p6 weekender october 31987 we built a proud new feeling fmm kx alkstoaes close 0 uocar 0cto5caitmt96r a harvest of thanksgiving values mm lii v butterball turkeys 306 fpq2eh concentrated tcw acid rkular mce pyip minute maid orange juice pumpkin pie emi beatrice whipped cream250 ml container 19 e d smith tomato clam or garden cocktail j price i 4 i v1th this fjtt coupon canada first grade wildmere butter i idpkg 199 t towo crv j j iwk 5rf ociiw 0 c w j heinz ketchup w canadano pfloouct of swun thenatuftal snack green almeria grapes 218 iii large size bottle tss m mm sb- h on diet pepsicola or 7up i eight oclock coffee reculai on diet sight eight oclock oclock coffegcoffee 5sfajicic iv case of 2 rflo irt tins t ml bottle 6991269 36a 7 99 sisr save 30 oramgc pekoe tetley tea bags 199 as save 50 general ultis cheerios cereal opan til 9 pm monday tuaday 8190 bayview avenue stouffvine wedneaday saturday thomhill now open 24 hours 399 main st w- now opan monday 9 am saturday 9 pm thun fri 8 am 10 pm is group of adventurous youngsters were set to take to the skies at the air cadets inaugural meeting last week from the left are sonu mehta 14 jamie eakins 12 sean henderson 13 michael dimitriadis 14 steve shipley 15 and ben coats 13 sjoerd witteveen new air cadets squad has all the right stuff by linda collins the new markham area air cadet squadron needs more local youngsters with a high sense of adventure more than 50 new members were recruited at its inaugural meeting sept 27 but more are needed for this challenging and enterprising pastime although often misconceived as a recruiting arm of the canadian forces the primary goal of air cadets is to foster in young people the basics of responsibility and good citizenship the most important things i learned as an air cadet says lieutenant mark nurse com manding officer with the cana dian forces reserve were re sponsibility and leadership skills lt nurse is one of eight leaders made up of men and women of the new 351 unionville royal canadian air cadets squadron there are two registered nurses on staff as well as two st john ambulance instructors in addition to studying flying navigation meteorology jet and rocket propulsion radio and photography cadets receive first aid instruction including emergency and cardio pulmonary courses air cadets is open to those be tween the ages of 1319 and is sponsored jointly by the federal goverment and the civilianbased air cadet league of canada the unionville squadron is sponsored locally by the unionvil le district veterans association from whom we have received excellent cooperation and sup port says lt nurse although the air cadet move ment was originally established in 1941 to train preenlistment age boys and encourage enlistment in the canadian armed forces dur ing world war ii more than 650000 have joined its ranks since 1946 there is no membership fee in air cadets and uniforms training and camps are provided without cost the program runs concurrent with the school year but summer camps of two to six weeks in length are held at canadian forces bases across canada up to 7000 cadets attend camp each year free of charge for which they are chosen on a merit basis and its at camp that novice aviators get a chance to fly in familiarization flights in powered aircrafts and gliders cadets can also qualify for pilot training aircraft and glider courses held at flying clubs schools and special camps and air cadets also offers a chance to travel to different parts of canada the united states bri tain and europe through an inter national acquaintance program sponsored by the air cadet league during their first few months as part of unionvilles air cadet squadron new members will be instructed in first aid aircraft en gines and participate in sports camping trips and day exercises lt nurse says air cadets are always looking for volunteers to act as instructors specifically those with photography or pilot training and those familiar with radiocontrolled model aircraft the 351 unionville royal canadian air cadets squadron meets each friday from 7930 pm at ramer wood public school 11 cairns dr markham