p14 economist suntribune june 10 1987 help for hyper kids the foundation for atten- tional disorders is hosting an area wide talk by a guest speaker from england to be held at winston churchill ci in scarborough at 1 pm sun day june 14 irene colquhoun a grand mother whose children were afflicted with attention prob lems and hyperactivity has travelled across north amer ica speaking as honorary chairperson of the hyperac tive childrens support group because of her busy schedule the scarborough appearance will be the only one in the area the closest foundation office is in stouffville and can be reached at 6402606 itfo help for home buyers ownership housing needs gov ernment attention according to the president of the toronto real estate board although we appreciate gov ernment efforts to provide afford able rental housing we had hoped the new provincial budget would have something for the firsttime home buyer president john oliver said in its assured housing strategy announced a year and a half ago the government promised prog rams that would include both the rental and ownership sectors he added members of the toronto real estate board are very concerned about the future of home own ership in metro toronto especial ly because the demand for own ership housing is expected to grow significantly for the rest of the century mr oliver said any comprehensive long term housing strategy must provide for a variety of housing types the president noted that the government sent up several trial balloons over the past month in dicating there were some plans to make home ownership more ac cessible- however there was no mention of these in mr nixons budget mr oliver said he hopes own ership housing receives some attention when the ministry of housing details how it will spend the remaining portion of its budget this year prices effective monday june 8th thru tuesday june 9th 1987 we reserve the right to limit quantities to normal family requirements savings shown in this ad based on metropolitan toronto asp regular retails we accept all food store coupons marvel hamburger buns or wiener rolls frozen concentrated regular more pulp low acid minute maid orange juice orange pekoe tefley tea bags pkg of 12 pkg of 72 450 g p9 saltines a premium hearty blend custom ground 3 lb bag 739 bokar bean coffee fruit on bottom assorted flavours 2499 yoplait yogourt beatrice assorted flavours old fashioned ice cream instant rich blend viva or colomba 170 g jar nescafe coffee z 99 sunflower oil 3 hire jug 3 short rib roast excellent for braising blade steak canada grade a beef boneless cross rib steak o kg lb l5 chicago 58 deli sliced bottom round corned beef or steak pastrami oo uu i00g gfl lb toh fillers medium rare deli roast beef 1 pillers fine or herb- lherwurst canada no 1 product of california sweet juicy red plums 218 kg product of ontario delicious in salads leaf lettuce canada no 1 product of ontario delicious in salads seedless cucumbers 299 99 with this coupon powdereo laundry scented or unscented i tide i detergent sav660 j with this coupon save so with this coupon regular automatic op filter grind bonus pack 6 line box q 00 motner papers lays or ruffles assorted varieties 406 g vacpjc i unvt ona coupon per fcutry purcrwc 1 offer valo june 881 to t 887 i feature price without coupon 459 i coffee i urw one coupon por anvy fvchsso offer vauo june wl to fen ob7 1 i fht lavs save 20 with this coupon assorted varieties beverages vc toe 122 feature pftrce without coupon 248 stouftvilli 399 main st w ill i potato chips lrat one coupon per tinvy pjctose i offer valo june 891 to on 837 feature price without coupon t8 qq i canada case of 24 280 ml tins vc xreo36r i dry i unit cost 89c per 100 ml iumit ono coupon per larrwy purchaso offer vauo june 8sn to oft 087 open til 9 pm monday tuesday wednesday a saturday now open thur frl 8 amio pm 8190 bayview avenue thomhlll now open 24 hour monday 0 amsaturday 9 pm save 100 vco