the town clerk at 8911 woodbine ave markham up to and includ ing thursday october 29 1987 at 9 am tender forms and specifications may be obtained from the pur chasing department at the above noted address lowest oranytenderorany part of any tender not necessarily accepted c reardon amct a tender purchasing agent 8743 8911 woodbine ave markham ont l3r 1a1 4777000 houses for sale 100 west hill private 176900 move in condition minutes to rouge hill go and 401 appliances included october pos session 3 bedroom sidesplit pic ture window livingroom fireplace informal diningroom hardwood floors throughout manicured 60x125 lot 2846310 no agents please officebusiness space 150 approximately 750 sq ft main floor office space in markham mall reasonable available immediately would suit professional 781- 7441 office space for rent 50000 per month shared receptionist copier and waiting room available call bob davics 2944042 office space for lease 1000 sq ft and 725 sq ft ground floor 2949839 shop space for rent 2 buildings one 900 sq ft not heated and one 1200 sq ft he ated warden stouffville road area 940 month for both 8881127 business opportunities 160 its easier than you think to earn s25000 per year we teach you our proven method to raise large lively bait worms in your basement or garage odorless low investment early bird ecology since 1975 call representatives in woodbridgo at 8562248 mortgage loans 165 no qualifying for homeowners no credit checks fast and confidential bettridgc finan cial services ltd 6403065 apartments flats for rent 1 70 basement apartment for rent available november 1st 1987 call 6407600 between 600 900 pm markham 2 bedroom basement apartment 4 appliances fireplace 600 month available october 15 2948077 one year old 2 bedroom apartment for rent north of stouffville 650 plus hydro 8881948 one bedroom apartment private entranco and parking suitable for single working person no pets 1st and last months rent s485 month plus hydro 6405605 three bedroom basement apartment partly furnished for rent asking 750 first and last reference no smoking abstainers available october 1st if interested call 8875128 houses for rent 185 detached 4 bedrooms steelesbirchmount area call 4757249 house and swimming pool availablo novem ber 1 st clarcmont east near ski resort suitablo for moro than 1 couple must havo references phono for appointment 6492436 markham 4 bedroom 2 baths mair floor laundry room and family room with fireplace double garago closets schools and transporta tion 150000 4752359 mccowanhwy 7 plush executive detached houso 3 bedroom 145000 plus ruby offico 4791811 evenings 479239 main street stouffvillo 4 bedrooms 2 ap pliances renovated 1200 2 year loaso even ings and weekends call 640682 three bedroom 1vj storey close to main street markham and go train unique home lovely lot 125000 call john 2942533 townhouses for rent 190 baywewhwy 7 new luxury 3 bedroom townhouse 2vi buhs fireplace extra days 4754302 evenings 887551 1 townhouses for rent 190 hwy 7 wootten way 3 bedroom 5 ap pliances 10000 utilities available octo ber 20th 2941565 markham 3 bedroom 2 bath 3 appliances walk to go station immediate 950 479- 6502 rooms for rent wanted 1 92 room for rent markham area 35000 per month 2550090 room for rent warden 7 suitable for mature lady close to transportation share faci lities 4771144 roomfor rent with light kitchen facilities quiet working male preferred 300 month available immediately 6408504 shared accommodation 1 94 large bedroom private bath in 4 bedroom executive home female preferred 6405241 stouffville large home to share with ma ture responsible female washer dryer fire place etc s52500 inclmonth first last available november 1st days 4944550 evgs 6403839 sharon seeking single nonsmoking female to share with same markville area close to all ameni ties 350month inclusive references re quired call 4771056 vacation properties 200 affordable beautiful detached homes in pollution free spring hill florida free litera ture michael stanwick 2949012 arizona lovely bed and breakfast available minutes away from scottsdale central location for day trips to tucson mexico grand canyon sedona etc golf tennis shopping nearby 300 cdn week per couple for further information or to book reserva tions call nancy at 4714968 leave message rentals outside canada 205 prestige 2 bedroom 2 bath condominium madiera beach florida on the gulf fully equip ped heated pool weekly or monthly call 494- 2774 hobbies crafts 260 knitting classes beginners and advanced evening classes 4773520 after 6 pm poultry livestock 305 appaloosas brood mare deluxe by stand me grand world champion weanling colt by prince twist reserve world champion west ern pleasure out of stand me grand mare well muscled good conformation loud colour both horses priced reasonably to good homes john 6406716 elmar farm landrace and yorkshire boars bred and open gilts a stouffer woodvillo 705- 4392216 kiln dried wood shavings blown in call reli able wood shavings 4167755805 office or 4165878802 truck wood shavings dumped blown in or pushed in 5842295 or 8573807 articles for sale 310 appliances refrigerators sidebyside279 up washers dryers stoves etc written guaranlee 4977634 affordable clothing at ethels pre0wned apparel complete collection of fall clothing housewares drapes luggage etc 191 wellington st e hwy 7 markham 2348810 thurssat 10 am 5 pm friday 10 am 7pm antique dining room suite 1 large kitchen tablo and 4 swivel chairs 2 loveseats queen- so bed dresser and night table 6407954 balloons romans drapes bedspreads nursery fashions and decorating accessories mado to order 25 discount on all fabrics plan now for christmas call jo marie 2942471 broadloom whito 1 pieco approx length 21 6 by width 1 1 6 and 9 6 excollent condi tion 1 5000 294 0095 draperies daisys window decor verticals venetians balloons russians and lots moro call today for a free cstimato 2948944 deep freezer for salo 20 cu feet 200 00 887- 9409 dining room suite circa 1930 large tablo 4 chairs 8r buffet interesting designsssooo 294- 1663 for sale brown sofa and chair wood coffee table 2 end tables stove lady kcnmore self clean fridge viking side byside 2 stereo re ceiver and turntables old stereo console wood dosk captains chair wood dresser panasonic tv console 24 and moro call 2940690 for sale bedroom suite oak boys single captains bed with 2 drawers under bedside table with drawer 3 drawer dresser 6 drawer long dresser with tall mirror desk with 4 draw ers and chair new condition 2941333 girls 4 piece bedroom suite white sears sonet bed night table dresser and mirror excellent condition 350 640846 articles for sale 310 girls bedroom set 120 carpets 40 each approx 13 x 14 rocking chair 40 chest of drawers 35 phone 6403368 large vi ndow 1 08 x 78 20000 kitchen sink double faucets counter top 6500 kitchen cupboards si 5000 louvered bifold single closet door 77 x 34 2000 pair of bifold closet doors 78 x 47 4000 bathroom window 21 x 32 s5000 bathroom basin vanity 4000 dining room chandlier 3500 4773508 large screen tv great for soap viewers and sport spectators great price call 4278563 or 2945559 ask for steve levelled and partially dismantled barn timbers beams joists floorboards rafters extra heavy steel roofing make offer call george schlukbier 6402395 mercury zephyr station wagon 1981 red kitchen cabinets windows 2 76 x 41 144 x 35 patio door fridge stove dishwasher 2943937 moving sale bedroom set living room chair drapes pictures 2940339 new beds truck load sale 39 s109o0 54 s12900 queen 15900 markham mattress king 2341055 nine piece dining set standard desk buffet rocking chairs lamps andsofa 2946813 or 440- 0389 one pair of tampere junior cross country skis plus poles 2500 4792971 call after 6 pm pianos 19500 down on upright apartment size and grands 4799740 randys refrigeration 81 appliance sep vice new and used appliances repairs to all makes of major appliances authorized dealer for admiral and general in home repairs in shop service visit our showroom and parts counter 347 main st e stouffville 640- 4747 fast reliable service roxton solid maple colonial dining set rec tangular table 6 chairs deacons bench corner cabinet 4772666 steel buildings arch type straight or slant walls all sizes and colors low prices local dealer waymid enterprises stouffville 416- 4733648 12 string ovation guitar and hardshell case excellent condition 50000 firm saturday all day wednesday after 600 4771297 tree creations roll top desks cedar chests corner hutch round oak table and chairs rock ers dry sink washstand lea killer mon fri 6 10 pm sat 12 noon 6 pm 6405385 used furniture appliances huge selection johns hideaway furniture 55 wellington st west 2941055 articles wanted 315 all cash for used furniture we specialize in complete contents call 8310300 for sale 160 ft of snow fence good condi tion call joe kovac 4215730 until 9 pm wanted eatons vt century club mens rectangular wristwatches 25 years service will pay 1000 and up for this watch also wanted old rolex wristwatches write b walsh 173 queen st east toron to ont m5a 1s2 call 14163657240 garage yard sales 320 garage sale saturday october 17th 9 am 3 pm 547 raymerville drive markham household items childrens books toys winter clothing cake decorating supplies hope to see you there garage sale sat october 17th 9 am 9 woodside court markham exercycle tires house jack playpen garage sale 20 valleycrest ave markham saturday october 17 1987 giant street sale bargains on antiques furniture household herns dmore rouge street- markham south of 11 off of 48 october 17 18th 9 am 6 pm garage sale 32 madsen cres mccowan hwy 7 area sat october 17th 94