i r 5 i j10vkbkenderseptember 12 1987 macho men give gears to lady machinist amanda day has 18 years ex perience in the employment field as a counsellor trainer designer and teacher ol adult education programs shell be here to answer your questions about jobs how to get them how to keep them and how to flourish in to days complicated and some times frustrating labour market send your questions to amanda at the weekender 9 heritage rd markham ont l3p1m3 no need to identify yourself dear amanda after being miserable doing office work for five years i took the plunge and went after a job as an apprentice machinist a lot of my friends thought i was crazy i thought i might not be considered because im a woman and had little experience but they hired work watch crftnanda llau me for the first time i feel really good about my work and ive just received my first raise the money is important because im a single parent with two children my problem is that im the first woman to do this job in the com pany and the guys are making my life miserable theyre mak ing snide comments pasting up pictures from playboy all over the place and just generally acting like bozos i dont want to lose this job but i dont know how long i can take their hostility what to do confused dear confused if its any comfort youre not alone often women who go into nontraditional jobs go through an initial testing period during which their coworkers try to see how far they can be pushed before running to the ladies in tears there are usually just a couple of ringleaders the kind of guys who eat bullets for breakfast and a lot of other guys who are feeling pretty ashamed of them selves remember bullies on the first day of school dont lose your sense of humour even if it is being sorely tested usually this kind of thing runs its course and is forgotten in the meantime be aware of your less neanderthal coworkers chat them up on an informal onetoone basis when you have the chance speak to your supervisor or someone in the personnel depart ment and ask for their advice and assistance if they hired you and gave you a raise they must think youre worth keeping youd probably benefit from one of the assertiveness training programs being offered by some of our local agencies this fall markham stouffville family life centre 2932471 is offering evening classes at the unionville library york region board of education offers classes through the lang- staff school for adult education 8210 yonge st thornhill 731- 9556 seneca college newnham cam pus finch don mills offers three evening programs asser tiveness training assertive ness training for women assertiveness training in the workplace you can register through the markham office at 8522 mccowan rd across from markville these classes should give you the opportunity to talk with other women who have had similar ex periences and to become comfort able with some new techniques good luck m if distinctive broadlod presents 100 of the beauty 60 of the price amazing savings on crossley karastan carpet for beauty that lasts and lasts carefree antron nylon as only du pont can make it whatever style texlure or colour of carpet you choose make sure youre selling the lastins beauty o du pont antron plus r stain resistance antconhhaijhy inmltd nylon thai hn grcitre rrstavx r lo ljin thin i oo- wntkml nylon liquid jpilk an nt readily absorbed theyre removed simply and rairy builtin static protection carpet made o antron plus eliminates annoying stalk shocks even in com and dry walher lasting beauty since carpet made ol antron plus is casicf lo keep clean it performs bctlcr lhan most other carpets m soil and dirt resistance the jhapc 0 antron rus luc o engineered lo reset soil and dirt because of this special shape sod and dirt arc ess itlefy to remain trapped and easily vf removed with resuhr vacuuming js 4 indulge in a pastel saxony a rich velvel plushwhen made of antron plus your carpel will say beautiful looking longei canadians from coast lo coast prefer carpel made of du pont antron itthncmin with breathtaking beauty that lasts and lasts and their designers and colour consultants give you an unparalleled selection of todays most beautiful colours to enhance each and every decor in your home if youre contemplating new carpel for your home consider canadas finest carpel fealured now at fantastic savings karma the ultimate in luxurious saxony carpel with crossley karastans worldfamous commilmenl lo beautiful carpels that last and last a tailored saxony carpel favoured by so many of canadas linesl homes karma is a perfect balance of performance and luxury and du pont antron nylon provides ihe utmost in care free living a magnificent decorating basis or every room in your home featuring 31 breathtaking colours jf mantra mantra is a finely tailored saxony carpel of incredible luxury and perfonnance designed s lo give you years and years of beautiful s performance in canadas most sought after construction mantra gives you 30 luxurious colours lo choose from at fantastic savings for a limited time only dont miss it value service and advice as only we at distinctive broadloom carpet can offer it beauty that lasts as only crossley karastan can manufacture it crossley karastan carpets are undispulably canadas finest with craftsmanlike dedication to quality the masters at crossley karastan call upon their heritage as orie of ihe worids first manufacturers of fine broadloom lo bring you carpels we have carpeted many of ihe finest homes in our city theres a sood reason why we want you lo be happy with your carpel purchase for years and years lo come that means we have lo help you lo make ihe wisest carpel purchase possible and that means balancing ihe carpels quality with ihe price and savings of your choice your familys demands will usually be as individual as your lifestyle right now were featuring canadas finest carpels from crossley karastan lo give you beauty that lasts and lasts so drop in today and visit our showroom well be happy lo give you ihe kind of advice thai our customers have come lo expect safleupto dkhncttve broadloom 0 and interiors 200 west beiyer creek unit 11 richmond hill 7317977 bm f f see our custom designed area rugs frofn crossley hand carved by our craftsmen until sept 3087 t baby contest correction in the advertisement for the markham fair baby contest the postal code was wrong it should have read l3p 2b4 if you registered from the ad sept 9th please reregister using the cor rect code to ensure your entry will arrive on time the economist suntribune apologizes for our error t by popular demand we have expanded to markham perfect pizza italian style food daily lunch dinner specials special childrens menu raymerville plaza v4t114aiii tc jllltt mccowan rjtnervflk m f i