i students spellbound by poet i by jeff carney r wandering the halls of stouff- ville district secondary school i can be quite a fashionable experi- jence every style of clothing j from punk to prep can be seen garishly displayed yet on thurs day april 30 stouf fville high saw i a different style strolling through the halls i happened to spot a gentleman sporting a dignified and respect- ajle suit now this wasnt just any suitit appeared to be a period costume from the 1930s intri- gued i followed the gentleman into a filledtocapacity theatre arts room where after a brief introduction by english depart ment head mr hodgson he addressed the audience with a rjch scottish accent i wanted the gold and i gbught it from charles hayters opening lines of verse to his closing re- marks the audience of 112 stu- dents was spellbound perform- ing his popular a touch of robert service presentation j mr hayter dazzled the asembied enthusiasts with biographical in- formation anecdotes and drama tic recitations of one of canadas most celebrated authors robert service with the grace and style of a trained professional the brit- ishborn hayter delighted the au- dience for well over an hour con tinuing his nonstop monolgue with scarcely a pause for breath adopting the guise of the resur- jcected robert service mr hay- ier treated the students with a different method of teaching by ihe end of the presentation stu- dents had memorized lines of verse important dates and other information about service a radically new concept in educa tion dont you agree mr bowes after a welldeserved round of applause mr hayter was open for questions thats when his story unfolded professional actor charles hayter was a member of an acting company when he was re quired to memorize a verse of one of services poems it grew from there he explained the more i read the more i liked his brand of poetry branching out on his own mr hayter has performed this presentation for 17 years at first the presentaion wasnt in the first person i merely told peo- jje about robert service and re- jted his poetry eventually the jdea of impersonating service jook hold and ive been perfect- fig it ever since and he has done an excellent jjob mr hayters presentation jpsrovided students with a long perdue respite from the routine sjid boredom of daily classroom learning educational inspir ational and most of all fun charles hayters presentation re minds us all about the art of teaching town has a rich heritage by ruth burkholder for the past several months a steering committee has been dis cussing the formation of an his torical group for the town of whitchurchstouffville a meeting is planned for wed may 27 at 8 pm in latcham gal lery of the public library in terested residents are invited many changes have occurred in the last 100 years these are seen through the following items schools were built ringwood public school was built in 1887 a debenture was re quired for 1000 the school in ss no 11 was built in 1891 with a loan of 400 in 1898 debentures for 1600 were issued on behalf of ss no 10 armitage school was built in 1911 in 1913 a petition was circu lated to establish ss no 7 whitchurch and ss no 4 mar- khaiii into a union section in 1918 debentures for stouff- ville public school were purch ased out of a clergy reserve fund pine orchard school was built in 1924 towns formed from township in 1858 newmarket was in corporated as a town in 1878 stouffville was incorporated as a village remember the historical group meeting may 27 at 8 pm jfi latcham gallery public lib rary discover more about your heritage economist suntribune may 6 1987 bu to advertise call 2942200 4959440 6402100 service director to advertise call 2942200 4959440 6402100 painting wall covering 30 year s experience quahy servce free estimates roger pavan 8811005 ken smurthwaite heating ltd air conditioning duct work custom sheet metal stouffville 6401428 edwards tv antenna installation repair removal call anytime 4771974 als appliance service repairs to all makes of washers dryers fridges stoves etc guaranteed repairs same day ser- r i vice vv i weekdaysevenings and saturday no extra charge 6407477 4752227 four season aluminum sales est 1961 replacement windows siding fascia soffit ajcan buking products doors windows ai craig glenn rr3 stouffville vinyl siding eavestroughs awnings phone 6405603 jim a bajari building contractor custom homes additions renovations rec rooms decks replacement windows custom carpentry 2941122 asphalt sealing professionally done 12 years experience call 4716429 watch clock j jewellery quality repairs on premises i 42 years experience 78 main st n markham 2944844 spring now for your free estimate start date on pt cedar decks fences gazebos custom built houses additions garages competitive prices guaranteed workmanship from a company small enough to care andys quality carpentry 4740526 mark feldstein chartered accountant accounting audit income tax preparation personal financial planning available for evg weekend appts res 731- 0673 office 4758008 m construction inc industrial commercial residential unionville 4770885 concrete specialists curbs sidewalks garage floors driveways free estimates all work guaranteed evenings 4752524 sam antique auction frima8 630 pm brooklm community centre cassersrde hwy7 412 features country lur mture tratioml tur mtgre phis interesting smalls preview 430 pm note time cwnrje terms cash visa or approved cterue auctioneer earl vckmnon 6553526 tv vcr repairs repairs to all makes 3 months written guarantee same day service ik discount lor seniors 4750686 mon sal garys electronics wayne smith carpentry additions renovations cabinets decks 6406345 david barkey painting and decorating 2943026 nordic roofing eavestroughing free estimates guaranteed work 2944980 metro lic b7395 ask about our spring special wallpapering painting over 30 years experience stouffville markham 2834145 john heaton painting contractor high quality decorating fully guaranteed airless spray completely insured 6404338 painting paper hanging residential commercial interior exterior 35 years experience leo c spurrell son free estimates 2666251 abasco plumbing renovations bathroom alterations repairs new work 4751951 maynard cabinets custom furnishings wall units desks etc fred 6403441 barker roofing siding ltd 6404966 repairs reroofing siding soffits free estimates serving the community since p55 king fence low low prices- 2 yr guarantee wood pressure treated privacy fence latticework post only installed option ov1b3000 mtsmocustouefrs instau10 by pflotusjonau viivham aurora newmarvet toronto rjcnmom hji sejrdoroucrt thornhd woocondge chain link am colour custom out naotira 3607640 843- 6066 653 6066 360760 737x610 36o7640 7374610 3607640 appliance plus co bill horner service installation to all major appliances reasonable rates fast service 2916393 or pager 4263298 mueller custom decorating painting wall coverings colour coordination xhairrails mouldings 15 years experience fftee estimates call bob 4959922 2942200 4959440 jjconomistsun bills painting interior exterior residential commercial serving markham year round bill frechette 294541 5 evgs martin brown painting wallpapering contractor evenings 6404514 murray brown designers builders custom woodworking alterations repairs 8875576 unionville professional builders design consultants residential commercial agricultural renovation specialist dmc construction 4715329 p g fordham carpentry home alterations renovations gerry free estimates 4773495 roger heath carpentry lic b3591 contracting designing basement finishing specialist addtions renovations repairs free estimates s references 2949786 evngs superstudent properly services professional weekly lawn maintenance fertilizing planting aerating call today for a free estimate 4716482 burgess contracting renovations residential l commercial bathroombasement kitchen carpentry drywall taping ceramic tile spray ceilings free estimates ian 2946440 4717599 call seajay services wahpapenng alterations painting reasonable prices 4386133 stouffville painting services fast clean professional prompt estimates evenings 6407737 accounting for small businesses 4931515 allan marks plumbing repairs alterations no job too small 4774330 9211341 daves custom sheet metal heating humidifiers ventilation instalations renovations 4740449 o mccrossan son ltd building contractor custom carpentry our specialty additions renovations custom building 2946141 c0xw0rth construction custom built homes additions renovations rec rooms sun decks kevin 2943666 hathaway bros painting paper hanging airless spray interior exterior pratt lambert commercial industrial 32 years in business 220 main st e 6403075 success square stouftville 64041 34 alter hours concrete work of all types markham area waterproofing and unistone r pagnello established since 1945 2944670 bookkeeping services accounts payable accounts receivable small business a specialty 4740449 diamond custom homes renovations decks additions etc 4731258 anytime onnies halls walls 416 4772823 arm cbby cokx conjutlaroro pantoo wojpoperoq 70 bucbonon drrve unionvie onlono i3r sc8 scottys painting prof painter reasonable rates free estimates 4716392 paintings wallpapering interior exterior free estimates 6838775 or 751 7342 wallpapering specialists kflvanagh roofing residential roofing repair mike kavanagh 2836452 unique const spring repairs custom decks renovations additions licenced insured free estimates michael macisaac 4791743 custom made signs showcards banners private for sale agns truck lettering magnetics illuminated neon signs ccrnstruction billboards cutout letters of all lands g0mbar lettering corp 8862627 1cl construction services general contractors specializing in additions renovations commercial residential 4892650 save money computerized tax return for small businesses and indi viduals husband and wife prepared simultaneously to minimize tax payable call ed 4714430 bookeeping accounting service for small businesses 8895683 unionville broadloom interiors 4418 hwy 7 4773100 unionville 4772700 pirst ouasity wercmarr5e and guaranteed prices t ssciaoc ri00l lutl osaeftes 3ic 6in0s eore oeccr9 tt otxr v rn wrnrm v rf m w p0ray architect- 6945424 oesn hewage renovations construction management consultations 6492292 6402100 weekender the tribune