a6 tribune july 22 1987 s residents band together to ensure fair resale of airport property the planned disposal of more than half the federal governments pickering airport proper ty has sparked considerable public interest con cerned residents gathered in brougham july 15 to form a steering committee to endure the prog ram is run in a fair and equitable manner in top photo claremonts al graham speaks to poten tial landbuyers after he was named committee chairman while at left a resident counts more than 250 collected in a motorcycle helmet to cover committee expenses the citizens group meets again this thursday at 8 pm in brougham community centre chris shanahan i horse show winners by denise mcdonald whitchurch kevin dent and tiffany pell riding heza dun- nit and magnolia power respective ly were both awarded the youth high point trophy during the boots n saddle western horse clubs annual summer show july 12 junior bs sarah roy riding pol ka dot jammers was awarded the lead line trophy by heather and gary westaway with meghan fow ler and sheza belle dude securing walkjog honors an added feature to this months competition was the donation of 25 from stouffville fish and chips in the junior and senior trail and western pleasure classes boots n saddles next summer show will be held aug 9 9 30 am at high quest farm newlyweds opt for oldstyle transportation stouffvilles janice dicks and kevin dunkeld left stouffville pentecostal church in style following their marriage saturday afternoon lionel pur- cell of lionels equestrian centre provided an oldfashioned carriage and team to wisk the cou ple away to a reception at the deer park inn chris shanahan results follow showmanship junior a 1st david howe 2nd be verlyanne ferguson 3rd tiffany pell junior b 1st meghan fowler 2nd reggie dent senior 1st nina surette english pleasure junior a 1st tiffany pell 2nd lisa zeiger 3rd andrea wollner junior b 1st garilee miles 2nd kevin dent 3rd jennifer king senior 1st kathy colombo 2nd deanne archamboult english equitation junior a 1st tiffany pell 2nd lisa zeiger junior b 1st kevin dent 2nd garilee miles 3rd jen nifer king senior 2st patti troughton 2nd sue bradley 3rd deanne archamboult walkjog junior b 1st meghan fowler 2nd reggie dent lead line juniorb 1st sarah roy 2nd john scott 3rd hayley roy trail junior a 1st beverlyanne fer guson 2nd tiffany pell juniorb 1st kevin dent senior 1st nina surette 2nd kathy colombo 3rd sue bradley western pleasure junior a 1st tiffany pell 2nd david howe 3rd beverlyanne ferguson junior b 1st kevin dent 2nd kelly napier senior 1st larry cooper 2nd nina surett- e 3rd lisa cvet western horsemanship junior a 1st david howe 2nd be verlyanne ferguson 3rd tiffany pell junior b 1st kevin dent senior 1st nina surette 2nd mar sha fortus open command class 1st marsha fortus 2nd andrea wollner 3rd jennifer king pole bending junior 1st andrea wollner senior 1st john alden 2nd holly sherman 3rd lisa cvet barrel race senior 1st john alden 2nd scott salverson 3rd holly sherman open flag race 1st susan perkins open down and back 1st scott salverson 2nd susan perkins 3rd holly sherman editors mail r democracy in action dear editor i recently ive seen demo cracy in action while in the united kingdom fiie election campaign was in full swing the telly was full of fehotos showing the prospective candidates and the political leaders kissing babies and shak ing hands with people they have never seen before and will likely never see again this was democracy in ac tion all the political pundits computers and public opinion polls were predicting a small majority for mrs thatcher some even said the results would be a hung parliament f so what happened t all the predictors fell flat on their faces the conservatives ended up with a good working majority of 102 seats the fore casters had given her a major ity of no more than 23 seats so much for polls and pollsters they obviously didnt ask the tight people or the right ques tions j when we arrived back in canada parliament was in the throes of debate on the capital punishment issue the resulting vote was not truly democratic in most cases the mp who cast his vote lyea or nea it was his own per gonal feeling on the subject and jiot those of his riding as a jvholc j an mp is supposed to put for ward in parliament the wishes and desires of his constituents p on an issue so emotional as this how can anyone tell whether his or her vote ties in with the majority in the riding i ask how many mps prior to the de bate polled their constituents not just a few people but the tens of thousands of people who live and vote there how many public meetings were held where people could air their views i beg to suggest that few if any polls or meet ings were held where people could air their views in fact its possible an mp voted contrary to the wishes of his constituents one may ask how is this democracy when an mp votes in the house not knowing the true feelings of the majority in his riding on an emotional issue such as capital punishment i believe a national referendum would provide a more realistic answer and the result could have been very different to the count in parliament another interesting side to the duties of an mp is for him her to to do what heshe can for we the people in the constituency last year mr mulroney was criticized for helping to have a new federal prison built in his riding mr mulroney did what he is paid to do benefit the in habitants of his constituency both financially and economi cally democracy is a political sys tem enjoyed by what we de scribe as the western world it has many weaknesses and ine quities however its the best we have sincerely adam johnstone rr 1 stouffville ps two points with regard to election campaigns that we could learn from the united kingdom 1 the campaign is of only three weeks duration 2 there are no election signs anywhere ifs a moving world and we are here to serve its moving population if you have just moved into a new home call the welcome wagon host ess phone 6403521 i i i i date of application name address crrmown postal code phone birth date